AknTreeListIconID Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Namespace for pre-defined tree list icon IDs.


const TInt KDefault = -1
 Constant indicating that default icon is to be used.
const TInt KNone = 0
 No icon.
const TInt KLineBranchIndication = 1
 Tree structure line with branch.
const TInt KLineEndIndication = 2
 Tree structure end line.
const TInt KLineStraightIndication = 3
 Tree structure straight line indication.
const TInt KDefaultFileIndication = 4
 Default file indication.
const TInt KClosedFolderIndication = 5
 Closed folder indication.
const TInt KOpenFolderIndication = 6
 Open folder indication.
const TInt KCollapseFunctionIndication = 7
 Collapse function indication, superimposed.
const TInt KExpandFunctionIndication = 8
 Expand function indication, superimposed.
const TInt KMarkedIndication = 9
 Item marked indication.
const TInt KHighlightedMarkedIndication = 10
 Highlighted item marked indication.

Variable Documentation

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KClosedFolderIndication = 5

Closed folder indication.

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KCollapseFunctionIndication = 7

Collapse function indication, superimposed.

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KDefault = -1

Constant indicating that default icon is to be used.

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KDefaultFileIndication = 4

Default file indication.

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KExpandFunctionIndication = 8

Expand function indication, superimposed.

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KHighlightedMarkedIndication = 10

Highlighted item marked indication.

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KLineBranchIndication = 1

Tree structure line with branch.

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KLineEndIndication = 2

Tree structure end line.

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KLineStraightIndication = 3

Tree structure straight line indication.

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KMarkedIndication = 9

Item marked indication.

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KNone = 0

No icon.

const TInt AknTreeListIconID::KOpenFolderIndication = 6

Open folder indication.

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