Media Management Service API error messages

This section provides information about the error messages returned by the Media Management Service API methods.


The following table describes the error messages returned by GetList and callback for GetList as part of their return value.

Table: GetList error messages

Error message


MediaMgmt:GetList:Server busy

The provider is busy processing another request.

MediaMgmt:GetList:Type Missing

The Type property is missing from the input.

MediaMgmt:GetList:Type not supported(should be FileInfo)

The content type is invalid.

MediaMgmt:GetList:Filter parameter missing

The Filter property is missing from the input.

MediaMgmt:GetList:Filter parameter type mismatch

The type of the Filter property is invalid.

MediaMgmt:GetList:Sort parameter type mismatch

The type of the Sort property is invalid.

MediaMgmt:GetList:FileType missing in Filter map

Either the FileType property is not present in the Filter map or the FileType property contains a value with an invalid type.


The following table describes the error messages returned by Cancel as part of its return value.

Table: Cancel error messages

Error message


MediaMgmt:Cancel:Invalid TransactionID

Either an invalid TransactionID was passed or an asynchronous call associated with this ID has already been completed.

MediaMgmt:Cancel:Transaction ID missing

The TransactionID property is missing from the input.