Vibra API: Using Vibra API

To use CHWRMVibra, the client must first construct an instance of the class.

CHWRMVibra can be used in two modes:

An instance with notify handling is created if the client requires up-to-date status information. Otherwise an instance without callback pointer is created. After an instance is created, vibra can be directly controlled via the provided class methods.

To be able to control the device’s vibration feature, the vibra settings of the vibration feature in the user profile must be active. If the settings are not active, vibration is not activated. The vibration feature state can be retrieved using the VibraSettings() method. To be able to use vibra pulse methods, tactile feedback vibration setting in user profile must be active. Feedback vibration state can be retrieved using the VibraFeedbackSettings() method. Note that the PulseVibraL() methods can only be used by firmware build time configured clients. These methods are intended to generate short, responsive tactile feedback vibra pulses.

StartVibraL() starts the device’s vibration feature. If StartVibraL() is called again before the first vibration completes, the first vibration is interrupted and the second vibrations starts immediately, i.e. the periods of vibration are not cumulative.

The duration 0 specifies that the vibration continues indefinitely and must be stopped with a call to StopVibraL(). The device may have implementation defined or hardware imposed limits to the duration of the vibration feature. In such circumstances, vibration is ended at that limit even if the duration parameter is greater than the limit.

Vibration can be interrupted with the method StopVibraL() before the specified interval has elapsed.

The current status of the vibration feature can be obtained with the VibraStatus() method.

The device vibration feature can be reserved to a single instance of CHWRMVibra by calling the ReserveVibraL() method. After the vibration feature is no longer required exclusively, it must be released with a call to ReleaseVibra(). If there is already a reservation active when a reservation from a higher priority client comes, the previously active reservation is suspended, and the new reservation is set as the active one. On the other hand, if there is already a reservation active when a reservation from a same or lower priority client comes, the new reservation is immediately put in the suspended mode. Some trusted clients have higher than default priorities.

Vibra can be controlled without a reservation, if there is no other client with a reservation.

If the client is not trusted, Vibra API automatically releases reservation when the client goes to background and reserves it again when the client comes back to foreground. Trusted clients have an option to disable this autoreservation feature.

The client gets no notifications about whether or not its reservation is suspended, but StartVibraL() and StopVibraL() can be called normally when the client’s reservation is suspended. In that case only the virtual state of the vibra is remembered by the session; the actual vibra is not controlled. When suspended reservation is activated, the actual vibra state is restored to the same as the virtual state.

Some vibration sensitive device accessories can block vibra usage entirely through internal mechanisms.

Use cases

Create an instance used for controlling the vibra

A CHWRMVibra instance can be created by using the NewL() or NewLC() methods. After this, vibra can be directly controlled via the provided class methods.

Without notify handling

The user has to create an instance of the CHWRMVibra implementation class using the NewL or NewLC constructor without a parameter. The following code snippet demonstrates how to create an instance without notify handling for controlling the device vibra.

CHWRMVibra* vibra = CHWRMVibra::NewLC(); // No callbacks

With notify handling

The client needs to derive a class from the MHWRMVibraObserver interface and implement the VibraModeChanged() and VibraStatusChanged() methods. The following code snippet gives an example of the header of the class implemented by the client.


#include <HWRMVibra.h> // Link against HWRMVibraClient.lib.

class CTest : public CBase, 

               public MHWRMVibraObserver    






        void ConstructL();

        static CTest* NewL();


        // from MHWRMVibraObserver

        virtual void VibraModeChanged(CHWRMVibra::TVibraModeState aStatus);

        virtual void VibraStatusChanged(CHWRMVibra::TVibraStatus aStatus);


        CHWRMVibra* iVibra;


The user has to create an instance of the CHWRMVibra implementation class using the NewL or NewLC constructor with a parameter. This parameter is a pointer to an object that is derived from MHWRMVibraObserver. Every vibra user setting profile change causes the notification MHWRMVibraObserver::VibraModeChanged(). Every vibra status change causes the notification MHWRMVibraObserver::VibraStatusChanged(). The following code snippet demonstrates how to create an instance with notify handling for controlling the device vibra.

void CTest::ConstructL()


    iVibra = CHWRMVibra::NewL(this)


When client registers to vibra feedback setting changes by the SetFeedbackObserver() method, change in setting causes the notification MHWRMVibraFeedbackObserver::VibraFeedbackModeChanged(). In this case the client needs to derive a class from the MHWRMVibraFeedbackObserver interface and implement VibraFeedbackModeChanged().

