The class is designed using abstract factory pattern: it only offers a instance (pointer) to the actual implementation class meeting this interface. Typically, service consumers use of CSenServiceManager to register service or identity based data, which is required for accessing some invocable, possibly remote service. The class is meant for both default frameworks offered by WSF and for any custom plug-in service invocation framework implementation. The default frameworks are: 1) Identity Based Web Services Framework (ID-WSF). 2) Basic Web Services Framework. For Basic Web Service consumer, the only applicable operations are Identity data managing methods. These can be used to make connection specific Basic Authentication (BASIC-AUTH) credentials available without later end-user interaction. Otherwise required authentication info will be requested via notifier dialog prompts. ID-WSF consumer has to use the CSenServiceManager methods to register authentication service description and identity provider (which are the same service in ID-WSF) and finally associate some actual service (contract to a WSP) to this IDP.
The current client-server framework implementation of CSenServiceManager is synchronous, although class inherits CActive for future extensions. So, the class instance will not be an active object handled by ActiveScheduler, and it does not have implementation in RunL() or DoCancel() methods.
Public Member Functions |
virtual TInt | ServiceDescriptionsL (const TDesC8 &aURI, RServiceDescriptionArray &aList)=0 |
| Consumers use this to find services with matching URI (contract or endpoint) of the service.
virtual TInt | ServiceDescriptionsL (MSenServiceDescription &aSD, RServiceDescriptionArray &aList)=0 |
| Consumers use this to find services with matching service description.
virtual TInt | RegisterServiceDescriptionL (MSenServiceDescription &aSD)=0 |
| Used by consumer applications to register new service to WSF The service could not otherwise be discovered while creating a service connection.
virtual TInt | UnregisterServiceDescriptionL (MSenServiceDescription &aSD)=0 |
| Used by consumer application to to inform the ServiceManager about a service which no longer is available.
virtual TInt | RegisterIdentityProviderL (CSenIdentityProvider &aProvider)=0 |
| Register an identity provider for the current active identity.
virtual TInt | UnregisterIdentityProviderL (CSenIdentityProvider &aProvider)=0 |
| Unregister an identity provider from the current active Identity.
virtual TInt | AssociateServiceL (const TDesC8 &aURI, const TDesC8 &aProviderID)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method to associate some pre-registered service to certain (registered) identity provider.
virtual TInt | DissociateServiceL (const TDesC8 &aServiceID, const TDesC8 &aProviderID)=0 |
| Dissociate a service from an identity provider.
virtual TInt | CredentialsL (const TDesC8 &aEndpoint, RCredentialArray &aCredentials, RCredentialPropertiesArray &aCredentialProperties)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for finding Credentials.
virtual TInt | CredentialsL (const TDesC8 &aEndpoint, const CSenIdentityProvider &aIdP, RCredentialArray &aCredentials, RCredentialPropertiesArray &aCredentialProperties)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for finding Credentials.
virtual TInt | CredentialsL (const TDesC8 &aEndpoint, const TDesC8 &aUserName, const TDesC8 &aPassword, RCredentialArray &aCredentials, RCredentialPropertiesArray &aCredentialProperties)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for finding Credentials.
virtual TInt | CredentialsL (const MSenServiceDescription &aPattern, RCredentialArray &aCredentials, RCredentialPropertiesArray &aCredentialProperties)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for finding Credentials.
virtual TInt | CredentialsL (const MSenServiceDescription &aPattern, const CSenIdentityProvider &aIdP, RCredentialArray &aCredentials, RCredentialPropertiesArray &aCredentialProperties)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for finding Credentials.
virtual TInt | CredentialsL (const MSenServiceDescription &aPattern, const TDesC8 &aUserName, const TDesC8 &aPassword, RCredentialArray &aCredentials, RCredentialPropertiesArray &aCredentialProperties)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for finding Credentials.
virtual TInt | AddCredentialL (const TDesC8 &aEndpoint, const CSenIdentityProvider &aIdP, const CSenCredential2 &aCredential)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for adding Credential.
virtual TInt | AddCredentialL (const MSenServiceDescription &aPattern, const CSenIdentityProvider &aIdP, const CSenCredential2 &aCredential)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for adding Credential.
virtual TInt | AddCredentialL (const TDesC8 &aEndpoint, const CSenIdentityProvider &aIdP, const CSenCredential2 &aCredential, const CSenXmlProperties &aCredentialProperties)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for adding Credential.
virtual TInt | AddCredentialL (const MSenServiceDescription &aPattern, const CSenIdentityProvider &aIdP, const CSenCredential2 &aCredential, const CSenXmlProperties &aCredentialProperties)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for adding Credential.
virtual TInt | RemoveCredentialsL (const MSenServiceDescription &aPattern, const CSenIdentityProvider &aIdP)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for removing Credentials.
virtual TInt | RemoveCredentialsL (const CSenIdentityProvider &aIdP)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for removing Credentials.
virtual TInt | RemoveCredentialsL (const MSenServiceDescription &aPattern, const TDesC8 &aUserName, const TDesC8 &aPassword)=0 |
| Consumer applications use this method for removing Credentials.
Static Public Member Functions |
static IMPORT_C CSenServiceManager * | NewL () |
| Two-phased constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenServiceManager * | NewLC () |
| Two-phased constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenServiceManager * | NewL (MSenAuthenticationProvider &aAuthProvider) |
| Two-phased constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSenServiceManager * | NewLC (MSenAuthenticationProvider &aAuthProvider) |
| Two-phased constructor.
Protected Member Functions |
| CSenServiceManager () |
| C++ default constructor.