CAknIndicatorContainer Class Reference

Link against: avkon.lib

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#include <

Inherits CAknControl, and MEikStatusPaneObserver.

Detailed Description

The default control in the status pane's small indicator pane.

This container is also used for the status indicators in navi pane and for editor indicators in queries.

Public Types

enum  TLayoutOrientation { EVertical, EHorizontal }
 Layout orientations of the indicator container. More...
enum  TIndicatorAlignment { ELeft, ERight }
 Alignment of the indicators. More...
enum  TIndicatorContext { EUniversalIndicators = 0, ENaviPaneEditorIndicators, EQueryEditorIndicators, EFindIndicators }
 Context of the indicator container. More...
enum  TIndicatorPosition { ELeftSide, ERightSide, EMiddle }
 Position of a indicator. More...
enum  TCustomIndicatorFlags { EMultiColorIndicator = 0x1, EIndicatorPositionInverted = 0x2 }
 Additional flags that can be used for custom indicators. More...
enum  TLayoutMode { ELayoutModeUsual, ELayoutModeWide }
 Layout modes of indicator container. More...

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C CAknIndicatorContainer ()
 Default constructor.
IMPORT_C CAknIndicatorContainer (TInt aIndicatorContext)
IMPORT_C ~CAknIndicatorContainer ()
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ()
 Second-phase constructor.
IMPORT_C void SetIndicatorState (TUid aIndicatorId, TInt aState, TBool aDrawNow=ETrue)
 Sets indicator state.
IMPORT_C TInt IndicatorState (TUid aIndicatorId)
 Return the current state of an indicator.
IMPORT_C void SetIndicatorValueL (TUid aIndicatorId, const TDesC &aString)
 Sets value to the message length indicator (EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageLength).
IMPORT_C void SetIncallBubbleFlags (const TInt &aFlags)
 Sets value to the incall status bubble indicator on the top of the status pane.
IMPORT_C void ConstructFromResourceL (TResourceReader &aReader)
 Constructs the object from resource.
IMPORT_C TInt IndicatorContext () const
 Returns the context of the indicator container.
IMPORT_C void HandleStatusPaneSizeChange ()
 The MEikStatusPaneObserver interface allows a status pane observer to pick up changes in the size or position of the status pane.
IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL (const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
 Handles pointer events.
IMPORT_C void SetIndicatorValue (TUid aIndicatorId, TInt aValue, TInt aMaxValue)
 Sets value to the progress bar indicator (EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorProgressBar).
void DrawPictographArea ()
 Redraws those indicators that are visible and contain pictographs.
CAknPictographInterfacePictographInterface () const
 Returns the pictograph interface owned by the indicator container, or NULL if pictographs are not supported.
IMPORT_C void SetIncallBubbleAllowedInIdle (TBool aAllowed)
 Sets whether incall bubble is shown also on the top of the idle status pane.
IMPORT_C void SetIncallBubbleAllowedInUsual (TBool aAllowed)
 Sets whether incall bubble is shown on the top of the usual status pane.
IMPORT_C void SetIndicatorObserver (MAknIndicatorObserver *aIndicatorObserver, TUid aIndicatorUid)
 Sets observer for given indicator.
IMPORT_C TUid CreateIndicatorFromResourceL (TInt aIndicatorResourceId, TInt aCustomIndicatorFlags)
 Creates a custom indicator.
IMPORT_C void ReplaceIndicatorIconL (TUid aIndicator, TInt aState, TInt aLayoutMode, CFbsBitmap *aIconBitmap, CFbsBitmap *aIconMask, TInt aIconIndex=0)
 Replaces the icon of the given indicator.

Protected Member Functions

virtual IMPORT_C void HandleResourceChange (TInt aType)
 Handles a change to the control's resources of type aType which are shared across the environment, e.g.
virtual IMPORT_C void SizeChanged ()
 Handles size change events.
virtual IMPORT_C void PositionChanged ()
 Handles position change events.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CountComponentControls () const
 Returns number of controls inside the context pane control.
virtual IMPORT_C CCoeControl * ComponentControl (TInt aIndex) const
 Returns a control determined by control index.


class CAknIndicatorContainerExtension
class CAknIndicatorDataObserver

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum CAknIndicatorContainer::TCustomIndicatorFlags

Additional flags that can be used for custom indicators.

