Font style recommendations for the S60 Browser

Why font style is important on mobile devices

Careful consideration about what styles to use when defining fonts is important because:

  • Mobile devices do not normally have the same variety of fonts as a desktop computer. For information about the fonts available on Nokia devices, see the Design and User Experience Library section Font support.

  • A font size that looks good on a desktop is often too small to read on a mobile device. For example, many websites use font-size: 12px. If viewed on a mobile device with a resolution of for example 640 x 360 pixels, the font appears to be very small.

The following example shows how a Web page that uses pixel values to define font size displays on a desktop browser and on a mobile device. The page is barely readable on the mobile device and, since the values are defined as pixels, they do not scale when the mobile device user adjusts the Font Size Setting.

Figure: Font style defined as pixels

Font style recommendations for the S60 Browser

The following table lists some of the ways that font styles can be defined in a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) with recommendations about which to use when Web pages are displayed in the S60 Browser.

CSS property Value Possible values

How it works

in the S60 Browser

keyword <absolute-size>

xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large

font-size: medium

The user agent (S60 Browser) maintains a font size table that maps the<absolute-size> to a font size that is appropriate for the device.

Yes. This is an easy, dependable way to define font sizes.

The S60 Browser determines the best font size to display depending on a combination of the device screen size and resolution and the Font Size Setting. See below for more information.

keyword <relative-size>

smaller, larger

font-size: larger

The user agent determines the font size relative to both the font size table and the parent element. Using <relative-size> may not produce the desired result since it is based on both the font size table and the parent element and is therefore not recommended.

Units of measure



font-size: 10px

Font size is an absolute value based on pixels. No. Font size should not be defined using pixels. Pixel values do not take screen resolution into account and do not scale depending on the Font Size Setting.

Units of measure


points, in, cm, mm, Picas

font-size: 10pt

Font size is an absolute value based on the unit of measure listed. For example, a point (pt) is 1/72 of an inch.

No. Font size should not be defined using these units of measure. They are better suited for printed documentation.

Units of measure



font-size: 1.0em

Font size is relative to the size of the parent element.

1.0 em is equivalent to the letter M in the parent font-size. For example, if the current font-size 12pt, 1.5em is equal to 18pt.

Yes. Websites that want to fully utilize the advantages provided by a cascading style can use em or percentages values.

The S60 Browser determines the best font size to display based on the relative value of the parent font and the Font Size Setting.

Note: Although using these units of measure is a good way to fully utilize CSS features, the way in which they are applied can be complex. You should study the effects of these values before using them in your website.

Units of measure



font-size: 150%

Font size is a percentage of the size of the parent element.

100% is equivalent to the size of the parent font-size. For example, if the current font-size 12pt, 150% is equal to 18pt.

Note: The S60 Browser does scale font size in response to zooming, regardless of how they are defined.

Using <absolute-size>

An easy and effective way to define font size for the S60 Browser is absolute-size.

absolute-size refers to an entry in a table of font sizes computed and kept by the user agent, in this case the S60 Browser. In other words, the S60 Browser keeps a table of absolute-size keywords and maps those to the best size font to display on a particular Nokia device. font-size: medium is the default font size for the S60 Browser.

Using the absolute-size also ensures that the when the mobile device user changes the Font Size Setting, the S60 Browser changes the font size to reflect the setting. Following is simplified example of the font-size table that the S60 Browser could use to determine which font size to display depending on the absolute-size and Font Size Setting. For information about the fonts available on S60 Devices, see the Design and user Experience Library section Font support.

Table: Display size: 2.6" Resolution: 240x320


Font Size Setting

Font size to use
xx-small Smallest Appropriate Series 60 Sans - Nokia
Small Appropriate Series 60 Sans - Nokia
Normal Appropriate Series 60 Sans - Nokia
Large Appropriate Series 60 Sans - Nokia
Largest Appropriate Series 60 Sans - Nokia
x-small Smallest Appropriate Series 60 Sans - Nokia
Small Appropriate Series 60 Sans - Nokia
Normal Appropriate Series 60 Sans - Nokia
Large Appropriate Series 60 Sans - Nokia
Largest Appropriate Series 60 Sans - Nokia
And so forth .... ....

Font-size styles examples

The following example specifies fonts that are based on <absolute-size>.

h1 {
   font-size: x-large;
   font-weight: bold;

h2 {
   font-size: large;
   font-weight: bold;
p  {
    font-size: medium;

Effect of style and Font Size Setting example

Following is an example of defining the font size by pixel (for example, font-size: 12px). Notice that the font size does not change regardless of the Font Size Setting.

Figure: Font size determined by pixels (font-size: px)

Following is an example of defining the font size by absolute-size (for example, font-size: medium). Notice that the font size changes depending on the Font Size Setting.

Figure: Font size determined by absolute-size (font-size:x-large)

Font size setting in the code

Some websites designed for small screens have code that allows mobile device users to scale the font size with the click of a button rather than relying on the mobile devices Font Size Setting. For example, the following web page has the following code that runs a server-side script (resizefont.php) to change the font size.

<div>Font size:
<a href="">S</a>
<a href="">M</a>
<a href="">L</a>

Figure: Resize font