

sysinfo.onchargerconnected = "chargerConnectedEventHandler()";
function chargerConnectedEventHandler()
  // ...


The onchargerconnected property is an event handler for the event of when the charger is plugged to or unplugged from the device.

Since the event is fired off much faster than the value is updated, it is recommended to read the value after a small delay. See example code for illustration.

Example code:

window.onload = function(){
  // Assign an even handler for the charger 
  sysinfo.onchargerconnected = "chargerConnectedEvent()";
function chargerConnectedEvent()
   setTimeout("readValue();", 500);
function readValue()
   if (sysinfo.chargerconnected)
      alert("Charger is connected");
      alert("Charger is not connected");