AiwCommon.hrh File Reference


#define KAiwCmdNoneStr   "00000000"
#define KAiwCmdNewStr   "101F864C"
#define KAiwCmdEditStr   "101F864D"
#define KAiwCmdSelectStr   "101F864E"
#define KAiwCmdViewStr   "101F864F"
#define KAiwCmdPrintStr   "101F8666"
#define KAiwCmdCallStr   "101F86B0"
#define KAiwCmdSendStr   "101F86B3"
#define KAiwCmdAssignStr   "101F8716"
#define KAiwCmdShareStr   "101F871E"
#define KAiwCmdSynchronizeStr   "101F8724"
#define KAiwCmdSearchStr   "101F87DF"
#define KAiwCmdCopy   "101F87DE"
#define KAiwCmdPrintPreviewStr   "101FD656"
#define KAiwCmdPoCStr   "101FD657"
#define KAiwCmdSynchronizeSelectedStr   "1020720C"
#define KAiwCmdViewOnlineStr   "102072EA"
#define KAiwCmdUploadStr   "102072EB"
#define KAiwCmdXpressTransferStr   "10207430"
#define KAiwCmdUPnPCopyStr   "10207431"
#define KAiwCmdUPnPMoveStr   "10207432"
#define KAiwCmdUPnPPlayStr   "10207433"
#define KAiwCmdUPnPOpenStr   "10207434"
#define KAiwCmdUPnPEnableExternalStr   "10207435"
#define KAiwCmdHelpStr   "10275075"
#define KAiwCmdIntentStr   "10275114"
#define KAiwCmdAddToIntentStr   "10275115"
#define KAiwCmdRemoveFromIntentStr   "10275116"
#define KAiwCmdMnShowMapStr   "10206904"
#define KAiwCmdMnNavigateToStr   "10206905"
#define KAiwCmdMnAddrByCoordStr   "10206906"
#define KAiwCmdMnCoordByAddrStr   "10206907"
#define KAiwCmdMnSelectFromMapStr   "10206908"
#define KAiwCmdSendViaBTStr   "10281894"
#define KAiwCmdSendViaIRStr   "10281895"
#define KAiwCmdEnterpriseTelStr   "20001FC6"
#define KAiwCmdRotateStr   "10281F96"
#define KAiwCmdRotateScreenStr   "10281F97"
#define KAiwCmdCallImageStr   "1028245E"
#define KAiwCmdNFCGiveStr   "1028245F"
#define KAiwCmdSettingWizardEmailViewStr   "10281C95"
#define KAiwCmdContentSearchStr   "10282844"
#define KAiwCmdAnyCmdForObjectStr   "102823F1"
#define KAiwCmdEasyVoIPProvisioningStr   "10283099"
#define KAiwCmdAssignScreenSaverStr   "1028309A"
#define KAiwCmdLocationTrail   "10282845"
#define AIW_CASCADE_ID   0x01010001
 Always keep the provider menu items in a submenu.
#define AIW_INTELLIGENT_CASCADE_ID   0x01010010
 Menu item is placed intelligently either to the main level or a submenu.
#define AIW_LOCK_SUBMENU_TITLE   0x00000020
 Consumer defines the menu title.
#define AIW_OPTIONS_ROM_ONLY   0x01
 Criteria item loadOptions bit, only providers in ROM are accepted.
#define AIW_SUBMENU_TITLE   0x0ff11012
 For providers only: Provider suggests the submenu title.


