Quick Reference

S60 5th Edition APIs

The below APIs were introduced in the S60 5th Edition SDK or earlier SDKs and can be used in the Nokia N97 SDK as well.

API Description Published Deprecated Headers
AIW Criteria API Criteria API offers access to a criteria element, which contains command ID, MIME type etc. of data items. 3.2 AiwCommon.rh AiwCommon.hrh AiwCommon.h
AIW Generic Parameter API Generic parameter API supports the creation of generic parameters and passing them from a consumer to provider(s) (input parameters) and vice versa (output parameters). 3.2 AiwVariant.h AiwGenericParam.hrh AiwVariantType.hrh AiwGenericParam.h
AIW Service Handler API API for consumer applications to use the AIW framework, referred also as Consumer API. Hides the implementation details, e.g. ECom usage. In addition to this a consumer uses Generic Parameter API and Criteria API. 3.2 AiwServiceHandler.h
Access Point Engine API Provides applications the possibility to access the Access Point information stored in the communications database. 0.9 3.2 APDataHandler.h ActiveApDb.h APUtils.h ApNetworkItem.h APNetworks.h ApEngineConsts.h APAccessPointItem.h APSelect.h Aplistitemlist.h ApEngineVer.h ApListItem.h ApNetworkItemlist.h
Access Point Settings Handler API Provides applications with the possibility to include Access Point choice. 0.9 3.2 Apsettingshandlerui.h ApSettingsHandlerCommons.h
Accessory Monitoring API API for monitoring accessory information 5.0 AccMonitorInfo.h AccMonitor.h AccMonitorCapabilities.h
Agent Dialog API Generic Connection Dialog Client 1.0 agentdialog.h
Animation API Bitmap animations. 0.9 aknAnim.hrh AknBitmapAnimation.h aknAnim.rh
Application Framework API General application framework 0.9 AknDoc.h AknViewAppUi.h aknApp.h AknAppUi.h aknview.h
Audio Effects API APIs to support audio related effects (e.g. equalizer, reverb, etc). These are APIs only and provide the mechanism of passing requests over the DevSound process boundary. The realization of these APIs is done by the adaptation components. 3.0 DistanceAttenuationBase.h MLocationObserver.h MAudioEqualizerObserver.h DopplerBase.h MListenerOrientationObserver.h DistanceAttenuationData.h LoudnessBase.h MRoomLevelObserver.h MSourceOrientationObserver.h EnvironmentalReverbBase.h AudioEqualizerBase.h LocationData.h MSourceLocationObserver.h SourceLocationBase.h AudioEffectData.h RoomLevelBase.h DopplerData.h MListenerDopplerObserver.h MDopplerObserver.h MAudioEffectObserver.h EnvironmentalReverbData.h MLoudnessObserver.h LoudnessData.h StereoWideningData.h AudioEffectBase.h MDistanceAttenuationObserver.h StereoWideningBase.h BassBoostdata.h MEnvironmentalReverbObserver.h MListenerLocationObserver.h OrientationData.h MStereoWideningObserver.h ListenerOrientationBase.h RoomLevelData.h ListenerDopplerBase.h SourceOrientationBase.h OrientationBase.h MBassBoostObserver.h ListenerLocationBase.h MSourceDopplerObserver.h BassBoostBase.h MOrientationObserver.h SourceDopplerBase.h AudioEqualizerData.h LocationBase.h
Audio Effects Presets API An API to support audio effect presets for Equalizer, Reverb, and Stereo Widening. This is a simpler API than using the associated Effects API directly. 3.0 EnvironmentalReverbUtility.h StereoWideningUtilityData.h AudioEqualizerUtility.h StereoWideningUtility.h EnvironmentalReverbUtilityData.h AudioEqualizerUtilityData.h
BLID Application Satellite Info API Provide the methods to display satellite information. 3.0 CSatelliteInfoUI.h
Base Controls API Controls that are mostly used as base classes for S60 style UI components. 0.9 eikalign.h eikbctrl.h AknControl.h
Bluetooth Notifier API Contains public notifier UIDs, e.g. UID of notifier for switching BT on/off 3.0 btnotifierapi.h
Bluetooth Power State API defines a CenRep key for getting Bluetooth power state 3.0 btserversdkcrkeys.h
Browser Control API Provides a CCoeControl-style interface to the browser engine. Applications can use this interface to load and render Web content in an embedded control. 2.0 BrCtlLayoutObserver.h BrCtlDefs.h BrCtlSpecialLoadObserver.h BrCtlWindowObserver.h BrCtlSoftkeysObserver.h BrCtlDownloadObserver.h BrCtlLinkResolver.h BrCtlDialogsProvider.h BrCtlInterface.h
