MAknCustomTreeOrdering Class Reference

Link against: aknhlist.lib

#include <

Detailed Description

Interface class for implementing custom ordering for hierarchical list.

Implementation of this interface class can be set to hierarchical list to define the ordering of items in the list. Hierarchical list then uses the implementation of MAknCustomTreeOrdering::Compare method in sorting the items within each node of the list.

S60 v3.2

Public Member Functions

virtual TInt Compare (TAknTreeItemID aFirst, TAknTreeItemID aSecond)=0
 Compares two tree list items.

Member Function Documentation

virtual TInt MAknCustomTreeOrdering::Compare TAknTreeItemID  aFirst,
TAknTreeItemID  aSecond
[pure virtual]

Compares two tree list items.

aFirst Item ID of the first compared hierarchical list item.
aSecond Item ID of the second compared hierarchical list item.
Positive, if the first item is greater than the second item; negative, if the first item is less than the second item; and zero, if the items are equal.

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