touchlogicalfeedback.h File Reference

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#include <e32std.h>

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enum  TTouchEventType { ETouchEventStylusDown }
 Pointer event types, that can be used when registering areas to registry. More...
enum  TTouchLogicalFeedback { ETouchFeedbackNone, ETouchFeedbackBasic, ETouchFeedbackSensitive }
 Logical feedback types, that can be used when producing direct feedback, or when registering areas to area registry. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum TTouchEventType

Pointer event types, that can be used when registering areas to registry.

Currently only stylus down event is supported (this means that there will be feedback whenever stylus down event is received on registered area, no matter what happens _after_ stylus down event).

enum TTouchLogicalFeedback

Logical feedback types, that can be used when producing direct feedback, or when registering areas to area registry.

Notice, that client application cannot decide the actual physical feedback that shall be generated. It depends on device configuration, and current settings. In current devices the user changeable settings includes vibra and sound feedbacks.

Instructions for using these feedback types:

ETouchFeedbackNone - Use for disabling feedback for some areas of window when using area registry.

ETouchFeedbackBasic - Use as default feedback for pen down events. For example, pressing a button or tab.

ETouchFeedbackSensitive - Sensitive feedback for those situations, where the triggering action is not very important (e.g. change focus in list), or when there can be a large amount of feedbacks in a short time (e.g. text selection which gives feedback on every new selected character). Also used for scrolling and dragging.


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