Browser Plug-in API Provides an interface conforming to netscape plug-in API to write an add-on module that extends the capabilities of a browser. 2.0 prcpucfg.h npupp.h jri.h protypes.h npapi.h prtypes.h np_defines.h PluginAdapterInterface.h CEcomBrowserPluginInterface.h BrowserPluginInterface.h
Buttons API UI buttons. 0.9 Eikbgfty.h EIKLBBUT.H EIKCMBUT.H EIKBUTB.H eikcba.h EIKBTGPC.H EIKMNBUT.H eikbtgps.h
Calendar API Defines calendar observer interface. 0.9 eikcal.h
Calendar Interim Utils API Utility functions for use with the Calendar Interim API 3.0 3.0 CalenInterimUtils.h
Calendar Interim Utils2 API Enhanced utility functions for use with the Calendar Interim API 3.0 CalenInterimUtils2.h
Central Repository Notification Handler API Active object wrapper for Central Repository one-shot notification handling. 3.1 CenRepNotifyHandler.h
Choice List API Choice list UI component. 5.0 aknchoicelist.h
Clock Model Observer API Interface attached to concrete observer for clock. 1.0 3.1 ClkMdlObserver.h
Common Date and Time View API Provides views to edit date and time related settings. 1.0 3.1 ClkDateTimeView.h
Common File Dialogs API Provides common file dialogs. 2.0 CAknMemorySelectionDialog.h AknCommonDialogs.h CAknMemorySelectionSettingItem.h MAknFileSelectionObserver.h CAknFileNamePromptDialog.h CAknCommonDialogsBase.h CAknMemorySelectionSettingPage.h CommonDialogs.hrh AknCommonDialogsDynMem.h MAknFileFilter.h CAknFileSelectionDialog.h MAknMemorySelectionObserver.h CommonDialogs.rh
Cone Resource Loader API This API enables adding and removing localized resource files into the CONE environment. 2.0 coneresloader.h
Connection Monitor Server API Provides API for data connection monitoring with some management capabilities. 2.6 rconnmon.h
Connection Settings API Provides functionality to read Destinations and Connection Methods. The API does not provide UI functionality. 3.2 cmpluginembdestinationdef.h cmplugincsddef.h cmconnectionmethoddef.h cmdestination.h cmmanagerdef.h cmdefconnvalues.h cmconnectionmethod.h cmpluginvpndef.h cmpluginhscsddef.h cmplugindialcommondefs.h cmpluginwlandef.h cmmanager.h cmpluginpacketdatadef.h
Connection Settings UI API Provides UI for applications to let the user to choose a Destination or a Connection Method. 3.2 cmapplicationsettingsui.h
Content Listing Framework API An interface for acquiring lists of media items 3.1 MCLFItem.h MCLFItemListModel.h MCLFChangedItemObserver.h MCLFModifiableItem.h MCLFCustomGrouper.h MCLFProcessObserver.h MCLFContentListingEngine.h MCLFOperationObserver.h CLFContentListing.rh MCLFSortingStyle.h CLFContentListing.h ContentListingFactory.h MCLFPostFilter.h CLFContentListing.hrh MCLFCustomSorter.h
Context Pane API Provides default control in the status pane's context pane. 0.9 akncontext.h
DRM Audio Player API An API to support DRM-encrypted audio playback for third party applications that do not have the DRM capability. The DRM capability is needed due to Platform Security and migration to CAF APIs, so DRM Audio Player provides this capability. 3.0 DrmAudioSamplePlayer.h
DRM Helper API Provides methods for DRM specific error handling and registering and unregistering DRM protected content as automated content 2.6 Drmhelper.h DRMHelperServerInternalCRKeys.h RDRMHelper.h
DRM License Checker API Protection of native applications and skins. License Checker is ment to be used by the protected applications themselves 2.6 DRMLicenseChecker.h
Data Connection Log Counters API Central Repository keys KLogsGPRSSentCounter, KLogsGPRSReceivedCounter, KLogsWLANSentCounter, and KLogsWLANReceivedCounter (under UID KCRUidDCLLogs) can be used for monitoring byte counts of GPRS/UMTS incoming/outgoing data and WLAN incoming/outgoing data. The data amount is measures so that IP header and IP data are included. 3.2 dclcrkeys.h
Dialog Shutter API Provides interface for exiting all dialogs inside an application. 0.9 AknDlgShut.h
Dialogs API Provides dialog support. 0.9 EIKDIALG.H
Directory Localizer API An interface for localizing directory names. 3.2 CDirectoryLocalizer.h DirectoryLocalizer.rh
