EApWapAccessPointID |
The Uid of the access point.
READ ONLY, assigned by the database. |
EApWapAccessPointName |
The name of the access point. |
EApWapCurrentBearer |
Indicates the name of the table from which to read the bearer information. |
EApWapStartPage |
WAP start page URL, LONG TEXT! |
EApWapGatewayAddress |
WAP gateway address (IP address). |
EApWapWspOption |
Enum value indicating whether connection-oriented or connectionless API should be used.
Type is TCommsDbWapWspOption. |
EApWapSecurity |
Attepmt secure WTLS connection to the gateway. |
EApWapIsp |
Identifier of the ISP to use if this is an ISP type database. |
EApWapChargecard |
Identifier for the chargecard to use if this is an ISP type database. |
EApWapIap |
Identifier of a record in the IAP table to be used if this is an IAP type database. |
EApWapIspType |
Enum value indicating whether IAP/ISP is a dial in or a dial out. |
EApIapName |
The name of this IAP. |
EApIapServiceType |
Name of service table in this IAP. |
EApIapServiceId |
Identifier of service in this IAP. |
EApIapChargecard |
Identifier of the chargecard in this IAP. |
EApIspName |
The name of this ISP. |
EApIspDescription |
Application's description of this ISP. |
EApIspIspType |
Enum value indicating ISP type, e.g.
Internet ISP, WAP Isp.TCommsDbIspType. |
EApIspDefaultTelNumber |
Default phone number. |
EApIspDialResolution |
Perform dialing resolution for default phone number? |
EApIspUseLoginScript |
Use login script? |
EApIspLoginScript |
Login script (used only if Use Login Script is true), LONG TEXT. |
EApIspPromptForLogin |
Prompt user for username and password? |
EApIspLoginName |
Login name. |
EApIspLoginPass |
Login password. |
EApIspDisplayPCT |
Display PCT (without scanning script for READ command) UNUSED, always FALSE. |
EApIspIfName |
Interface name. |
EApIspIfParams |
Interface parameter string. |
EApIspIfNetworks |
Comma separated list of network protocols. |
EApIspIfPromptForAuth |
Prompt user for authentication username and password? |
EApIspIfAuthName |
Authentication username used by PPP. |
EApIspIfAuthPass |
Authentication password used by PPP. |
EApIspAuthRetries |
Number of times to retry authentication if it fails. |
EApIspIfCallbackEnabled |
Is callback enabled? |
EApIspIfCallbackType |
Enum value indicating the type of callback (if enabled).
enum TCallbackAction. |
EApIspIfCallbackInfo |
Info for callback request (if enabled) 8-bit text field. |
EApIspCallBackTimeOut |
Time to wait for callback in microseconds (if enabled). |
EApIspIPAddrFromServer |
Get IP address from server? |
EApIspIPAddr |
IP address of interface. |
EApIspIPNetMask |
IP net mask of interface. |
EApIspIPGateway |
IP address of gateway. |
EApIspIPDnsAddrFromServer |
Get DNS address from server? |
EApIspIPNameServer1 |
IP address of primary name server. |
EApIspIPNameServer2 |
IP address of secondary name server. |
EApIspEnableIpHeaderComp |
Enable IP header compression? |
EApIspEnableLCPExtensions |
Enable LCP extensions? |
EApIspDisablePlainTextAuth |
Disable plain text authentication? |
EApIspEnableSWCompression |
Enable software compression? |
EApIspBearerName |
Enum value specifying the name of the bearer, e.g.
Asunchronous Modem, RBasicGsmCall::TBearerName |
EApIspBearerSpeed |
Enum value specifying the bearer speed TApCallSpeed. |
EApIspBearerCallTypeIsdn |
call type is ISDN or Analogue... |
EApIspBearerCE |
Enum value specifying the bearer CE, RBasicGsmCall::TBearerCE. |
EApIspInitString |
Modem initialization string to be used when this ISP is in use.This string will be copied into the MODEM_ISP_INIT_STRING field by NetDial.
