SenFragmentBase.h File Reference

Link against: senfragment.lib

#include <s32mem.h>
#include <Xml/ContentHandler.h>
#include <
#include <SenParser.h>
#include <XmlEngElement.h>

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Data Structures

class  CSenFragmentBase
 Class implements basic functionality of an XML fragment Typically base fragment is used to parse certain part of some XML document. More...
class  CSenNamespaceData


const TInt KSenStateNotSet = -1
const TInt KSenStateIgnore = 0
const TInt KSenStateSave = 1
const TInt KSenStateResume = 2
const TInt KSenStateDelegate = 3

Variable Documentation

const TInt KSenStateDelegate = 3
const TInt KSenStateIgnore = 0
const TInt KSenStateNotSet = -1
const TInt KSenStateResume = 2
const TInt KSenStateSave = 1

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