Document handler API Used for handling the opening and saving of any supported content. 0.9 DocumentHandler.h
Download Manager Client API Provides the client interface to the download manager server. 2.8 DownloadMgrClient.h HttpDownloadMgrCommon.h
Download Manager UI Library API API for download manager UI services. Used by applications to manage and display download lists, handle user interaction, insert a download list item in the application menu, etc. 2.8 DownloadsListDlgObserver.h CDownloadMgrUiBase.h CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList.h CDownloadMgrUiUserInteractions.h CDownloadMgrUiDownloadMenu.h CDownloadMgrUiLibRegistry.h
Editors API Editors. 0.9 EIKEDWOB.H aknnumed.h aknipfed.h aknedstsobs.h EIKFPNE.H EIKEDWIN.H EIKMFNE.H Aknedsts.h EikCcpu.h AknMfneCommandObserver.h EIKSECED.H AknLocationEd.h EIKRTED.H Aknnumseced.h AknNumEdwin.h aknuniteditor.h EIKGTED.H
Error UI API A utility for displaying Error notes. 0.9 ErrorUI.h
Exif API Exif header information creation/read/modification support for compressed JPEG images 3.0 ExifTag.h ExifModify.h ExifRead.h
Favourites Engine API API to the browser favorites engine, which manages browser bookmarks and pushed/saved decks. 0.9 FavouritesHandle.h FavouritesItemData.h FavouritesSession.h FavouritesDb.h FavouritesItem.h FavouritesFile.h FavouritesWapAp.h FavouritesDbIncremental.h FavouritesLimits.h FavouritesDbNotifier.h FavouritesDbObserver.h FavouritesItemList.h ActiveFavouritesDbNotifier.h
Feature Discovery API API to enquire if certain features are supported by the current environment. 2.8 FeatDiscovery.h featureinfo.h
Find Item API This API offers methods for parsing phone numbers, e-mail addresses or URL addresses from a given text. 3.0 finditemengine.h
Flash Viewer Framework API The API to start Viewer UI for playing Flash content file from a Viewer or a Stub application. 5.0 flash_ui.h
Font Definition API S60 font definitions used for accessing the system fonts. 1.0 fontids.hrh AknFontIdOffsets.hrh AknFontSpecification.h AknFontCategory.hrh
Fonts API Font utilities. 3.0 AknTextDecorationMetrics.h AknLayoutFont.h aknfontaccess.h
Form API Form UI component. 0.9 AknForm.h
Generic Button API Provides a generic button UI component. 5.0 AknButton.h
Graphics API Provides the TSeries60ColorScheme enumeration 2.0 palette.h
Grids API Grid UI components. 0.9 akngridview.h akngrid.h akncolourselectiongrid.h AknGMSStyleGrid.h akngridm.h
HS Widget Publisher API It enables the development of homescreen widgets for 3rd parties. It is dedicated for the homescreen content providers who want to publish content that may be displayed in homescreen widgets. It also allows providers to react to changes and actions performed on the widgets for which the data is published via a call-back interface. 5.0 hsexception.h hswidgetpublisher.h hsdataobserver.h hswidget.h
HWRM Power State API Power state information 3.0 HWRMPowerStateSDKPSKeys.h
Hierarchical Lists API Provides hierarchical list UI components. 5.0 akntreelistconstants.h akntreelist.h akncustomtreeordering.h aknsinglecolumnstyletreelist.h aknsinglestyletreelist.h aknhlistpanic.h akntreelistobserver.h
Hostlet Connection API API for applications to provide locally invocable services to service consumers. Any service provided by a hostlet is identified by unique endpoint and/or contract URI. 5.0 SenHostletConnection.h MSenHostlet.h MSenHostletRequest.h MSenHostletResponse.h
Hotkeys API Hotkey support. 0.9 eikhkeyt.h
IM API The open API to use Instant Messaging services. This is an ECom API. API instances are got through the ECom framework. If the API is not available, the ECom framework returns an error and the application must act accordingly. 3.0 imclient.h imerrors.h imconnection.h
IM Application Launch API An API that the application must implement in order to receive application startup requests in case a new message is coming when the application is not running. This is an ECom API. The application must implement it as an ECom plugin. 3.0 imlauncherplugin.h
