In order to use setting lists in an application, the application must contain
a class derived from the abstract base class CAknSettingItemList
An instance of this class then provides the actual setting list control to
be used. This derived class is required to override and implement the method
used to create the setting items. Minimal declaration of this derived setting
list class is presented in the following code sample:
class CMySettingList : public CAknSettingItemList { public: void ConstructL(); CAknSettingItem* CreateSettingItemL( TInt aIdentifier ); private: TBool iFlag; };
The declaration of the class CMySettingList
provides one
data member iFlag
, which contains the binary value of the
only setting item - the binary switch - in our example setting list.
The construction requires initialization of the base class with the resource
. This resource will be described
later with concrete examples.
void CMySettingList::ConstructL() { CAknSettingItemList::ConstructFromResourceL( R_MY_SETTING_LIST_RESOURCE ); }
Note that CAknSettingItemList::ConstructFromResourceL
a window if none has been defined!
The construction of CMySettingList
in the application
UI’s ConstructL
would then look like:
void CMyAppUi::ConstructL() { BaseConstructL( EAknEnableSkin ); iSettingView = new (ELeave) CMySettingList; // Destructor will delete iSettingView. iSettingView->SetMopParent(this); iSettingView->ConstructL(); AddToStackL(iSettingView); iSettingView->MakeVisible(ETrue); iSettingView->SetRect(ClientRect()); iSettingView->ActivateL(); }
The implementation of the method CreateSettingItemL
presented in the following code sample:
CAknSettingItem* CMySettingList::CreateSettingItemL( TInt aIdentifier ) { CAknSettingItem* settingItem = NULL; switch (aIdentifier) { case EMySettingItemBinary: settingItem = new (ELeave) CAknBinaryPopupSettingItem(aIdentifier, iFlag); break; } return settingItem; }
This method reveals a common pattern used with setting lists: the CreateSettingItemL
a switch-case block with a case statement block for each setting item. This
case block typically contains only one statement - the instantiation of the
respective setting item object. Also, this instantiation follows the same
pattern for each setting item. The constructor of the specific setting item
class takes two parameters: the setting item identifier as passed to the CreateSettingItemL
and a reference to the associated variable.
The example setting list class described in this chapter has one shortcoming - it does not follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. In the MVC design pattern, the view, the model, and the controller should be separated, and in the example, all of these components are implemented in one class. In a real-world application it is useful to have a separate class for the settings data, and pass an instance of this class to the derived setting list class. Doing so also ensures the proper separation of the user interface and the application engine.
The setting lists are created from resource definitions. The main resource
structure used is AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST
, defined in avkon.rh as
STRUCT AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST { WORD flags = 0; // Allowed values: EAknSettingItemListNumberedStyle LTEXT title = ""; WORD initial_number = 1; STRUCT items[]; }
Field | Meaning |
Flags | Specifies the numbering style applied to the setting list. With no
flags specified, the setting list is not numbered and the flag EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle enables
numbering. In conjunction with this, flag EAknSettingItemIncludeHiddenInOrdinal also
enables numbering of hidden setting items on the list. |
Title | This field is not used. |
Items | An array of all setting items contained in this setting list. The setting
items are declared using the AVKON_SETTING_ITEM resource
structure. |
initial_number | Specifies the number of the first item in the setting list. The default value is 1. |
STRUCT AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { WORD identifier = 0; LTEXT name = ""; LLINK setting_page_resource = 0; WORD type = 0xffff; LLINK setting_editor_resource = 0; LLINK associated_resource = 0; LTEXT empty_item_text = ""; LTEXT compulsory_ind_string = ""; LLINK reserved = 0; // Added for extensions }
Field | Meaning |
identifier | Specifies an identifier to the setting item. This code is passed to
the CreateSettingItemL method as an aIdentifier argument.
These values are typically defined in an enumeration in the project's HRH
file. |
setting_page_resource | Reference to a resource defining the setting page associated with this
setting item. The setting page resource is declared using the AVKON_SETTING_PAGE resource
structure. |
Name | Specifies the title of the item. |
compulsory_ind_string | Specifies the compulsory indicator string for the setting item (see Figure 27). |
associated_resource | Reference to an associated resource. The interpretation of this field depends on the setting item. For example, it is used to specify the pop-up list containing the choices associated with the enumerated text setting item. |
The identifier and setting_page_resource
fields are mandatory
structure; others are optional.
