Sensor Service API error messages

This section provides information about the error messages returned by the Sensor Service API methods.

Generic error messages

The following table describes the error messages returned during the loading of the service provider.

Table: Service provider error messages

Error message


Sensors:Requested interface not supported by the provider

The requested interface is not supported by the service provider.

Sensors:Interface name missing

The interface name is missing from the request.

The following table describes the error messages returned by asynchronous method calls.

Table: Asynchronous call error messages

Error message


Sensors:Insufficent argument for asynchronous request

The callback method is missing.


The following table describes the error messages returned by FindSensorChannel as part of its return value.

Table: FindSensorChannel error messages

Error message


Sensors:FindSensorChannel:Search Criterion Missing

The channel search criterion is missing from the input.

Sensors:FindSensorChannel:Invalid Search Criterion

The channel search criterion is invalid and does not fall within the specified range of search criterion strings.

Sensors:FindSensorChannel:Channel search param type invalid

The type of the parameter passed for the channel search criterion is invalid.


The following table describes the error messages returned by callback for RegisterForNotification as part of its return value.

Table: RegisterForNotification error messages

Error message


Sensors:RegisterForNotification:Listening type missing

The ListeningType property is missing from the input.

Sensors:RegisterForNotification:Listening type is invalid

The ListeningType property contains a value with an invalid type.

Sensors:RegisterForNotification:ChannelInfoMap missing

The ChannelInfoMap property is missing from the input.

Sensors:RegisterForNotification:Incomplete input param list

The input parameter list is incomplete.

Sensors:RegisterForNotification:Listening type is out of allowed range

The value of the ListeningType property falls outside the allowed range of listening types.

Sensors:RegisterForNotification:Callback missing

The callback method is missing.

Sensors:RegisterForNotification:Notification is already registered on this channel

The notification has already been registered by the same user on the same channel.


The following table describes the error messages returned by Cancel as part of its return value.

Table: Cancel error messages

Error message


Sensors:Cancel:Transaction ID missing

The TransactionID property is missing from the input.

Sensors:Cancel:Incorrect TransactionID

The TransactionID property contains an invalid transaction ID.


The following table describes the error messages returned by GetChannelProperty as part of its return value.

Table: GetChannelProperty error messages

Error message


Sensors:GetChannelProperty:Property id missing

The PropertyId property is missing from the input.

Sensors:GetChannelProperty:Invalid property id

The PropertyId input property contains an invalid value. The value does not fall within the allowed range of property ID strings.

Sensors:GetChannelProperty:ChannelInfoMap missing

The ChannelInfoMap property is missing from the input.

Sensors:GetChannelProperty:Channel property not supported

The specified channel property is not supported and hence no value is returned.

Sensors:GetChannelProperty:Incomplete input param list

The input param list is incomplete.