Images API Provides UI component that consists of an image. 0.9 EIKIMAGE.H
Indicators API Indicators shown in UI. 0.9 AknIndicatorContainer.h AknEditStateIndicator.h
Info Popup Note API Info popup note UI control. 3.0 AknInfoPopupNoteController.h
Information Preview Popup API Information preview popup UI component. 3.2 AknPreviewPopUpObserver.h AknPreviewPopUpContentProvider.h AknPreviewPopUpController.h
Initialization API Initialization stuff. 0.9 EIKCTLIB.H EIKCOLIB.H
Input Frame API Input frame control. 0.9 akninfrm.h
Input Language Info API Provides information of available input languages. 0.9 AknInputLanguageInfo.h
Intermediate State API Provides support for intermediate states in controls. 0.9 aknintermediate.h
Keylock API Keylock utilities. 0.9 AknKeyLock.h
Labels API Provides label UI control. 0.9 EIKLABEL.H eikfnlab.h
Landmarks API Landmarks API provides basic landmark functionality. It enables opening the default landmark database and perform operations on it. This includes listing, reading, creating, updating and deleting landmarks, managing landmark categories and listening for landmark database events. 3.0 EPos_CPosLmOperation.h EPos_CPosLandmarkCategory.h EPos_CPosLmPartialReadParameters.h EPos_Landmarks.h EPos_CPosLmCategoryManager.h EPos_CPosLandmark.h epos_poslandmarkserialization.h epos_cposlandmarkdatabaseextended.h EPos_TPosLmSortPref.h EPos_CPosLandmarkDatabase.h EPos_CPosLandmarkEncoder.h EPos_CPosLandmarkParser.h epos_poslmcategoryserialization.h EPos_CPosLmItemIterator.h
Landmarks Database Management API Extends the Landmarks API to enable managing and accessing landmark databases. This includes listing, creating, deleting, copying and moving landmark databases. It also enables opening any landmark database. 3.0 EPos_TPosLmDatabaseEvent.h EPos_HPosLmDatabaseInfo.h EPos_CPosLmDatabaseManager.h EPos_CPosLmDatabaseManagerPluginBase.h EPos_TPosLmDatabaseSettings.h
Landmarks Search API Landmarks Search API enables searching for landmarks. Searching is performed according to criterias defined by the client. Criterias can be based on position, landmark category or other landmark content. 3.0 EPos_CPosLmCompositeCriteria.h EPos_CPosLmMultiDbSearch.h EPos_CPosLmCatNameCriteria.h EPos_CPosLmAreaCriteria.h EPos_CPosLmDisplayItem.h EPos_CPosLmCategoryCriteria.h EPos_CPosLmDisplayData.h EPos_CPosLmNearestCriteria.h EPos_CPosLmIdListCriteria.h EPos_CPosLandmarkSearch.h EPos_CPosLmTextCriteria.h EPos_CPosLmSearchCriteria.h
Landmarks UI Add Edit API This API provides UI components for creating and manipulating Landmarks. 3.0 CLmkEditorDlg.h
Landmarks UI Selector API This API provides UI components for selecting Landmark and Category items. 3.0 TLmkItemIdDbCombiInfo.h CLmkLandmarkSelectorDlg.h CLmkCategorySelectorDlg.h
Layout ID Definitions API Defines regional layout variants. 2.8 AknLayout2Id.h
Light API This provides SDK open API to control background lights, keypad lights etc. 3.0 HWRMLight.h
Lists API Provides list UI components. 0.9 EIKLBI.H EIKTXLBX.H EIKLBX.H AknListBoxSettingPage.h EIKCLBD.H EIKLBED.H eikslb.h AknSelectionList.h EIKLBD.H eikfrlbd.h EIKLBM.H EIKTXLBM.H EIKLBO.H EIKLBV.H EIKCLB.H eikfrlb.h AknListBoxLayoutDecorator.h aknlists.h
Location Acquisition API Enables 3.rd parties to write location based applications. 2.6 LbsFields.h LbsFieldIds.h LbsErrors.h LbsCriteria.h LbsPosition.h LbsCommon.h LbsClassTypes.h Lbs.h LbsIpc.h LbsSatellite.h LbsRequestor.h LbsPositionInfo.h
Location Centre Registration API Provides the interface for the client applications to register to Location Centre
MMS Client MTM API Client Mtm for multimedia messaging. 0.9 mmsclient.h mmserrors.h mmsconst.h
Media Fetch API An interface for selecting media files 2.0 MMGFetchCanceler.h MediaFileTypes.hrh MGFetch.h MMGFetchVerifier.h
Messaging Editor Constants API Messaging Editor Constant Definitions 2.0 MsgEditor.hrh
Messaging Integration API Interface to help 3rd parties to integrate to S60 messaging 5.0 MessagingSDKCRKeys.h ExtendedMTMIDS.hrh
Misc Controls API Provides miscellaneous UI controls. 0.9 EIKMOVER.H EIKDPOBS.H eikcapca.h EIKCAPC.H eiktbar.h EIKCTGRP.H EIKCONSO.H