The setting page associated with a setting item is specified with the AVKON_SETTING_PAGE
STRUCT AVKON_SETTING_PAGE { WORD number = EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed; LTEXT label; LTEXT hint_text; LLINK softkey_resource = 0; LLINK menubar = 0; WORD type=0xffff; LLINK editor_resource_id = 0; LLINK invalid_contents_softkey_resource = 0; LLINK extension = 0; }
The most important fields in this structure are summarized below.
Field | Meaning |
Type | Specifies the type of control used to edit the setting item. |
editor_resource_id | Reference to the editor control resource. |
Label | Specifies the title of the setting page. |
hint_text | Specifies the hint text displayed in the navigation pane. |
number | Specifies the number of the setting item. This number is displayed
in the top left corner of the setting page. The default for this field is
the special value EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed , which
specifies that the number is not displayed. |
Even though the default resources here for the menu bar and the soft keys
(CBA) are zero, there are defaults provided in the class implementation: the
menubar resource is R_AVKON_MENUPANE_EMPTY
, the softkeys
There are different setting items available on the S60 platform. These items, associated resource structures and classes are described in the following sections.
The binary switch is the simplest of the setting items: it allows the setting
to be either on or off. Due to its simplicity it is not necessary to open
a setting page to change the value of it: if the Selection key is pressed,
then the value is changed. However, the binary switch setting item has a separate
setting page; the binary value can be changed from there too. The value of
the binary switch setting item is backed up with a Boolean variable of type TBool
the application setting data.
The setting item class used with the binary switch type is CAknBinaryPopupSettingItem
Figure 4: Message reception
Figure 5: Binary switch setting item and binary switch setting page
Here is an example of a binary switch resource definition:
RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_setting_list_setting_binary { flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; title = "Setting list"; initial_number = 1; items = { AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemBinary; setting_page_resource = r_binary_setting_page; associated_resource = r_popup_setting_binary_texts; name = "Message reception"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_popup_setting_binary_texts { flags = 0; setting_texts_resource = r_on_off_texts; popped_up_texts_resource = r_popped_up_on_off_texts; } RESOURCE ARRAY r_on_off_texts { items = { AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value = 1; text = "On"; }, AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value = 0; text = "Off"; } }; } RESOURCE ARRAY r_popped_up_on_off_texts { items = { LBUF { txt = "Enabled"; }, LBUF { txt = "Disabled"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_binary_setting_page { number = 0; label = "Message reception"; type = EAknCtPopupSettingList; editor_resource_id = r_binary_popup_setting_list; } RESOURCE POPUP_SETTING_LIST r_binary_popup_setting_list { flags= 0; }
The corresponding CreateSettingItemL
must construct the
CAknSettingItem* CMySettingList::CreateSettingItemL( TInt aIdentifier ) { CAknSettingItem* settingItem = NULL; switch (aIdentifier) { case EMySettingItemBinary: settingItem = new (ELeave) CAknBinaryPopupSettingItem(aIdentifier, iFlag); break; } return settingItem; }
The text setting item allows users to enter text as the value of the setting.
The value of the setting is stored in a user-specified descriptor. The setting
item class used with the text editor type is CAknTextSettingItem
Figure 6: Text setting item
Figure 7: Text setting item and text setting page
Here is an example of a text editor setting item resource definition:
RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_setting_list_setting_text { flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; title = "Setting list"; initial_number = 1; items = { AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemText; setting_page_resource = r_text_setting_page; name = "Company name"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_text_setting_page { number = 1; label = "Company name"; type = EEikCtEdwin; editor_resource_id = r_settinglist_edwin; } RESOURCE EDWIN r_settinglist_edwin { maxlength = 30; }
The corresponding CreateSettingItemL
must construct the
… case EMySettingItemText: settingItem = new (ELeave) CAknTextSettingItem(aIdentifier, iTextBuf); // where iTextBuf is TBuf<KMyAppMaxSettingTextSize> break;
About proper initialization of the EDWIN resource, see Editors
for more information.
