SystemInfo Service API error messages

This section provides information about the error messages returned by the SystemInfo Service API methods.

Generic error messages

The following table describes the error messages returned during the loading of the service provider.

Table: Service provider error messages

Error message


SysInfo:Requested interface not supported by the provider

The requested interface is not supported by the service provider.

The following table describes the error messages returned for unsupported methods.

Table: Unsupported method error messages

Error message


SysInfo:<XXXX>: Command Not Supported

The <XXXX> method is not supported by the service provider.


The following table describes the error messages returned by GetInfo and callback for GetInfo as part of their return value.

Table: GetInfo error messages

Error message


SysInfo:GetInfo: Insufficient Arguments to process

At least two input criteria are expected to process a GetInfo call.

SysInfo:GetInfo: Entity: Input Parameter Missing

The Entity property is missing from the input.

SysInfo:GetInfo: Key: Input Parameter Missing

The Key property is missing from the input.

SysInfo:GetInfo: Incorrect SystemData Type, SystemData Must be a Map

The SystemData property is not an object or the content of the object is invalid.


The following table describes the error messages returned by SetInfo as part of its return value.

Table: SetInfo error messages

Error message


SysInfo:SetInfo: Insufficient Arguments to process

At least two input criteria are expected to process a SetInfo call.

SysInfo:SetInfo: Entity: Input Parameter Missing

The Entity property is missing from the input.

SysInfo:SetInfo: Key: Input Parameter Missing

The Key property is missing from the input.

SysInfo:SetInfo: Incorrect SystemData Type, SystemData Must be a Map

The SystemData property is not an object or the content of the object is invalid.

SysInfo:SetInfo: SystemData Argument Missing

The SystemData property is missing from the input.

SysInfo:SetInfo: ASync Version Not Supported

The SetInfo method does not support asynchronous calls.


The following table describes the error messages returned by callback for GetNotification as part of its return value.

Table: GetNotification error messages

Error message


SysInfo:GetNotification: Insufficient Arguments to process

At least two input criteria are expected to process a GetNotification call.

SysInfo:GetNotification: Entity: Input Parameter Missing

The Entity property is missing from the input.

SysInfo:GetNotification: Key: Input Parameter Missing

The Key property is missing from the input.

SysInfo:GetNotification: Incorrect SystemData Type, SystemData Must be a Map

The SystemData property is not an object or the content of the object is invalid.

SysInfo:GetNotification: Sync Version Not Supported

The GetNotification method does not support synchronous calls.


The following table describes the error messages returned by Cancel as part of its return value.

Table: Cancel error messages

Error message


SysInfo:Cancel: Transaction ID missing

The TransactionID property is missing from the input.

SysInfo:Cancel: Callback object not found

There is no ongoing asynchronous request with the specified transaction ID.