Multimedia Extension Interfaces API An API that defines common interfaces used for custom command framework. 3.0 MCustomInterface.h CustomCommandTypes.h MCustomCommand.h
Navigation Pane API Provides navigation pane UI components. 0.9 aknnaviobserver.h aknnavi.h aknnavilabel.h aknnavide.h AknNaviDecoratorObserver.h
Network Status API An interface for accessing network status information. 3.0 CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h
Notepad Library API Provides API for storing, fetching and editing notepad memos, message templates and text files. 1.0 NpdApi.h
Notes API Provides note dialog UI components. 0.9 aknnotecontrol.h EIKPROGI.H aknprogresstimer.h AknProgressDialog.h aknnotewrappers.h AknWaitNoteWrapper.h aknwaitdialog.h EIKINFO.H AknStaticNoteDialog.h AknNoteDialog.h
Notifiers API Provides various notifiers and support for own notifiers. 0.9 AknGlobalNote.h aknglobalconfirmationquery.h aknglobalmsgquery.h AknGlobalListQuery.h AknNotify.h aknglobalprogressdialog.h AknPopupNotify.h AknNotifyStd.h AknGlobalListMsgQuery.h
OMA DRM CAF Agent API Provides OMA DRM CAF Agent specific functions 3.0 Oma2Agent.h
OOM Monitor Client API An interface providing services of OOM oommonitorclient.h
Open New Message Notification API Interface for notifying the new contact note component about the new messages 3.0 MNcnNotification.h
OpenVG API OpenVG is a cross-platform API that provides a low-level hardware acceleration interface for vector graphics libraries such as SVG. 5.0 khronos_types.h openvg.h vgu.h
Optical Character Recognition API Optical character recognition feature. 3.1 ocrcommon.h ocrsrv.h
Options Menu API Provides options menu UI component. 0.9 EIKMENUB.H EIKMENUP.H
Phone Parser API This API is used to parse and validate phone numbers. 2.0 commonphoneparser.h
Phonebook Data Add Edit UI API Provides UIs for editing and adding data in Phonebook. 0.9 5.0 MPbkEditorOkToExitCallback.h CPbkContactEditorDlg.h PbkDataSaveAppUi.hrh CPbkDataSaveAppUi.h
Phonebook Data Management API API for S60 specific contact data management. Wraps Symbian's Contact Model API. 0.9 5.0 CPbkContactIter.h MPbkContactDbObserver.h CPbkContactChangeNotifier.h MPbkFieldData.h PbkIconId.hrh PbkFields.hrh CPbkContactItem.h CPbkFieldInfo.h CPbkIdleFinder.h CPbkFieldsInfo.h CPbkContactEngine.h TPbkContactItemField.h
Phonebook Fetch UI API Provides UIs for fetching data from Phonebook. 0.9 5.0 CPbkVoipAddressSelect.h CPbkVideoNumberSelect.h MPbkFetchCallbacks.h CPbkEmailAddressSelect.h CPbkMemoryEntryAddItemDlg.h CPbkSmsAddressSelect.h CPbkMmsAddressSelect.h CPbkSingleEntryFetchDlg.h CPbkPocAddressSelect.h CPbkMultipleEntryFetchDlg.h CPbkPhoneNumberSelectBase.h CPbkAddressSelect.h CPbkSelectFieldDlg.h CPbkPhoneNumberSelect.h CPbkSingleItemFetchDlg.h CPbkEmailOverSmsAddressSelect.h MPbkFetchDlgSelection.h
Phonebook Thumbnail operation API Phonebook thumbnail operation management 2.8 5.0 MPbkThumbnailOperationObservers.h
Phonebook UI Utilities API Various Phonebook UI utilities. 0.9 5.0 PbkIconInfo.h RPbkViewResourceFile.h CPbkViewState.h
Phonebook vCard Import Export API vCard import/export to/from Phonebook 0.9 5.0 BCardEng.h
Pictograph API Provides pictograph rendering functionality. 2.6 AknPictographDrawerInterface.h AknPictographInterface.h
Platform Environment API Interface for quering system paths and the drive information of the system. 2.0 PathInfo.h PathConfiguration.hrh
Plug-in Bio Control API Plug-in Bio Control API 0.9 MMsgBioControlExtension.h MsgBioUids.h CRichBio.h MsgBioControlObserver.h MsgBioControl.h MMsgBioControl.h
Popups API Provides popup UI components. 0.9 AknPopupFieldText.h AknPopupFieldList.h AknPopupSettingPage.h aknPopupHeadingPane.h aknPopup.h aknpopupfader.h aknpopuplayout.h AknPopupField.h
Private UI Framework API Private headers of UI Framework (included via other header) 0.9 EIKHFDLG.H EIKDPAGE.H EIKALERT.H EIKHKEYC.H eiklay.h EIKBTPAN.H
Profiles Engine Active Profile Settings API Enables read-only access to certain settings in the current active profile 3.0 ProfileEngineSDKCRKeys.h
