MSenProperty Class Reference

Link against: SenServConn.LIB SenUtils.LIB

Capability Information

Required Capabilities

NetworkServices ReadUserData WriteUserData

#include <

Public Member Functions

virtual TPtrC8 Name ()=0
 Gets the name of the property.
virtual TPtrC8 Type ()=0
 Gets the type of the property.
virtual TPtrC8 Value ()=0
 Gets the value of the property.
virtual TInt IntValue (TInt &aValue)=0
 Gets the integer value of the property.
virtual TInt BoolValue (TBool &aValue)=0
 Gets the boolean value of the property.
virtual TInt ValueTokensL (const TDesC8 &aDelimiter, RPointerArray< TPtrC8 > &aTokens)=0
 Populates given array with the tokens delimited by given delimiter.

Member Function Documentation

virtual TInt MSenProperty::BoolValue TBool &  aValue  )  [pure virtual]

Gets the boolean value of the property.

aValue A TBool reference to be filled in with the value of the property.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual TInt MSenProperty::IntValue TInt &  aValue  )  [pure virtual]

Gets the integer value of the property.

aValue A TInt reference to be filled in with the value of the property.
KErrNone if no error, or some of the system wide error codes.
virtual TPtrC8 MSenProperty::Name  )  [pure virtual]

Gets the name of the property.

TPtrC8 containing name
virtual TPtrC8 MSenProperty::Type  )  [pure virtual]

Gets the type of the property.

TPtrC8 containing type
virtual TPtrC8 MSenProperty::Value  )  [pure virtual]

Gets the value of the property.

TPtrC8 containing value
virtual TInt MSenProperty::ValueTokensL const TDesC8 &  aDelimiter,
RPointerArray< TPtrC8 > &  aTokens
[pure virtual]

Populates given array with the tokens delimited by given delimiter.

Note! Ownership of the TPtrC8 pointers is transfered to the caller.

aDelimiter Used delimiter.
aTokens Array which will be populated by tokens.
KErrNone if tokens were found. KErrNotFound if tokens were not found.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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