Searching and navigating the library

Searching the library

You can search for text in the entire library or only in topics you are interested in.

To search for text in all topics:

  1. Type the text to be searched in the Search field.

  2. Click the GO button. Search results are shown in the Search Results tab.

You can also limit your search to include only topics in selected chapters by clicking the Search scope.

You can use search expressions according to the following examples:

  • touch or copy = touch OR copy finds topics containing at least one of the search items.

  • touch and copy = touch AND copy = touch copy (with a space between the searched items) finds topics containing both search items.

  • “Touch UI” finds topics containing the exact search phrase Touch UI.

It's recommended that you use the Quick reference to locate APIs in the S60 C++ API reference.

Navigating the library

The top of the right pane shows the current topic's location in the table of contents hierarchy, enabling you to navigate to the desired level in the table of contents hierarchy.

Use Back and Forward buttons on top of the right pane to navigate within the history of viewed topics.


To print the currently displayed topic, click Print Page.

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