Link against: ConnMon.lib
ReadDeviceData to call
IMPORT_C void GetIntAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TInt& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
IMPORT_C TInt SetIntAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TInt aValue ) const;
with aAttribute set to KProtocolType.
NetworkServices and NetworkControl to call
IMPORT_C void GetBoolAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TBool& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
IMPORT_C TInt SetBoolAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TBool aValue ) const;
with aAttribute KConnectionStop or KConnectionStopAll.
ReadDeviceData to call
IMPORT_C void GetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;
IMPORT_C TInt SetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TDes& aValue ) const;
with aAttribute set to KAccessPointName or KNetworkName.
ReadUserData to call
IMPORT_C void GetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;
IMPORT_C TInt SetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TDes& aValue ) const;
with aAttribute set to KTelNumber.
NetworkControl to call
IMPORT_C void GetPckgAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes8& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;
IMPORT_C TInt SetPckgAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TDes8& aValue ) const;
with aAttribute set to KClientInfo.
#include <rconnmon.h>
Public Member Functions | |
ConnMonIdsArrayPckg (const RArray< TConnMonId > &aRef, TUint aBufSize) | |
Constructor. | |
IMPORT_C | ConnMonIdsArrayPckg (TUint aBufSize) |
Constructor. | |
virtual IMPORT_C | ~ConnMonIdsArrayPckg () |
Destructor. | |
IMPORT_C void | UnpackToL (RArray< TConnMonId > &aRef) const |
Unpacks the package to an array of TConnMonId objects. | |
IMPORT_C HBufC * | Buf () const |
Obtains the pointer to the package buffer. | |
Protected Attributes | |
HBufC * | iBuf |
Pointer to the package buffer on the heap. |
Constructor. Constructs the package of an array of TConnMonId objects on the heap.
Constructor. Constructs an empty package on the heap.
Obtains the pointer to the package buffer. Gets iBuf gettet returns not const
Unpacks the package to an array of TConnMonId objects.
Pointer to the package buffer on the heap. |