Profiles Engine Wrapper API A public interface for getting and setting profile information/settings and for searching all the tone files that can be used as alert tones. No new profiles can be created and the existing profiles cannot be deleted by using this interface. 3.1 MProEngAlertToneSeeker.h MProEngEngine.h MProEngNotifyHandler.h MProEngProfileName.h MProEngAlertToneSeekerObserver.h MProEngProfileActivationObserver.h MProEngProfileObserver.h ProEngFactory.h Profile.hrh MProEngProfile.h MProEngActiveProfileObserver.h MProEngProfileNameArrayObserver.h MProEngProfileNameArray.h MProEngTones.h MProEngToneSettings.h
PtiEngine API Provides predictive input functionality. 3.0 PtiUserDicEntry.h PtiKeyMappings.h PtiObserver.h PtiCompositionDataIF.h PtiLanguage.h PtiDefs.h PtiUserDictionary.h PtiUids.hrh PtiLanguageDatabase.h PtiEngine.h
Ptiengine ITI API API for Ptiengine ITI 3.2 PtiKeyMappings.h PtiLanguage.h PtiDefs.h PtiObserver.h PtiUserDicEntry.h PtiCompositionDataIF.h PtiUserDictionary.h PtiUids.hrh PtiEngine.h PtiLanguageDatabase.h
Queries API Provides query dialog UI components. 0.9 AknQueryValueText.h aknlistquerycontrol.h AknQueryControl.h aknquerydata.h AknQueryValueTime.h akndialog.h AknQueryValueDuration.h AknMultilineQueryControl.h AknQueryValueDate.h aknmessagequerydialog.h aknmessagequerycontrol.h AknQueryDialog.h AknQueryValueNumber.h aknlistquerydialog.h AknQueryValue.h AknQueryValuePhone.h
ROP Custom Commands API Provides constants for using video player API custom commands with ROP plug-in. 2.0 3.0 MMFROPCustomCommandConstants.h
Scalable Icons API 2.8 AknIconSrvClient.h AknInternalIconUtils.h AknIconObserver.h AknIconUtils.h
Screen Clearer API Provides screen clearing functionality. 0.9 AknClearer.h eikspace.h
Screen Mode API Interface to product screen mode data. 3.1 AknScreenMode.h
Screen Saver API Provides interface for screen saver plug-ins. 2.0 Screensaverplugin.h ScreensaverpluginIntDef.hrh ScreensaverpluginIntDef.h
Scroller API Provides scroller UI components. 0.9 EIKSCBUT.H Aknscbut.h Aknscrlb.h EIKSCRLB.H EIKSBOBS.H EIKSBFRM.H
Searchfield API Provides the searchfield UI component. 0.9 aknsfld.h
Send UI API Provides "Send via" interface to create and send different messages. Offers methods to create "Send via" list query and launch message editors. 0.9 SendUiConsts.h SendUi.h TSendingCapabilities.h CMessageAddress.h CSendingServiceInfo.h CMessageData.h SenduiMtmUids.h
Sensor Channel API API for Sensor framework services 5.0 sensrvchannelconditionlistener.h sensrvdatalistener.h sensrvchannellistener.h sensrvchannel.h sensrvchannelinfo.h sensrvchannelcondition.h sensrvchannelfinder.h sensrvchannelconditionset.h sensrvtypes.h sensrvproperty.h sensrvpropertylistener.h
Sensor Data Compensator API This API provides compensation for sensor data. sensordatacompensationtypes.h sensordatacompensator.h
Sensor definitions API Contains channel, channel datatype and property definitions 5.0 sensrvmagnetometersensor.h sensrvorientationsensor.h sensrvproximitysensor.h sensrvtappingsensor.h sensrvmagneticnorthsensor.h sensrvaccelerometersensor.h sensrvgeneralproperties.h sensrvilluminationsensor.h
Server Application API An interface for server applications. 3.0 AknServerApp.h
Setting Pages API Provides setting page UI components. 0.9 AknRadioButtonSettingPage.h AknCheckBoxSettingPage.h AknMfneSettingPage.h AknDesCArrayDecorator.h AknTextSettingPage.h AknSliderSettingPage.h AknVolumeSettingPage.h AknSettingPage.h AknPasswordSettingPage.h AknSettingItemList.h
Skins API Provides interfaces needed for skin support. 2.0 AknsSkinInstance.h AknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext.h AknsLayeredBackgroundControlContext.h AknsWallpaperUtils.h AknsFrameBackgroundControlContext.h AknsDataContext.h AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h AknsUtils.h AknsRlEffect.h AknsConstants.hrh AknsItemData.h AknsConstants.h AknsItemID.h AknsRlEffectContext.h AknsDrawUtils.h AknsRlParameter.h AknsControlContext.h
Slider API Provides the slider UI component. 0.9 Aknslider.h
Sounds API Key sound utilities. 0.9 aknSoundInfo.h aknsoundsystem.h
