Preferences window error messages

The following table lists error messages related to the Preferences window in alphabetical order.

Table 3: Preferences Window error messages





Cannot select the same COM port for both Bluetooth and IrDA

Configuring Bluetooth or infrared connectivity fails.

It is not possible to use the same port for the Bluetooth and IrDA connection.

Configure different COM ports for the Bluetooth and infrared connections.

Could not open <name_of_file>

Configuring global settings, TCP/IP settings or PAN settings fail.

Preferences window is unable to write to the configuration file because the installation is corrupt.

Reinstall the SDK.

Error writing <name_of_file>

Configuring global settings, TCP/IP settings or PAN settings fail.

Preferences window is unable to write to the configuration file.

Check that the file is not a read-only file. If that is the case, change its attribute to "read".

File is corrupted <name_of_file>

Configuring global settings, TCP/IP settings or PAN settings fail.

Preferences window window is unable to write to the configuration file because the installation is corrupt.

Reinstall the SDK.

Java.exe not found on system path. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4 or greater is required.

Starting the Preferences window fails.

You do not have Java Runtime Environment installed on you PC.

To install the required virtual machine:

  1. Go to the Source for Java Developers website at

  2. On the Source for Java Developers website, locate the J2SE SDK download link and click it.

  3. Follow the download and installation instructions.

Please enter a value between 8 - 256.

Configuring the memory capacity fails.

The value entered for memory capacity is not valid.

Enter a value within the specified range: 8-256 MB.

Requirements You will need a Java 1.4.1 or later compatible virtual machine installed on your system.

Opening the Preferences window fails.

Your Java virtual machine version is earlier than the required version.

See the Details and Info tabs on the Requirements dialog.

The Details tab shows the version installed on your system.

The Info tab shows the required version.

To install the required virtual machine:

  1. Go to the Source for Java Developers website at

  2. On the Source for Java Developers website, locate the J2SE SDK download link and click it.

  3. Follow the download and installation instructions.