About the REcmt API

The REcmt API enables S60 applications to send messages to the log view of the Diagnostics window. This is a convenient way to create and observe debug messages from an application: The application can be run in an Nokia N97 device and the debug log can be viewed by using the Diagnostics window.

In order to use the REcmt API, the application must have the following line in its .mmp file:

LIBRARY EcmtClient.lib

It enables the application to link against the functions available in REcmt API:

TInt Connect( );

    void Close( );

    void Write( const TDesC16& aText );

    void WriteFormat(TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt,...);

Connect() and Close() are used to establish and sever the connection to the Ecmt Server. With Write() and WriteFormat() the application can send log messages to the Ecmt Server, which then forwards them to the Ecmt Manager Diagnostics view.

Note: Write() allows the writing of arbitrarily long descriptors, but WriteFormat() has a maximum length of 256 characters which is defined in KFormatMaxSize in EcmtClient.h. The message cannot exceed this maximum length after the formatting has been applied, otherwise the application will raise a USER 11 panic.