EMultiColorIndicator  Indicator is multi-colored.
EIndicatorPositionInverted  Indicator's position is inverted.
enum CAknIndicatorContainer::TIndicatorAlignment

Alignment of the indicators.

ELeft  Indicators are aligned on the left side.
ERight  Indicators are aligned on the right side.
enum CAknIndicatorContainer::TIndicatorContext

Context of the indicator container.

These are used to specify what type of status indicators the indicator container contains.

EUniversalIndicators  Universal status indicators.
ENaviPaneEditorIndicators  Editor indicators shown in navi pane.
EQueryEditorIndicators  Editor indicators shown in queries.
EFindIndicators  Search field indicators.
enum CAknIndicatorContainer::TIndicatorPosition

Position of a indicator.

These are used for invidual indicators to coarsely specify where they are positioned inside the indicator container.

ELeftSide  Indicator positioned on the left side.
ERightSide  Indicator positioned on the right side.
EMiddle  Indicator positioned in the middle.
enum CAknIndicatorContainer::TLayoutMode

Layout modes of indicator container.

ELayoutModeUsual  Used for universal indicators when not in idle.
ELayoutModeWide  Used for navi pane indicators and universal indicators in idle.
enum CAknIndicatorContainer::TLayoutOrientation

Layout orientations of the indicator container.

These are used to specify how the indicators are laid out inside the indicator container.

EVertical  Indicators are arranged vertically.
EHorizontal  Indicators are arranged horizontally.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C CAknIndicatorContainer::CAknIndicatorContainer  ) 

Default constructor.

Creates an EUniversalIndicators object.

IMPORT_C CAknIndicatorContainer::CAknIndicatorContainer TInt  aIndicatorContext  ) 


Creates EUniversalIndicators, ENaviPaneEditorIndicators or EQueryEditorIndicators object.

aIndicatorContext Indicator container context.
IMPORT_C CAknIndicatorContainer::~CAknIndicatorContainer  ) 


Member Function Documentation

virtual IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CAknIndicatorContainer::ComponentControl TInt  aIndex  )  const [protected, virtual]

Returns a control determined by control index.

aIndex Index of a control to be returned.
Pointer to control
IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::ConstructFromResourceL TResourceReader &  aReader  ) 

Constructs the object from resource.

aReader Resource reader.
IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::ConstructL  ) 

Second-phase constructor.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CAknIndicatorContainer::CountComponentControls  )  const [protected, virtual]

Returns number of controls inside the context pane control.

Amount of component controls.
IMPORT_C TUid CAknIndicatorContainer::CreateIndicatorFromResourceL TInt  aIndicatorResourceId,
TInt  aCustomIndicatorFlags

Creates a custom indicator.

Indicators created with this method can be used in addition to default indicators.

aIndicatorResourceId Resource ID of INDICATOR struct to be used in costructing indicator. UID in the resource is ignored, a dynamic UID is given to indicator and returned to caller.
aCustomIndicatorFlags Flags that can be used to set additional indicator properties.
  • EMultiColorIndicator: Indicator is shown as multicolor (default is 2-color).
  • EIndicatorPositionInverted: Indicator is aligned to the opposite side than default (default is right side). Note that this flag does not quarantee exact location for the indicator, indicators are shown in priority order and location may vary and look different in different layouts.
UID of the new indicator.
void CAknIndicatorContainer::DrawPictographArea  ) 

Redraws those indicators that are visible and contain pictographs.

IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::HandlePointerEventL const TPointerEvent &  aPointerEvent  ) 

Handles pointer events.

aPointerEvent The pointer event.
virtual IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::HandleResourceChange TInt  aType  )  [protected, virtual]

Handles a change to the control's resources of type aType which are shared across the environment, e.g.

color scheme change. Responds fade events and fades incall status bubble window group.

aType Event type.
IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::HandleStatusPaneSizeChange  )  [virtual]

The MEikStatusPaneObserver interface allows a status pane observer to pick up changes in the size or position of the status pane.

