EikButtonGroupFactory::TCreationData Class Reference

Link against: avkon.lib eikcoctl.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Detailed Description

Defines information required to create a button group.
Dll eikcoctl.lib

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C TCreationData (CEikButtonGroupContainer::TUse aUse, MEikCommandObserver *aCommandObserver, TInt aResourceId, RWindowGroup *aParentWg, TUint aFlags, CEikButtonGroupContainer::TOrientation aOrientation)
 Constructor taking arguments required to create a button group.

Data Fields

CEikButtonGroupContainer::TUse iUse
 Container use type.
MEikCommandObserver * iCommandObserver
 The command observer to be notified of commands on the container.
TInt iResourceId
 A resource containing descriptions of buttons in the group.
RWindowGroup * iParentWg
 Parent window group.
TUint iFlags
 Flags for the button group.
CEikButtonGroupContainer::TOrientation iOrientation
 Orientation of the new button group.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C EikButtonGroupFactory::TCreationData::TCreationData CEikButtonGroupContainer::TUse  aUse,
MEikCommandObserver *  aCommandObserver,
TInt  aResourceId,
RWindowGroup *  aParentWg,
TUint  aFlags,
CEikButtonGroupContainer::TOrientation  aOrientation

Constructor taking arguments required to create a button group.

aUse The type of button group container.
aCommandObserver A command observer to be notified of commands on the container.
aResourceId A resource containing descriptions of buttons in the group. This can be NULL if buttons are to be added dynamically.
aParentWg Parent window group.
aFlags The button group's flags.
aOrientation The button group's containers orientation. You need specify this only for devices that can layout their buttons either horizontally or vertically.

Field Documentation

MEikCommandObserver* EikButtonGroupFactory::TCreationData::iCommandObserver

The command observer to be notified of commands on the container.

Not owned.

TUint EikButtonGroupFactory::TCreationData::iFlags

Flags for the button group.

CEikButtonGroupContainer::TOrientation EikButtonGroupFactory::TCreationData::iOrientation

Orientation of the new button group.

RWindowGroup* EikButtonGroupFactory::TCreationData::iParentWg

Parent window group.

Not owned.

TInt EikButtonGroupFactory::TCreationData::iResourceId

A resource containing descriptions of buttons in the group.

CEikButtonGroupContainer::TUse EikButtonGroupFactory::TCreationData::iUse

Container use type.

This member is used to specify to the system the general type of the button group that is required. The system then creates the appropriate button group for the specified type.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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