The enumerated text setting item gives users a list of options to select
from. It is also possible to enter a text value to the setting item other
than the ones listed; this can be done by selecting “Other” from the pop-up
list. This option is available only if EAknPopupSettingListFlagAllowsUserDefinedEntry
resource (also there is a SetAllowsUserDefinedEntry
Thus, there are actually three different views for the enumerated text setting
item: the setting item contained in the setting list, the setting page showing
the available choices, and the text editor page for entering free-formed text,
which allows inputting of non-predefined values. The setting value is stored
in the descriptor supplied on construction of the setting item.
The setting item class used with enumerated text type is CAknEnumeratedTextPopupSettingItem
Figure 8: Enumerated text setting item
Figure 9: Enumerated text setting item and enumerated text setting page
Figure 10: Enumerated text’s user defined text editor
Here is an example of an enumerated text setting item resource definition:
RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_setting_list_setting_enumtext { flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; title = "Setting list"; initial_number = 1; items = { AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemEnumText; setting_page_resource = r_enumtext_setting_page; associated_resource = r_popup_setting_list; name = "My favourite color"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_enumtext_setting_page { number = 1; label = "My favourite color"; type = EAknCtPopupSettingList; editor_resource_id = r_popup_setting_list_new_entry } RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_popup_setting_list { setting_texts_resource = r_settinglist_page_list; } RESOURCE ARRAY r_settinglist_page_list { items = { AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT {value = 0; text = "Red";}, AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT {value = 1; text = "Green";}, AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT {value = 2; text = "Blue";} }; } RESOURCE POPUP_SETTING_LIST r_popup_setting_list_new_entry { flags = EAknPopupSettingListFlagAllowsUserDefinedEntry; }
The corresponding CreateSettingItemL
must construct the
… case EMySettingItemEnumText: settingItem = new (ELeave) CAknEnumeratedTextPopupSettingItem (aIdentifier, iSelectedItemIndex); break;
The password setting item allows the input of secret data. Password setting items can be either alphanumeric (for passwords) or numeric (see Numeric password setting item). The setting value is stored in the descriptor supplied on construction of the setting item.
The setting item class used with password type is CAknPasswordSettingItem
Figure 11: Alphanumeric password setting item
Figure 12: Alphanumeric password setting item and password setting page
Here is an example of an alphanumeric password setting item resource definition:
RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_setting_list_setting_pw { flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; title = "Setting list"; initial_number = 1; items = { AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemPassAlph; setting_page_resource = r_alpha_password_setting_page; name = "Password"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_alpha_password_setting_page { number = 1; label = "Enter Password"; type = EEikCtSecretEd; editor_resource_id = r_settinglist_alpha_password; } RESOURCE SECRETED r_settinglist_alpha_password { num_letters = 8; }
The corresponding CreateSettingItemL
must construct the
… case EMySettingItemPassAlph: settingItem = new (ELeave) CSettingAppPasswordSettingItem (aIdentifier, CAknPasswordSettingItem::EAlpha, iPwd ); // where iPwd is TBuf<KMyAppMaxPasswordTextSize> break;
The password setting item allows the input of secret data. Password setting items can be either alphanumeric (see Alphanumeric password setting item) or numeric (for PIN codes). The setting value is stored in the descriptor supplied on construction of the setting item.
