Criteria for sending a message

The criteria object specifies what type of message to send and what the message details are.

The properties for this object are described in the following table. Properties enclosed in brackets are optional.

Table: Criteria object properties






Specifies the type of message to send.


Possible values:

  • "SMS"

  • "MMS"


Specifies the recipient of the message.

If you want to send the message to multiple recipients, use the MessageParam.To property. You can also specify Cc and Bcc recipients with MessageParam.




Specifies the body text of the message.




Specifies the subject of the message.

Note: This property is only valid for MMS. SMS does not support subject.




Specifies the full path and file name of the attachment.

If you want to include multiple attachments to the message, use the MessageParam.AttachmentList property.

Note: This property is only valid for MMS. SMS does not support attachments.




Specifies the MIME type of the attachment.




Specifies the full details of the message depending on its type. If this is an MMS message, the body text is added as a text attachment.


Object with the properties specified below


Specifies the recipients of the message.

MessageParam.To[0] specifies the first recipient.

array of strings



Specifies the Cc recipients of the message.

MessageParam.Cc[0] specifies the first Cc recipient.

array of strings



Specifies the Bcc recipients of the message.

MessageParam.Bcc[0] specifies the first Bcc recipient.

This property is only valid for email messages.

Note: The Messaging Service does not currently support emails.

array of strings



Specifies the ID of the message that is used as a template for the message to be sent.

If both BodyText and MessageParam.TemplateId are specified, and if the template message already contains its own body text, then both body text strings are included in the message when it is sent, with BodyText appended to the template body text.




If this property is set to "ETrue", the Message Editor is opened over the Messaging Service application. This allows the user to edit the message before sending it.

The default value is "EFalse".


Possible values:

  • "ETrue"

  • "EFalse"


Specifies the attachments to include in the message. For each attachment, its full path and file name and optionally its MIME type are specified.

MessageParam.AttachmentList[0] specifies the first attachment.

Note: This property is only valid for MMS. SMS does not support attachments.

array of objects

Each object in the array contains the properties specified below.


Specifies the full path and file name of an attachment.

This property is mandatory if the attachment is specified.




Specifies the MIME type of an attachment.
