GPRS connection method

For each GPRS connection method, the following data is created in the log file:


07/06/2006	8:31:06	=====================.
07/06/2006	8:31:06	Processing started....
07/06/2006	8:31:06	=====================.
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Creates WLAN service tables.
07/06/2006	8:31:07	---------------------------.
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Device Settings table already exists
07/06/2006	8:31:07	WLAN service table already exists
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Secondary SSID table already exists
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Destination Network table already exists
07/06/2006	8:31:07	----------------------------------------------.
07/06/2006	8:31:07	0 out of 4 WLAN tables are created. 
07/06/2006	8:31:07	4 out of 4 WLAN tables already exist. 
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Writes Default settings to WLAN Device Settings Table..
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Creates Data Mobility ALR tables.
07/06/2006	8:31:07	--------------------------------.
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Global Bearer Type Priorization table already exists
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Data Mobility Selection Policy table already exists
07/06/2006	8:31:07	SNAP Metadata table already exists
07/06/2006	8:31:07	IAP Metadata table already exists
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Creates Data Mobility MIP tables.
07/06/2006	8:31:07	--------------------------------.
07/06/2006	8:31:07	MIP Service table already exists
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Input file :.XML.
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Feature found : Packet Data Access point(s).
07/06/2006	8:31:07	-------------------------------------------.
07/06/2006	8:31:07	Internet Access Point created:
07/06/2006	8:31:07		 Connection name: gprs5 
07/06/2006	8:31:07		 Not protected
07/06/2006	8:31:07		 ..
07/06/2006	8:31:07	---------------------.
07/06/2006	8:31:07		 result: 0 .
07/06/2006	8:31:07	No error