Callback, which is invoked when an error message is received from invoked service.
Inside this method, it is guarenteed, that the TxnId() getter provided by CSenServiceConnection class will return valid transaction ID. This allows one to map the ID of sent request, returned from CSenServiceConnection::SendL with the response that is provided in this callback. - Parameters:
| aErrorCode | is the error code (negative number) Error codes are some of the following: KErrSenNotInitialized Connection hasn't been initialized. KErrConnectionInitializing Connection is still initializing. KErrSubmitting Submitting a message failed, e.g. tried to send a NULL message. KErrConnectionExpired Connection has expired and needs to be renewed. KErrSenSoapFault A SOAP fault occurred, aErrorMessage should contain more detailed information. KErrSenInternal Internal error in Web Services framework KErrUnknown An unexpected major error has occurred and cause is unknown. Other possible error codes can be HTTP error codes or system-wide Symbian error codes. | | aErrorMessage | contains the error message data; with SOAP based services, possibly a SOAP fault as XML. |