
Automatic String Completion — support for automatic completion using a group of target strings.




#include <glib.h>
GCompletion* g_completion_new (GCompletionFunc func);
gchar* (*GCompletionFunc) (gpointer);
void g_completion_add_items (GCompletion *cmp, GList *items);
void g_completion_remove_items (GCompletion *cmp, GList *items);
void g_completion_clear_items (GCompletion *cmp);
GList* g_completion_complete (GCompletion *cmp, const gchar *prefix, gchar **new_prefix);
GList* g_completion_complete_utf8 (GCompletion *cmp, const gchar *prefix, gchar **new_prefix);
void g_completion_set_compare (GCompletion *cmp, GCompletionStrncmpFunc strncmp_func);
gint (*GCompletionStrncmpFunc) (const gchar *s1, const gchar *s2, gsize n);
void g_completion_free (GCompletion *cmp);

Detailed Description

GCompletion provides support for automatic completion of a string using any group of target strings. It is typically used for file name completion as is common in many UNIX shells.

A GCompletion is created using g_completion_new(). Target items are added and removed with g_completion_add_items(), g_completion_remove_items() and g_completion_clear_items(). A completion attempt is requested with g_completion_complete() or g_completion_complete_utf8(). When no longer needed, the GCompletion is freed with g_completion_free().

Items in the completion can be simple strings (e.g. filenames), or pointers to arbitrary data structures. If data structures are used, provide a GCompletionFunc in g_completion_new(), which retrieves the item's string from the data structure. Change the way in which strings are compared by setting a different GCompletionStrncmpFunc in g_completion_set_compare().



typedef struct {
GList* items;
GCompletionFunc func;

gchar* prefix;
GList* cache;
GCompletionStrncmpFunc strncmp_func;
} GCompletion;

The data structure used for automatic completion.

GList *items; list of target items (strings or data structures).
GCompletionFunc func; function which is called to get the string associated with a target item. It is NULL if the target items are strings.
gchar *prefix; the last prefix passed to g_completion_complete() or g_completion_complete_utf8().
GList *cache; the list of items which begin with prefix.
GCompletionStrncmpFunc strncmp_func; The function to use when comparing strings. Use g_completion_set_compare() to modify this function.

g_completion_new ()

GCompletion* g_completion_new          (GCompletionFunc func);

Creates a new GCompletion.

func : the function to be called to return the string representing an item in the GCompletion, or NULL if strings are going to be used as the GCompletion items.
Returns : the new GCompletion

GCompletionFunc ()

gchar*      (*GCompletionFunc)         (gpointer);

Specifies the type of the function passed to g_completion_new(). It should return the string corresponding to the given target item. Use this function when data structures are used as GCompletion items.

Param1 : the completion item
Returns : the string corresponding to the item

g_completion_add_items ()

void        g_completion_add_items     (GCompletion *cmp, GList *items);

Adds items to the GCompletion.

cmp : the GCompletion
items : the list of items to add

g_completion_remove_items ()

void        g_completion_remove_items  (GCompletion *cmp, GList *items);

Removes items from a GCompletion.

cmp : the GCompletion
items : the items to remove

g_completion_clear_items ()

void        g_completion_clear_items   (GCompletion *cmp);

Removes all items from the GCompletion.

cmp : the GCompletion

g_completion_complete ()

GList*      g_completion_complete      (GCompletion *cmp, const gchar *prefix, gchar **new_prefix);

Attempts to complete the string prefix using the GCompletion target items.

cmp : the GCompletion
prefix : the prefix string, typically typed by the user, which is compared with each of the items.
new_prefix : if non-NULL, returns the longest prefix which is common to all items that matched prefix, or NULL if no items matched prefix. This string should be freed when no longer needed.
Returns : the list of items whose strings begin with prefix. This should not be changed.

g_completion_complete_utf8 ()

GList*      g_completion_complete_utf8      (GCompletion *cmp, const gchar *prefix, gchar **new_prefix);

Attempts to complete the string prefix using the GCompletion target items. In contrast to g_completion_complete(), this function returns the largest common prefix that is a valid UTF-8 string, omitting a possible common partial character.

Use this function instead of g_completion_complete() if the items are UTF-8 strings.

cmp : the GCompletion
prefix : the prefix string, typically used by the user, which is compared with each of the items
new_prefix : if non-NULL, returns the longest prefix which is common to all items that matched prefix, or NULL if no items matched prefix. This string should be freed when no longer needed.
Returns : the list of items whose strings begin with prefix. This should not be changed.

g_completion_set_compare ()

void        g_completion_set_compare        (GCompletion *cmp, GCompletionStrncmpFunc strncmp_func);

Sets the function to use for string comparisons. The default string comparison function is strncmp().

cmp : a GCompletion
strncmp_func : the string comparison function

GCompletionStrncmpFunc ()

gint        (*GCompletionStrncmpFunc)       (const gchar *s1, const gchar *s2, gsize n);

Specifies the type of the function passed to g_completion_set_compare(). Use this function when strings are used as GCompletion items.

s1 : string to compare with s2.
s2 : string to compare with s1.
n : maximal number of bytes to compare.
Returns : an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first n bytes of s1 is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or to be greater than the first n bytes of s2.

g_completion_free ()

void        g_completion_free         (GCompletion *cmp);

Frees all memory used by the GCompletion.

cmp : a GCompletion


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