Speed Dial Utility Control API A utility that provides services to both the Speeddial and PhoneBook applications for getting and setting speeddial number configuration 1.0 3.2 SpdiaControl.h
Startup list Management API The interface defines rules and policies, which allow third party application to make modification to the device's startup list during the installation/uninstallation process. 1. SW Installer UI accepts the modification request to the startup list only from trusted software. 2. SW Installer UI allows third party applications to add to/remove from the startup list only executables delivered within their own installation package. 3. Startup list modification requests must be installed to the SW Installer UI server import directory (c:\private\101F875A\import). 4. The modification request is accepted if its name (file name) equals to the UID of the currently proceeding installation package. Otherwise it is rejected. 5. The modification request must contain: the name of the executable file and the exception policy. 3.0 StartupItem.rh StartupItem.hrh
Status Pane API Provides the status pane UI components. 0.9 eikspane.h eikspmod.h
String Loader API This API provides an interface to load and format resource strings that may contain parameter(s) as defined by the localization file template, e.g. %U or %N. 2.0 stringloader.h
Stylus Pop-up Menu API Provides stylus pop-up menu UI component. It is a floating component, which is meant for stylus usage only. 5.0 aknstyluspopupmenu.h
Synchronization Capability API A CenRep interface for last used sync solutions 5.0 seconsdkcrkeys.h
SysUtil API Provides functions for applications to retrieve SW and language package versions and check whether there is free space on a disk drive 2.0 sysutil.h
Tabs API Provides the tab group UI component. 0.9 akntabgrp.h AknTabObserver.h
Tactile Feedback Client API Provides applications and UI controls a centralized way for producing tactile feedback for different touch events. 5.0 touchlogicalfeedback.h touchfeedback.h
Text Resolver API This API is for resolving corresponding error texts (literals defined in errorres.rsc) for error codes (integers or constants). textresolver.hrh goes to SDK because it is included via textresolver.h. 2.0 textresolver.h textresolver.hrh
Title Pane API Provides the title pane UI components. 0.9 akntitle.h
Title Pane Touch Observer API Observer interface for detecting touch events in the title pane. 5.0 akntitlepaneobserver.h
Toolbar API A toolbar UI component interface. 5.0 AknToolbarObserver.h akntoolbarextension.h AknToolbar.h
Touch Pane Observer API Observer interface for changes in touch pane size or position. 3.0 AknTouchPaneObserver.h
Touch UI Utilities API Utilities related to touch UI. 5.0 aknlongtapdetector.h aknpointereventsuppressor.h
UI Framework Definitions API Constant definitions used in UI Framework. 0.9 akndef.hrh akndef.h EikCoCtlPanic.h EIKKEYS.H lafpublc.hrh AknBorders.h avkon.hrh avkonIcons.hrh LAFPANIC.H aknPanic.h lafpublc.h EIKON.HRH aknconsts.h avkon.rh EIKON.RH
UI Framework Utilities API Various UI Framework utilities. 0.9 AknIconArray.h aknenv.h AknBidiTextUtils.h AknUtils.h
Uikon Core Controls Abstract base class for EIKON button group 2.0 EIKTHUMB.H EIKBTGRP.H
Version Info API Interface for quering system version information 3.2 versioninfo.h
Vibra API Public API for Vibra 3.0 HWRMVibra.h
Vibra Control API This public API is used to access Vibra 2.0 3.0 vibractrl.h
Vibra Settings API Vibra related settings 3.0 HWRMVibraSDKCRKeys.h
Volume Control API Provides the volume control UI component. 0.9 Aknvolumecontrol.h
WLAN SDK Info API P&S interface that provides miscellaneous WLAN information. 5.0 wlansdkpskeys.h
Web Service Connection API This API offers ways to establish new web service connections and to send messages using an established connection. 3.0 SenXmlProperties.h MSenProperties.h MSenAuthenticationProvider.h SenHttpTransportProperties.h SenSoapConstants.h MSenProperty.h SenTransportProperties.h MSenServiceConsumer.h SenServiceConnection.h SenSoapMessage.h SenSoapFault.h SenWsSecurityHeader.h SenDateUtils.h SenSoapEnvelope.h
