CAknColourSelectionGrid Class Reference

Link against: avkon.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Inherits CAknDialog, and MEikListBoxObserver.

Detailed Description

Colour selection grid.

This class can be used when application offers to user possibility to choose colour. There is also possibility to select nothing.

use example:

TBool noneExist = ETrue; TBool noneChosen = EFalse; TRgb colour = KRgbDarkGray; CArrayFixFlat<TRgb>* colours = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TRgb>(6);

colours->AppendL(KRgbBlack); colours->AppendL(KRgbDarkGray);

CAknColourSelectionGrid *d = CAknColourSelectionGrid::NewL( colours, noneExist, noneChosen, colour);


Dll avkon

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C TBool ExecuteLD ()
 ExecuteLD() runs dialog, waits user to make his choise and destroys dialog.
IMPORT_C ~CAknColourSelectionGrid ()
void HandleControlEventL (CCoeControl *aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType)
 From MCoeControlObserver Handles control events from nonebutton.
void HandleDialogPageEventL (TInt aEventID)
 From MDialogPageObserver Handles dialogpage events.
IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL (const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
 From CCoeControl Handles pointer events.

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CAknColourSelectionGridNewL (CArrayFixFlat< TRgb > *aColours, TBool aNoneExist, TBool &aNoneChosen, TRgb &aColourChosen)
 Two-phased constructor.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C CAknColourSelectionGrid::~CAknColourSelectionGrid  ) 


Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C TBool CAknColourSelectionGrid::ExecuteLD  ) 

ExecuteLD() runs dialog, waits user to make his choise and destroys dialog.

void CAknColourSelectionGrid::HandleControlEventL CCoeControl *  aControl,
TCoeEvent  aEventType

From MCoeControlObserver Handles control events from nonebutton.

aControl Pointer to observed control
aEventType type of event to be handled

Reimplemented from CEikDialog.

void CAknColourSelectionGrid::HandleDialogPageEventL TInt  aEventID  )  [virtual]

From MDialogPageObserver Handles dialogpage events.

aEventID event to be handled

Reimplemented from CEikDialog.

IMPORT_C void CAknColourSelectionGrid::HandlePointerEventL const TPointerEvent &  aPointerEvent  ) 

From CCoeControl Handles pointer events.

Reimplemented from CAknDialog.

static IMPORT_C CAknColourSelectionGrid* CAknColourSelectionGrid::NewL CArrayFixFlat< TRgb > *  aColours,
TBool  aNoneExist,
TBool &  aNoneChosen,
TRgb &  aColourChosen

Two-phased constructor.

NewL() Creates dialog

aColours array of colors for grid
aNoneExist boolean flag does none exist in dialog
aNoneChosen Dialog sets boolean value is none chosen If value is EFalse in start, some colour will be active in start
aColourChosen Dialog sets the value of color chosen If starting value aNoneChosen is EFalse, starting value of aColours tells witch colour is active when grid starts

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