enum  TAiwServiceCommands {
  KAiwCmdNone = 0, KAiwCmdNew = 0x101F864C, KAiwCmdEdit = 0x101F864D, KAiwCmdSelect = 0x101F864E,
  KAiwCmdView = 0x101F864F, KAiwCmdCall = 0x101F86B0, KAiwCmdSend = 0x101F86B3, KAiwCmdPrint = 0x101F8666,
  KAiwCmdAssign = 0x101F8716, KAiwCmdShare = 0x101F871E, KAiwCmdSynchronize = 0x101F8724, KAiwCmdSynchronizeSelected = 0x1020720C,
  KAiwCmdSearch = 0x101F87DF, KAiwCmdCopy = 0x101F87DE, KAiwCmdPrintPreview = 0x101FD656, KAiwCmdPoC = 0x101FD657,
  KAiwCmdViewOnline = 0x102072EA, KAiwCmdUpload = 0x102072EB, KAiwCmdXpressTransfer = 0x10207430, KAiwCmdUPnPCopy = 0x10207431,
  KAiwCmdUPnPMove = 0x10207432, KAiwCmdUPnPPlay = 0x10207433, KAiwCmdUPnPOpen = 0x10207434, KAiwCmdUPnPEnableExternal = 0x10207435,
  KAiwCmdHelp = 0x10275075, KAiwCmdIntent = 0x10275114, KAiwCmdAddToIntent = 0x10275115, KAiwCmdRemoveFromIntent = 0x10275116,
  KAiwCmdMnShowMap = 0x10206904, KAiwCmdMnNavigateTo = 0x10206905, KAiwCmdMnAddrByCoord = 0x10206906, KAiwCmdMnCoordByAddr = 0x10206907,
  KAiwCmdMnSelectFromMap = 0x10206908, KAiwCmdSendViaBT = 0x10281894, KAiwCmdSendViaIR = 0x10281895, KAiwCmdEnterpriseTel = 0x20001FC6,
  KAiwCmdRotate = 0x10281F96, KAiwCmdRotateScreen = 0x10281F97, KAiwCmdCallImage = 0x1028245E, KAiwCmdNFCGive = 0x1028245F,
  KAiwCmdSettingWizardEmailView = 0x10281C95, KAiwCmdContentSearch = 0x10282844, KAiwCmdAnyCmdForObject = 0x102823F1, KAiwCmdEasyVoIPProvisioning = 0x10283099,
  KAiwCmdAssignScreenSaver = 0x1028309A, KAiwCmdLocationTrail = 0x10282845
 Predefined service commands (UIDs). More...
enum  TAiwServiceCmdOptions { KAiwOptASyncronous = 0x0001, KAiwOptOutParamCheck = 0x0002, KAiwOptInParamCheck = 0x0004, KAiwOptCancel = 0x0008 }
 Service command options (bits) to alter command handling behaviour. More...
enum  TAiwServiceClass {
  KAiwClassNone = 0x0, KAiwClassBase = 0x101F8650, KAiwClassFilter = 0x101F8651, KAiwClassMenu = 0x101F8652,
  KAiwClassStub = 0x101F8653, KAiwClassView = 0x101F8654, KAiwClassDebug = 0x101F866B
 Service classes (UID). More...
enum  {
  KAiwEventStarted = 1, KAiwEventCompleted = 2, KAiwEventCanceled = 3, KAiwEventError = 4,
  KAiwEventOutParamCheck = 5, KAiwEventInParamCheck = 6, KAiwEventStopped = 7, KAiwEventQueryExit = 8
 Event codes. More...

Define Documentation

#define AIW_CASCADE_ID   0x01010001

Always keep the provider menu items in a submenu.

#define AIW_INTELLIGENT_CASCADE_ID   0x01010010

Menu item is placed intelligently either to the main level or a submenu.

#define AIW_LOCK_SUBMENU_TITLE   0x00000020

Consumer defines the menu title.

#define AIW_OPTIONS_ROM_ONLY   0x01

Criteria item loadOptions bit, only providers in ROM are accepted.

#define AIW_SUBMENU_TITLE   0x0ff11012

For providers only: Provider suggests the submenu title.

#define KAiwCmdAddToIntentStr   "10275115"
#define KAiwCmdAnyCmdForObjectStr   "102823F1"
#define KAiwCmdAssignScreenSaverStr   "1028309A"
#define KAiwCmdAssignStr   "101F8716"
#define KAiwCmdCallImageStr   "1028245E"
#define KAiwCmdCallStr   "101F86B0"
#define KAiwCmdContentSearchStr   "10282844"
#define KAiwCmdCopy   "101F87DE"
#define KAiwCmdEasyVoIPProvisioningStr   "10283099"
#define KAiwCmdEditStr   "101F864D"
#define KAiwCmdEnterpriseTelStr   "20001FC6"
#define KAiwCmdHelpStr   "10275075"
#define KAiwCmdIntentStr   "10275114"
#define KAiwCmdLocationTrail   "10282845"
#define KAiwCmdMnAddrByCoordStr   "10206906"
#define KAiwCmdMnCoordByAddrStr   "10206907"
#define KAiwCmdMnNavigateToStr   "10206905"
#define KAiwCmdMnSelectFromMapStr   "10206908"
#define KAiwCmdMnShowMapStr   "10206904"
#define KAiwCmdNewStr   "101F864C"
#define KAiwCmdNFCGiveStr   "1028245F"
#define KAiwCmdNoneStr   "00000000"
#define KAiwCmdPoCStr   "101FD657"
#define KAiwCmdPrintPreviewStr   "101FD656"
#define KAiwCmdPrintStr   "101F8666"
#define KAiwCmdRemoveFromIntentStr   "10275116"
#define KAiwCmdRotateScreenStr   "10281F97"
#define KAiwCmdRotateStr   "10281F96"
#define KAiwCmdSearchStr   "101F87DF"
#define KAiwCmdSelectStr   "101F864E"
#define KAiwCmdSendStr   "101F86B3"
#define KAiwCmdSendViaBTStr   "10281894"
#define KAiwCmdSendViaIRStr   "10281895"
#define KAiwCmdSettingWizardEmailViewStr   "10281C95"
#define KAiwCmdShareStr   "101F871E"
#define KAiwCmdSynchronizeSelectedStr   "1020720C"
#define KAiwCmdSynchronizeStr   "101F8724"
#define KAiwCmdUploadStr   "102072EB"
#define KAiwCmdUPnPCopyStr   "10207431"
#define KAiwCmdUPnPEnableExternalStr   "10207435"
#define KAiwCmdUPnPMoveStr   "10207432"
#define KAiwCmdUPnPOpenStr   "10207434"
#define KAiwCmdUPnPPlayStr   "10207433"
#define KAiwCmdViewOnlineStr   "102072EA"
#define KAiwCmdViewStr   "101F864F"
#define KAiwCmdXpressTransferStr   "10207430"

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Event codes.