Such events will be as a result of layout changes which cause an actual change in the status pane rectangle.

Implements MEikStatusPaneObserver.

IMPORT_C TInt CAknIndicatorContainer::IndicatorContext  )  const

Returns the context of the indicator container.

Context of the indicator container.
IMPORT_C TInt CAknIndicatorContainer::IndicatorState TUid  aIndicatorId  ) 

Return the current state of an indicator.

aIndicatorId ID of the indicator.
Current state of the indicator.
CAknPictographInterface* CAknIndicatorContainer::PictographInterface  )  const

Returns the pictograph interface owned by the indicator container, or NULL if pictographs are not supported.

virtual IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::PositionChanged  )  [protected, virtual]

Handles position change events.

IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::ReplaceIndicatorIconL TUid  aIndicator,
TInt  aState,
TInt  aLayoutMode,
CFbsBitmap *  aIconBitmap,
CFbsBitmap *  aIconMask,
TInt  aIconIndex = 0

Replaces the icon of the given indicator.

aIndicator UID of the indicator.
aState State which icon is replaced (EAknIndicatorStateOn or EAknIndicatorStateAnimate)
aLayoutMode Layout mode of the icon to be replaced (ELayoutModeUsual or ELayoutModeWide)
aIconBitmap Bitmap of the new icon. Ownership is transferred to CAknIndicatorContainer.
aIconMask Mask of the new icon. Ownership is transferred to CAknIndicatorContainer.
aIconIndex If parameter aState is EAknIndicatorStateAnimate, then this parameter must contain the index of the icon to be replaced in the animation sequence. Old icon must exist for given index so that the number of animation frames does not change.
IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIncallBubbleAllowedInIdle TBool  aAllowed  ) 

Sets whether incall bubble is shown also on the top of the idle status pane.

Normally it is shown only in usual statuspane layouts, but with this method it can be set to shown also in idle.

NOTE: This method works only if indicatorcontainer is used as container for universal indicators.

aAllowed If true incall bubble is shown also in idle statuspane. Otherwise bubble is shown only in usual statuspane layouts.
IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIncallBubbleAllowedInUsual TBool  aAllowed  ) 

Sets whether incall bubble is shown on the top of the usual status pane.

Normally it is shown in usual statuspane layouts, but with this method it can prevent it to be shown.

NOTE: This method works only if indicatorcontainer is used as container for universal indicators.

aAllowed If true incall bubble is shown in usual statuspane.
IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIncallBubbleFlags const TInt &  aFlags  ) 

Sets value to the incall status bubble indicator on the top of the status pane.

aFlags Mode of the bubble.
IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIndicatorObserver MAknIndicatorObserver *  aIndicatorObserver,
TUid  aIndicatorUid

Sets observer for given indicator.

aIndicatorObserver Observer of the indicator.
aIndicatorUid UID of indicator to be observed.
IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIndicatorState TUid  aIndicatorId,
TInt  aState,
TBool  aDrawNow = ETrue

Sets indicator state.

The state can be one of the following:

  • EAknIndicatorStateOff
  • EAknIndicatorStateOn
  • EAknIndicatorStateAnimate

Editor indicators do not support animation.

aIndicatorId ID of the indicator to be modified.
aState A state to be set to the indicator.
aDrawNow A flag to indicate if the indicator is redrawn with this call.
IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIndicatorValue TUid  aIndicatorId,
TInt  aValue,
TInt  aMaxValue

Sets value to the progress bar indicator (EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorProgressBar).

Panics if the specified indicator is not a progress bar indicator.

aIndicatorId ID of the indicator to be modified.
aValue Current progress of the task that bar describes.
aMaxValue Progress value when task is finished.
IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIndicatorValueL TUid  aIndicatorId,
const TDesC &  aString

Sets value to the message length indicator (EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageLength).

aIndicatorId ID of the indicator to be modified.
aString Value of the indicator.
virtual IMPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChanged  )  [protected, virtual]

Handles size change events.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class CAknIndicatorContainerExtension [friend]
friend class CAknIndicatorDataObserver [friend]

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