Retrieve the vibra settings

The VibraSettings() call retrieves the current settings of the vibration feature in the user profile. The developer can check the vibra settings in the profile, and if there is no vibra active but it is needed by the application, the user can be informed. The following code snippet demonstrates how to retrieve the vibra settings.

CHWRMVibra::TVibraModeState vibraModeState = iVibra->VibraSettings();

Following code snippet demonstrates how to retrieve tactile feedback vibra settings.

CHWRMVibra::TVibraFeedbackModeState vibraFeedbackState = iVibra->VibraFeedbackSettings();

Retrieve the vibra status

The VibraStatus() method retrieves the current vibra status. The following code snippet demonstrates how to retrieve the vibra status.

CHWRMVibra::TVibraStatus vibraStatus = iVibra->VibraStatus();

Reserve the device vibra

The ReserveVibraL() call reserves the vibration feature exclusively for the client. A higher priority (not process or thread priority, but the priority defined in the internal vibra policy of HW Resource Manager) client may cause lower priority client reservation to be temporarily suspended. Commands can still be issued in suspended state, but they are not acted upon unless suspension is lifted within specified duration. The suspended client does not get any notification about suspension. If vibra is already reserved by a higher or equal priority application, reserving still succeeds, but reservation is immediately suspended. The following code snippet demonstrates how to reserve the device vibration feature.

iVibra->ReserveVibraL(ETrue, EFalse);

ETrue in first parameter means that any previously frozen state is restored. Second parameter EFalse means that the CCoeEnv background/foreground status is always used to control further reservations.

Calling the ReserveVibraL() method without parameters is equal to calling ReserveVibraL(EFalse, EFalse), i.e. any previously frozen state is not restored and the CCoeEnv background/foreground status is always used to control further reservations.

Start the device vibra

The StartVibraL() call starts the device vibration feature. If StartVibraL() is called again before the first vibration completes, the first vibration is interrupted and the second vibrations starts immediately – i.e. the periods of vibration are not cumulative. The vibration can be interrupted with the method StopVibraL() before the specified interval has elapsed. Vibra settings of the vibration feature in the user profile must be active.

Note: The device may have implementation defined or hardware imposed limits to the duration of the vibration feature. In such circumstances any vibration is cut off at that limit even if the duration parameter is greater than the limit.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to start the device vibration feature with factory-defined intensity.

iVibra->StartVibraL(5000); // Start vibra for five seconds.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to start the device vibration feature with client-defined intensity.

iVibra->StartVibraL(5000, 50); // Start vibra for five seconds with intensity 50.

Stop device vibra

The StopVibra() call interrupts immediately the device vibration that was started with the StartVibraL() method. The following code snippet demonstrates how to stop the vibration feature.


Pulse device vibra

PulseVibraL() methods are intended only for firmware build time configured privileged clients.

Executes a tactile feedback vibration pulse. If PulseVibraL() is called before ongoing vibration completes and PulseVibraL() the calling client has higher priority (not process or thread priority, but the priority defined in the internal vibra policy of HW Resource Manager) than the executing client, pulse request is accepted. Also possible vibra-reservations are bypassed. If client calling PulseVibraL() has lower or equal priority than the executing client, ongoing vibration is not affected.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use the device tactile feedback vibration feature

iVibra->PulseVibraL(); // Trigger vibra pulse with product specified default intensity and duration

iVibra->PulseVibraL(100); // Trigger vibra pulse with product specified default intensity and duration 100 ms

iVibra->PulseVibraL(50, 80); // Trigger vibra pulse with intensity 80 and duration 50 ms

Release device vibra

The ReleaseVibra() call releases the vibration feature if it was previously reserved with a ReserveVibraL() method for the client. If the client has not reserved the vibration feature, the method does nothing. If vibra is on when it is released and no other client has a suspended reservation, vibra is stopped. The following code snippet demonstrates how to release the vibration feature.


Release instance

When the CHWRMVibra instance is not needed anymore it must be released. If the vibration feature is still reserved to the client it is released when the instance is released. The following code snippet demonstrates how to release the instance created by using NewLC().


The following code snippet demonstrates how to release the instance created by using NewL().



    delete iVibra;


Error handling

The leave mechanism of the Symbian OS is used to handle error conditions on method calls.

Memory overhead

Vibra API does not consume significant amount of memory after the CHWRMVibra implementation instance is created.

Extensions to the API

The API does not explicitly support any kinds of extensions to it.

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