To be used with HandleNotifyL method.

KAiwEventStarted  Asynchronous service informs consumer to prepare itself for action.
KAiwEventCompleted  Asynchronous service request completed.
KAiwEventCanceled  Asynchronous service request canceled.
KAiwEventError  Error during asynchronous service request.
KAiwEventOutParamCheck  Relates to KAiwOptOutParamCheck.
KAiwEventInParamCheck  Relates to KAiwOptInParamCheck.
KAiwEventStopped  Provider informs consumer that service is no longer available or has stopped.
KAiwEventQueryExit  Provider asks consumer whether Exit can be done (needed at least in embedded use cases where server application offers Exit possibility to end user, but consumer can not allow Exit due to fact that for example network connections owned by consumer are open and they need to be kept alive).
enum TAiwServiceClass

Service classes (UID).

Technically these are same as service interface UIDs.

KAiwClassNone  None.
KAiwClassBase  Base service (no UI expected).

Every other class must implement this always!

KAiwClassFilter  Filter service class.
KAiwClassMenu  Menu service class (offers menu based services).
KAiwClassStub  Stub service class.
KAiwClassView  View service class (offers view based services).
KAiwClassDebug  This class is for R&D purposes.
enum TAiwServiceCmdOptions

Service command options (bits) to alter command handling behaviour.

KAiwOptASyncronous  Consumer wants asynchronous command handling.

The default is synchronous command handling. In asynchronous case consumer needs to pass a callback to provider.

KAiwOptOutParamCheck  Consumer wants provider to make a callback to check coming output parameters prior returning from service command handling.

Consumer needs to pass a callback to provider.

KAiwOptInParamCheck  Consumer tells provider that it is prepared to handle callback events for possibly incomplete/wrong parameter list.
KAiwOptCancel  Consumer wants to cancel an asynchronous AIW service.

When a consumer wants to cancel the asynchronous service that a provider is executing, it should call ExecuteMenuCmdL() or ExecuteServiceCmdL() with the same parameters as when requesting the service, but set this cancel bit on. The cancel operation itself is synchronous, i.e. the provider must call the consumer's callback with KAiwEventCanceled before the Execute*CmdL() returns.

enum TAiwServiceCommands

Predefined service commands (UIDs).

KAiwCmdNone  Null value.
KAiwCmdNew  Create new content.
KAiwCmdEdit  Edit existing content.
KAiwCmdSelect  Select content.
KAiwCmdView  View content.
KAiwCmdCall  Create call.
KAiwCmdSend  Send content.
KAiwCmdPrint  Print content.
KAiwCmdAssign  Assign content.
KAiwCmdShare  Share content.
KAiwCmdSynchronize  Synchronize content.
KAiwCmdSynchronizeSelected  Synchronize selected.
KAiwCmdSearch  Search content.
KAiwCmdCopy  Copy content.
KAiwCmdPrintPreview  Show print preview.
KAiwCmdPoC  Push to talk.
KAiwCmdViewOnline  View content in online store.
KAiwCmdUpload  Upload content.
KAiwCmdXpressTransfer  Transfer a range of media files to a remote storage device.
KAiwCmdUPnPCopy  UPnP copy content.
KAiwCmdUPnPMove  UPnP move content.
KAiwCmdUPnPPlay  UPnP play content.
KAiwCmdUPnPOpen  UPnP open content.
KAiwCmdUPnPEnableExternal  UPnP enable external.
KAiwCmdHelp  Show help content.
KAiwCmdIntent  Add or remove items from intent.

(Should be used as a menu service command).

KAiwCmdAddToIntent  Add items to intent.

(Should be used as a base service command).

KAiwCmdRemoveFromIntent  Remove items from intent.

(Should be used as a base service command).

KAiwCmdMnShowMap  Client can request that map should be displayed on screen.
KAiwCmdMnNavigateTo  Allows to start navigation to desired destination.
KAiwCmdMnAddrByCoord  Starts reverse geocoding request: finding address for given coordinate.
KAiwCmdMnCoordByAddr  Starts geocoding request: finding coordinate by given address.
KAiwCmdMnSelectFromMap  Allows client to request that user shall select a location from map.
KAiwCmdSendViaBT  Send via Bluetooth.
KAiwCmdSendViaIR  Send via Irda.
KAiwCmdEnterpriseTel  Enterprise telephony.
KAiwCmdRotate  Rotate image etc.
KAiwCmdRotateScreen  Rotate device screen.
KAiwCmdCallImage  Set call image.
KAiwCmdNFCGive  Give different objects to another device using Near Field Communications.
KAiwCmdSettingWizardEmailView  SettingWizard Email view activation.
KAiwCmdContentSearch  In-device search.
KAiwCmdAnyCmdForObject  A special service command enabling consumer to attach for all relevant AIW services for a certain object.
KAiwCmdEasyVoIPProvisioning  To support VoIP settings provisioning with plugins.
KAiwCmdAssignScreenSaver  Assign Screensaver.

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