S60 Open C
Standard C Library/Time Manipulation Functions

Standard C Library/Time Manipulation Functions

Table of Contents

Time Manipulation Functions


Time Manipulation Functions

Time Functionalities



asctime Transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
asctime_r Transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gmtime_r Transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ctime Transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ctime_r Transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gmtime Transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
localtime Transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
localtime_r Transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
mktime Transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
tzset Initialize time conversion information
adjtime Makes small adjustments to the system time, as returned by gettimeofday, advancing or retarding it by the time specified by the timeval delta.
wcsftime Converts date and time to a wide-character string
difftime Calculates time difference

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