The setting item class used with password type is CAknPasswordSettingItem
Figure 13: Numeric password setting item
Figure 14: Numeric password setting item and password setting page
Here is an example of a numeric password setting item resource definition:
RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_setting_list_setting_pin { flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; title = "Setting list"; initial_number = 1; items = { AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemPassNumber; setting_page_resource = r_numeric_password_setting_page; name = "PIN code"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_numeric_password_setting_page { number = 1; label = "Enter PIN code"; type = EAknCtNumericSecretEditor; editor_resource_id = r_settinglist_numeric_password; } RESOURCE NUMSECRETED r_settinglist_numeric_password { num_code_chars = 4; }
The corresponding CreateSettingItemL
must construct the
… case EMySettingItemPassNumber: settingItem = new (ELeave) CSettingAppPasswordSettingItem (aIdentifier, CAknPasswordSettingItem::ENumeric, iPin ); // where iPin is TBuf<KMyAppMaxPasswordTextSize> break;
The slider setting item allows users to specify an integer value. The integer
value has a minimum and maximum value and the control visualization is done
using a slider control. The slider setting item value is stored to the supplied
integer variable of type TInt
The setting item class used with slider type is CAknSliderSettingItem
Figure 15: Slider setting item
Figure 16: Slider setting item and slider setting page
Here is an example of a slider setting item resource definition:
RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_setting_list_setting_slider { flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; title = "Setting page"; initial_number = 1; items = { AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemSlider; setting_page_resource = r_slider_setting_page; name = "Brightness"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_slider_setting_page { number = 1; label = "Brightness"; type = EAknCtSlider; editor_resource_id = r_settinglist_slider; } RESOURCE SLIDER r_settinglist_slider { layout = EAknSettingsItemSliderLayout; minvalue = 0; maxvalue = 100; step = 5; valuetype = EAknSliderValueDecimal; minlabel = "Dark"; maxlabel = "Bright"; }
The corresponding CreateSettingItemL
must construct the
… case EMySettingItemSlider: settingItem = new (ELeave) CAknSliderSettingItem (aIdentifier, iSliderValue); break;
The volume setting item is similar to the slider setting item because it stores its value in an integer variable. However, the range of the volume control is fixed between 1 and 10. In addition, there is no layout control for the setting page.
The setting item class used with volume control type is CAknVolumeSettingItem
Figure 17: Volume setting item
Figure 18: Volume setting item and volume setting page
Here is an example of a volume control setting item resource definition:
RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_setting_list_setting_volume { flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; title = "Setting list"; initial_number = 1; items = { AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemVolume; setting_page_resource = r_volume_setting_page; name = "Volume"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_volume_setting_page { number = 1; label = "Volume"; type = EAknCtVolumeControl; editor_resource_id = r_settinglist_volume; } RESOURCE VOLUME r_settinglist_volume { flags = ESettingsVolumeControl; value = 1; }
The corresponding CreateSettingItemL
must construct the
… case EMySettingItemVolume: settingItem = new (ELeave) CAknVolumeSettingItem (aIdentifier, iVolume); break;
The time setting item is used with settings with a time value. The associated
variable type with this setting item is TTime
. The setting
item class used with time and date setting items is CAknTimeOrDateSettingItem
The exact type (time or date) is specified by the second argument of the constructor.
Figure 19: Time setting item
Figure 20: Time setting item and time setting page
Here is an example of a time setting item resource definition:
RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_setting_list_setting_time { flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; title = "Setting list"; initial_number = 1; items = { AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemTime; setting_page_resource = r_time_setting_page; name = "Current time"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_time_setting_page { number = 1; label = "Enter current time"; type = EEikCtTimeEditor; editor_resource_id = r_settinglist_time_editor; } RESOURCE TIME_EDITOR r_settinglist_time_editor { minTime = TIME { second = 0; minute = 0; hour = 0; }; maxTime = TIME { second = 59; minute = 59; hour = 23; }; }
The corresponding CreateSettingItemL
must construct the
… case EMySettingItemTime: settingItem = new (ELeave) CAknTimeOrDateSettingItem (aIdentifier, CAknTimeOrDateSettingItem::ETime, iTime); break;
The time offset setting item is used with settings with a time interval
value. The associated variable type with this setting item is TTimeIntervalSeconds
The setting item class used with time offset setting item is CAknTimeOffsetSettingItem
Figure 21: Time offset setting item
Figure 22: Time offset setting item and time offset setting page
Here is an example of a time offset setting item resource definition:
RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_setting_list_setting_time_offset { flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; title = "Setting list"; initial_number = 1; items = { AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemTimeOffset; setting_page_resource = r_timeoffset_setting_page; name = "Time offset"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_timeoffset_setting_page { number = 1; label = "Enter time offset"; type = EEikCtTimeOffsetEditor; editor_resource_id = r_settinglist_timeoffset_editor; } RESOURCE TIME_OFFSET_EDITOR r_settinglist_timeoffset_editor { minTimeOffset = TIME_OFFSET { seconds = -43200; }; maxTimeOffset = TIME_OFFSET { seconds = 43200; }; flags = EEikTimeWithoutSecondsField | EEikTimeZoneOffsetFormat; }
The corresponding CreateSettingItemL
must construct the
… case EMySettingItemTimeOffset: settingItem = new (ELeave) CAknTimeOffsetSettingItem (aIdentifier, iTimeOffset); break;
The date setting item is similar to the time setting item, with the obvious exception that it accepts date values.
