Error codes

Error codes are provided in the log file. The following error results are given if the process was unfinished for some reason.



Error message in log file




No error.

File is processed. No error.



Access point already exists.

In some cases, already existing access points cannot be added.



File not found.

The default file is not in the right place, or an invalid path after the f: parameter.

Note: Do not leave a space between the path and the f: parameter.

KErrInvalid Content


Invalid content found.

Invalid content is detected. The process is aborted; one or more access point(s) are not added to the database.

KErrAssertion Failed


Assertion failed.

Assertion condition is not fulfilled. Most likely a bug. Error report should be created with the input file attached.

KErrFileCannotBe Opened


Cannot open file.

For some reason, the input file cannot be opened.

KErrWLANTables Missing


WLAN tables are missing.

An attempt to add WLAN access points. The WLAN tables are missing from the Comms database. Use the “e” parameter to create the WLAN tables.

KErrInvalid Parameter


Invalid parameter.

An invalid parameter is given. Check the parameters.

KErrInvalid Extension


File extension must be .csv or .xml.

File extension is not .csv or .xml.



A not-supported feature found.

If WLAN is not supported, but WLAN access points are in the input, DbCreator leaves with this error message. The unsupported feature must be removed from the input.

Any other


Unknown error

Any other error