Defines |
#define | KAiwCmdNoneStr "00000000" |
#define | KAiwCmdHelpStr "10275075" |
#define | KAiwCmdMnShowMapStr "10206904" |
#define | KAiwCmdMnNavigateToStr "10206905" |
#define | KAiwCmdMnAddrByCoordStr "10206906" |
#define | KAiwCmdMnCoordByAddrStr "10206907" |
#define | KAiwCmdMnSelectFromMapStr "10206908" |
#define | AIW_CASCADE_ID 0x01010001 |
| Always keep the provider menu items in a submenu.
#define | AIW_INTELLIGENT_CASCADE_ID 0x01010010 |
| Menu item is placed intelligently either to the main level or a submenu.
#define | AIW_LOCK_SUBMENU_TITLE 0x00000020 |
| Consumer defines the menu title.
#define | AIW_OPTIONS_ROM_ONLY 0x01 |
| Criteria item loadOptions bit, only providers in ROM are accepted.
Enumerations |
enum | TAiwServiceCommands {
KAiwCmdNone = 0,
KAiwCmdHelp = 0x10275075,
KAiwCmdMnShowMap = 0x10206904,
KAiwCmdMnNavigateTo = 0x10206905,
KAiwCmdMnAddrByCoord = 0x10206906,
KAiwCmdMnCoordByAddr = 0x10206907,
KAiwCmdMnSelectFromMap = 0x10206908
} |
| Predefined service commands (UIDs). More...
enum | TAiwServiceCmdOptions { KAiwOptASyncronous = 0x0001,
KAiwOptOutParamCheck = 0x0002,
KAiwOptInParamCheck = 0x0004,
KAiwOptCancel = 0x0008
} |
| Service command options (bits) to alter command handling behaviour. More...
enum | TAiwServiceClass { KAiwClassNone = 0x0,
KAiwClassBase = 0x101F8650,
KAiwClassMenu = 0x101F8652
} |
| Service classes (UID). More...
enum | {
KAiwEventStarted = 1,
KAiwEventCompleted = 2,
KAiwEventCanceled = 3,
KAiwEventError = 4,
KAiwEventOutParamCheck = 5,
KAiwEventInParamCheck = 6,
KAiwEventStopped = 7,
KAiwEventQueryExit = 8
} |
| Event codes. More...