Web Service Description API This API consists of a family of classes for describing services and service accesses, providing ways to manage information on different services and frameworks. The most important functionality provided is XML type service description. 3.0 MSenProviderPolicy.h MSenIdentityProviderIdArray.h MSenServicePolicy.h SenServicePattern.h SenFacet.h MSenConsumerPolicy.h SenCredential2.h SenCredential.h SenIdentityProviderIdArray8.h SenXmlServiceDescription.h MSenServiceDescription.h SenIdentityProvider.h
Web Service Manager API The Web Service Manager API is used to store and retrieve service and identity information. 3.0 SenServiceManager.h
Web Service Messaging API This API provides message objects that ease up communication between service consumers and providers. Functionality is based on XML, including implementation that meets SOAP standards. 5.0 SenSoapMessage2.h SenWsSecurityHeader2.h SenSoapFault2.h SenSoapEnvelope2.h MSenMessage.h
Window Server Event Observer API Provides support for events to be sent independent of the control stack to other consumers yet internal to the application. 0.9 AknWsEventObserver.h
XML Engine DOM API C++ API for DOM parsing and manipulation. 5.0 xmlengnodelist.h xmlengbinarycontainer.h xmlengnode.h xmlengfilecontainer.h xmlengelement.h xmlengdom.h xmlengnodelist_impl.h xmlengattr.h xmlengdataserializer.h xmlengentityreference.h xmlengerrors.h xmlengserializationoptions.h xmlengdocumentfragment.h xmlengnamespace.h xmlengoutputstream.h xmlengcdatasection.h xmlengdatacontainer.h xmlengchunkcontainer.h xmlengprocessinginstruction.h xmlengnodefilter.h xmlengdomparser.h xmlengdocument.h xmlengtext.h xmlenguserdata.h xmlengcharacterdata.h xmlengdomimplementation.h xmlengcomment.h
XML Extensions API API to Web Services Framework specific adaptations to standard XML APIs. 3.0 SenBaseElement.h MSenElement.h SenXmlUtils.h SenXmlConstants.h SenBaseFragment.h SenElement.h SenBaseAttribute.h MSenContentHandlerClient.h SenXmlReader.h SenDomFragment.h MSenFragment.h SenNameSpace.h SenFragment.h SenXmlElement.h
XML Fragment API API to Web Services Framework specific adaptations to standard XML APIs. New fragment classes provide efficient way to build XML Engine (libxml2) based DOM tree from SAX parsing output. Fragment can be described to be a specialized combination of both a SAX parser and content handler. 5.0 SenFragmentBase.h SenParser.h RSenDocument.h SenDomFragmentBase.h
accessory monitoring API API for monitoring accessory information 5.0 AccMonitorCapabilities.h AccMonitor.h AccMonitorInfo.h
ptiengine iti api API for Ptiengine ITI 3.2 PtiObserver.h PtiUserDicEntry.h PtiEngine.h PtiKeyMappings.h PtiCompositionDataIF.h PtiUserDictionary.h PtiDefs.h PtiUids.hrh PtiLanguage.h PtiLanguageDatabase.h
webview_api BrCtlLinkResolver.h BrCtlLayoutObserver.h BrCtlSoftkeysObserver.h BrCtlSpecialLoadObserver.h BrCtlWindowObserver.h BrCtlDownloadObserver.h BrCtlInterface.h BrCtlDialogsProvider.h BrCtlDefs.h

Nokia N97 SDK APIs

The below APIs are introduced in the Nokia N97 SDK.

These APIs are not part of the S60 5th Edition platform and will therefore not be available in all S60 5th Edition devices. While they may be included in future S60 releases, their implementation may change, in which case source or binary compatibility cannot be guaranteed.

API Description Published Deprecated Headers
Home Screen Publishing API It enables the development of homescreen widgets for 3rd parties. It is dedicated for the homescreen content providers who want to publish content that may be displayed in homescreen widgets. It also allows providers to react to changes and actions performed on the widgets for which the data is published via a call-back interface. Nokia N97 SDK hswidget.h hswidgetpublisher.h hsexception.h hsdataobserver.h
Out of Memory Monitor Client API Allows applications to reallocate memory blocks and to register with higher priority. Nokia N97 SDK oommonitorclient.h
Sensor Data Compensator API This API provides compensation for sensor data. Nokia N97 SDK sensordatacompensationtypes.h sensordatacompensator.h

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