Data Structures |
struct | SLafIconLayout |
struct | SLafTextCharasteristics |
struct | SNaviWipePart |
Functions |
| _LIT (KTitlePaneDefaultText," ") |
| Title pane default text if not any other default text is avilable.
| _LIT (KNewLine,"\n") |
| _LIT (KCommonDialogsBitmapFile,"z:\\resource\\apps\\commondialogs.mbm") |
| Location of the common dialogs bitmap file.
| _LIT (KCallStatusBitmapFile,"z:\\resource\\apps\\callstatus.mbm") |
| Location of the call status bitmap file.
| _LIT (KMemoryCardUiBitmapFile,"z:\\resource\\apps\\aknmemorycardui.mbm") |
| Location of the memory card ui bitmap file.
| _LIT (KAvkonBitmapFile,"z:\\resource\\apps\\avkon2.mbm") |
| Location of the avkon bitmap file.
| _LIT (KAvkonVariatedBitmapsFile,"z:\\resource\\apps\\variatedbitmaps.mbm") |
| Location of the variated bitmaps bitmap file.
Variables |
const TInt | KStatusPaneBackgroundGraphicsColorIdle = 215 |
const TInt | KStatusPaneBackgroundGraphicsColorUsual = 237 |
const TInt | KStatusPaneBackgroundColor = 0 |
const TInt | Kqpn_height_status_pane_idle = 56 |
const TInt | Kqpn_height_status_pane_usual = 44 |
const TInt | KNoValue = -1000 |
const TInt | KUseOtherValue = -1001 |
const TInt | KUseBaseValue = 0 |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KStatusPaneBackgroundGraphics |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KStatusPaneNaviPaneWipeGraphics |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KStatusPaneNaviPaneWipeBitmapOffset |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KNaviQgnNaviArrowLeft |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KNaviQgnNaviArrowRight [2] |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KNaviQgnNaviTabBitmap |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KNaviQgnNaviTabIcon2 [2] |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KNaviQgnNaviTabIconLong2 [2] |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KNaviQgnNaviTabIcon3 [3] |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KNaviQgnNaviTabIcon4 [4] |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KNaviQgnNaviTabIconLong3 [3] |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KNaviQgnNaviTabText2 [2] |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KNaviQgnNaviTabTextLong2 [2] |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KNaviQgnNaviTabText3 [3] |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KNaviQgnNaviTabText4 [4] |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KNaviQgnNaviTabTextLong3 [3] |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KNaviQgnNaviTabIcon1 |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KNaviQgnNaviTabText1 |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KNaviQgnNaviInformation [2] |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KNaviQgnAdditionalInformation |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KNaviQgnHelpHints |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KNaviQgnNaviIcon |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KNaviQgnNaviIconText |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KNaviQgnNaviEditingStatusIcon |
const TInt | KTabWidthWithTwoTabs = EAknTabWidthWithTwoTabs |
| Constant for two tabs layout.
const TInt | KTabWidthWithTwoLongTabs = EAknTabWidthWithTwoLongTabs |
| Constant for two long tabs layout.
const TInt | KTabWidthWithThreeTabs = EAknTabWidthWithThreeTabs |
| Constant for three tabs layout.
const TInt | KTabWidthWithThreeLongTabs = EAknTabWidthWithThreeLongTabs |
| Constant for three long tabs layout.
const TInt | KTabWidthWithFourTabs = EAknTabWidthWithFourTabs |
| Constant for four tabs layout.
const TInt | KTabWidthWithOneTab = EAknTabWidthWithOneTab |
| Constant for one tab layout.
const TInt | KNaviTabMargins = 0 |
const TInt | KNaviTabActiveTextColor = 215 |
const TInt | KNaviTabInactiveTextColor = 129 |
const TInt | KNaviTabOneTabTextColor = 0 |
const TInt | KTabNumberOfTabBitmaps = 14 |
const TInt | KTabIndexOfFirstTabBitmapInTwoTabsSet = 0 |
const TInt | KTabIndexOfLastTabBitmapInTwoTabsSet = 1 |
const TInt | KTabIndexOfFirstTabBitmapInTwoLongTabsSet = 2 |
const TInt | KTabIndexOfLastTabBitmapInTwoLongTabsSet = 3 |
const TInt | KTabIndexOfFirstTabBitmapInThreeTabsSet = 7 |
const TInt | KTabIndexOfLastTabBitmapInThreeTabsSet = 9 |
const TInt | KTabIndexOfFirstTabBitmapInThreeLongTabsSet = 4 |
const TInt | KTabIndexOfLastTabBitmapInThreeLongTabsSet = 6 |
const TInt | KTabIndexOfFirstTabBitmapInFourTabsSet = 10 |
const TInt | KTabIndexOfLastTabBitmapInFourTabsSet = 13 |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KTitleQgnOneLineLabel [2] |
const struct SLafTextCharasteristics | KTitleQgnTwoLineLabel [2] |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KTitleQgnLogoImage = { 2, 2, 2, 1, 97, 25} |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KContextQgnBitmap |
const TInt | KBatteryLevelMin = 0 |
| Constant for battery level minimum value.
const TInt | KBatteryLevelMax = 7 |
| Constant for battery level maximum value.
const TInt | KBatteryBitmapOffsets [KBatteryLevelMax] |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KBatteryQgnIndiBatteryStrength |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KBatteryQgnIndiBatteryIcon |
const TInt | KSignalLevelMin = 0 |
| Constant for signal level minimum value.
const TInt | KSignalLevelMax = 7 |
| Constant for signal level maximum value.
const TInt | KSignalBitmapOffsets [KSignalLevelMax] |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KSignalQgnIndiSignalStrength |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KSignalQgnIndiSignalIcon |
const TInt | KAknSoftkeyPaneHeight = 20 |
const TInt | KAknDefaultWsBufferSize = 7000 |
| Default size of the window server buffer.
const TInt | KAknMaxWsBufferSize = 16000 |
| Maximum size of the window server buffer.
const TInt | KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels = 3 |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KSmallStatusPaneIndicator |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KSmallStatusPaneTextIndicator |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KSmallStatusPaneSecureStateIndicator |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KSmallStatusPaneWmlWaitGlobeIndicator |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KSmallStatusPaneWaitBarIndicator |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KSmallStatusPaneProgressBarIndicator |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KSmallStatusPaneGprsIndicator |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KMirroredStatusPaneNaviPaneWipeBitmapOffset |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KMirroredNaviQgnNaviArrowLeft [2] |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KMirroredNaviQgnNaviArrowRight |
const struct SLafIconLayout | KMirroredNaviQgnNaviTabBitmap |
const struct SNaviWipePart | KNaviWipeSignalPanePart |
const struct SNaviWipePart | KNaviWipeContextPanePart |
const struct SNaviWipePart | KNaviWipeNaviPanePart |
const struct SNaviWipePart | KNaviWipeSignalPanePartMirrored |
const struct SNaviWipePart | KNaviWipeContextPanePartMirrored |
const struct SNaviWipePart | KNaviWipeNaviPanePartMirrored |
const TInt | KAknKeyboardRepeatInitialDelay = 600000 |
| Constant for the delay in microseconds before the key repeating starts when the key is pressed down.
const TInt | KAknStandardKeyboardRepeatRate = (1000000/6) |
| Keyboard repeat rate in microseconds.
const TInt | KAknEditorKeyboardRepeatRate = (1000000/10) |
| Keyboard repeat rate in editors in microseconds.
const TInt | KAknScreenModeUnset = -1 |
| Value for unset screen mode.