Figure 23: Date setting item
Figure 24: Date setting item and date setting page
Here is an example of a time setting item resource definition:
RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_setting_list_setting_date { flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; title = "Setting list"; initial_number = 1; items = { AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemDate; setting_page_resource = r_date_setting_page; name = "Current date"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_date_setting_page { label = "Enter current date"; type = EEikCtDateEditor; editor_resource_id = r_settinglist_date; } RESOURCE DATE_EDITOR r_settinglist_date { minDate = DATE { year = 1980; }; maxDate = DATE { year = 2060; }; flags = 0; }
The corresponding CreateSettingItemL
must construct the
… case EMySettingItemDate: settingItem = new (ELeave) CAknTimeOrDateSettingItem (aIdentifier, CAknTimeOrDateSettingItem::EDate, iDate); break;
The IP address setting item allows users to manipulate IP address settings.
The variable type associated with this setting item is TInetAddr
The setting item class used with the IP address type is CAknIpFieldSettingItem
Note that IPv6 is not supported by the class.
Figure 25: IP address setting item
Figure 26: IP address setting item and IP address setting page
Here is an example of an IP address setting item resource definition:
RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_setting_list_setting_ip { flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; title = "Setting list"; initial_number = 1; items = { AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemIpAddress; setting_page_resource = r_ip_address_setting_page; name = "Server address"; } }; } RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_ip_address_setting_page { label = "Enter server address"; type = EAknCtIpFieldEditor; editor_resource_id = r_settinglist_ip_editor; } RESOURCE IP_FIELD_EDITOR r_settinglist_ip_editor { min_field_values = IP_FIELD { first_field = 0; second_field = 0; third_field = 0; fourth_field = 0; }; max_field_values = IP_FIELD { first_field = 128; // Something different than 255 second_field = 255; third_field = 255; fourth_field = 255; }; flags = 0; }
The corresponding CreateSettingItemL
must construct the
… case EMySettingItemIpAddress: settingItem = new (ELeave) CAknIpFieldSettingItem (aIdentifier, iIpAddress); // iIpAddress has the type TInetAddr break;
The setting items have a few properties that can be manipulated at runtime.
When the OK key is pressed, an item is changed or the corresponding setting
page is opened. This behavior can be done from code by calling EditItemL
the item’s index:
void CMyAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand) { switch ( aCommand ) { case EMyCmdEditItem: // Edit the first item with index 0 iMySettingList->EditItemL(0, ETrue); break; } }
Setting items can be hidden. When a setting item is hidden, it is not shown
on the setting list. This allows the application designer to choose which
items are applicable at a given time depending on the values of other setting
items or application context. Hiding setting items is done by calling the SetHidden
on the setting item.
Hiding setting items may affect the numbering of other items in the setting
list, depending on the presence of the EAknSettingItemIncludeHiddenInOrdinal
in the flags field of the setting list resource definition.
Setting items can be marked as compulsory. The compulsory marking is shown
to the left of the setting item name in the setting list. This indicator can
be altered by setting the compulsory_ind_string
field of
the corresponding AVKON_SETTING_ITEM
resource or calling
the SetCompulsoryIndTextL
method from code. It can be specified
as an arbitrary text.
Figure 27: Compulsory item indicator
In the following example two items are specified in resource with different compulsory indicator strings.
… AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemDateSettingId; name = "Current date"; setting_page_resource = r_date_setting_page; compulsory_ind_string = "*"; }, AVKON_SETTING_ITEM { identifier = EMySettingItemTimeSettingId; name = "Current time"; setting_page_resource = r_time_setting_page; compulsory_ind_string = "M"; }, …
There is no concrete setting item for example for the check box setting
page. The following example illustrates how to define a custom check box setting
item derived from the base class CAknSettingItem
. The corresponding
setting page resource must have the type EAknSetListBox
class CMyCheckBoxSettingItem : public CAknSettingItem { public: CMyCheckBoxSettingItem( TInt aIdentifier ); ~CMyCheckBoxSettingItem(); protected: void EditItemL( TBool aCalledFromMenu ); private: CSelectionItemList* iSelectionList; }; CMyCheckBoxSettingItem::CMyCheckBoxSettingItem( TInt aIdentifier ) : CAknSettingItem( aIdentifier ) { } CMyCheckBoxSettingItem::~CMyCheckBoxSettingItem() { if (iSelectionList) { iSelectionList->ResetAndDestroy(); delete iSelectionList; } } void CMyCheckBoxSettingItem::EditItemL( TBool /*aCalledFromMenu*/ ) { if ( iSelectionList ) { iSelectionList->ResetAndDestroy(); delete iSelectionList; iSelectionList = 0; } iSelectionList = new (ELeave) CSelectionItemList( 2 ); for ( TInt ii=0; ii < KNumberItems; ii++ ) { TBuf<80> text; text.Format( _L("checkline %d"), ii ); CSelectableItem* selectionItem = new (ELeave) CSelectableItem( text, EFalse ); CleanupStack::PushL( selectionItem ); selectionItem->ConstructL(); iSelectionList->AppendL( selectionItem ); CleanupStack::Pop( selectionItem ); } CAknCheckBoxSettingPage* settPage = new (ELeave) CAknCheckBoxSettingPage ( SettingPageResourceId(), iSelectionList ); CleanupStack::PushL( settPage ); SetSettingPage( settPage ); SettingPage()->SetSettingPageObserver( this ); SetUpStandardSettingPageL(); CleanupStack::Pop( settPage ); TBool accepted = SettingPage()->ExecuteLD ( CAknSettingPage::EUpdateWhenChanged ); // ExecuteLD destroys the setting page, so set it to zero: SetSettingPage( 0 ); if ( accepted ) { TBuf<40> text; for ( TInt jj=0; jj < KNumberItems; jj++) { if ( (*iSelectionList)[jj]->SelectionStatus() ) { TBuf<4> newtext; newtext.Format( _L("%d,"), jj ); text.Append( newtext ); } } User::InfoPrint( text ); } }
implements two methods for loading
the storing all the items in the list: LoadSettingsL
and StoreSettingsL
They call LoadL
or StoreL
respectively on
each item in the list. Derived classes of the setting item should override LoadL
or StoreL
they want to do additional operation when an item is loaded or saved. In the
following example CMySettingItem
is derived from CAknTextSettingItem
void CMySettingItem::LoadL() { // Fetch the text from e.g. a database. CAknTextSettingItem::LoadL(); } void CMySettingItem::StoreL() { CAknTextSettingItem::StoreL(); // Store the text e.g. in a database. }
The example code in Defining custom setting items also
illustrates how to open a check box setting page from the setting item’s overridden EditItemL
Setting pages can be observed with the help of the MAknSettingPageObserver
interface. The observer is notified about events like the setting changed,
the setting page cancelled or accepted.
It is important to note that the setting page does not maintain a list of observers - it maintains only one observer reference!
In order that derived concrete classes of CAknSettingItemList
layout changes properly:
is called.SizeChanged()
shown below.void CMyAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType ) { CAknAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL( aType ); if ( iMySettingsList->IsVisible() ) { iMySettingsList->SetRect( ClientRect() ); } } void CMySettingsList::SizeChanged() { if ( ListBox() ) { ListBox()->SetRect( Rect() ); } }
Setting Pages API uses standard Symbian OS error reporting mechanism and standard error codes.
Memory consumption of Setting Pages depends on the number of the contained controls.