8-bit text field. |
EApIspBearerType |
Enum value indicating connection type (CSD or HSCSD), TCommsDbBearerType. |
EApIspChannelCoding |
Enum value specifying HSCSD channel coding. |
Enum value specifying AIUR for HSCSD. |
EApIspRequestedTimeSlots |
Requested number of time slots for HSCSD. |
EApIspMaximumTimeSlots |
Maximum number of time slots for HSCSD which could be requested during this connection. |
EApGprsAccessPointName |
Access Point Name, LONG TEXT! |
EApGprsPdpType |
PDP type. |
EApGprsPdpAddress |
PDP address. |
EApGprsReqPrecedence |
Requested quality of service precedence class. |
EApGprsReqDelay |
Requested quality of service delay class. |
EApGprsReqReliability |
Requested quality of service reliability class. |
EApGprsReqPeakThroughput |
Requested quality of service peak throughput class. |
EApGprsReqMeanPeakThroughput |
Requested quality of service mean throughput class. |
EApGprsMinPrecedence |
Minimum quality of service precedence class. |
EApGprsMinDelay |
Minimum quality of service delay class. |
EApGprsMinReliability |
Minimum quality of service reliability class. |
EApGprsMinPeakThroughput |
Minimum quality of service peak throughput class. |
EApGprsMinMeanThroughput |
Minimum quality of service mean throughput class. |
EApGprsUseAnonymAccess |
Use anonymous access on? |
EApGprsDataCompression |
Data compression on? |
EApGprsHeaderCompression |
IP header compression on? |
EApGprsIfName |
Interface name. |
EApGprsIfParams |
Interface parameter string. |
EApGprsIfNetworks |
Comma separated list of network protocols. |
EApGprsIfPromptForAuth |
Prompt user for authentication username and password? |
EApGprsIfAuthName |
Authentication username used by PPP. |
EApGprsIfAuthPassword |
Authentication password used by PPP. |
EApGprsIfAuthRetries |
Number of times to retry authentication if it fails. |
EApGprsIpNetMask |
IP net mask of interface. |
EApGprsIpGateway |
IP address of gateway. |
EApGprsIpAddrFromServer |
Get IP adresses (for Symbian OS) from server? |
EApGprsIpAddr |
IP address of Symbian OS. |
EApGprsIpDnsAddrFromServer |
Get DNS addresses from server? |
EApGprsIPNameServer1 |
IP address of primary name server. |
EApGprsIPNameServer2 |
IP address of secondary name server. |
EApGprsEnableLCPExtensions |
Enable LCP extension? |
EApGprsDisablePlainTextAuth |
Disable plain text authentication? |
EApIsReadOnly |
Is the current record read only? |
EApProxyServerAddress |
Proxy server address, long text. |
EApProxyProtocolName |
Proxy protocol name, Text. |
EApProxyPortNumber |
Proxy port number, TUint32. |
EApProxyUseProxy |
Use proxy server?, TBool. |
EApProxyExceptions |
';' separated list of addr.
for wich the server should not be used. Long text |
EApHasProxySettings |
Has proxy settings? READ ONLY. |
EApNetworkID |
The network ID. |
EApNetworkName |
The network name. |
EApWapProxyPort |
The wap proxy port number. |
EApProxyLoginName |
The proxy login name. |
EApProxyLoginPass |
The proxy login password. |
EApIapBearerService |
Bearer service. |
EApIP6DNSAddrFromServer |
Get IPv6 DNS addresses from server? |
EApIP6NameServer1 |
IP address of primary name server. |
EApIP6NameServer2 |
IP address of secondary name server. |
EApCdmaIwfName |
IWF name, Text. |
EApCdmaServiceOption |
Service Option, TUint32. |
EApCdmaPdpType |
PDP type, TUin32. |
EApCdmaPdpAddress |
PDP address, Text. |
EApCdmaReqFwdPriority |
Requested forward priority, TUint32. |
EApCdmaReqRevPriority |
Requested reverse priority, TUint32. |
EApCdmaReqFwdBitrate |
Requested forward bitrate, TUint32. |
EApCdmaReqRevBitrate |
Requested reverse bitrate, TUint32. |
EApCdmaReqFwdLoss |
Req. forward frame loss rate, TUint32. |
EApCdmaReqRevLoss |
Req. reverse frame loss rate, TUint32. |
EApCdmaReqFwdMaxDelay |
Requested forward delay, TUint32. |
EApCdmaReqRevMaxDelay |
Requested reverse delay, TUint32. |
EApCdmaMinFwdBitrate |
Min. acceptable fwd bitrate, TUint32. |
EApCdmaMinRevBitrate |
Min. acceptable rev bitrate, TUint32. |
EApCdmaAccptFwdLoss |
Max. acc. fwd frame loss rate, TUint32. |
EApCdmaAccptRevLoss |
Max. acc. rev frame loss rate, TUint32. |
EApCdmaAccptFwdMaxDelay |
Max. acceptable forward delay, TUint32. |
EApCdmaAccptRevMaxDelay |
Max. acceptable reverse delay, TUint32. |
EApCdmaDataCompression |
Data compression on? TBool. |
EApCdmaHeaderCompression |
IP header compression on? TBool. |
EApCdmaAnonymousAccess |
Use anonymous access on? TBool. |
EApCdmaIfName |
Interface name. |
EApCdmaIfParams |
Interface parameter string. |
EApCdmaIfNetworks |
Comma separated list of network protocols. |
EApCdmaIfPromptForAuth |
Prompt user for authentication username and password? |
EApCdmaIfAuthName |
Authentication username used by PPP. |
EApCdmaIfAuthPassword |
Authentication password used by PPP. |
EApCdmaIfAuthRetries |
Number of times to retry authentication if it fails. |
EApCdmaIpNetMask |
IP net mask of interface. |
EApCdmaIpGateway |
IP address of gateway. |
EApCdmaIpAddrFromServer |
Get IP adresses (for Symbian OS) from server? |
EApCdmaIpAddr |
IP address of Symbian OS. |
EApCdmaIpDnsAddrFromServer |
Get DNS addresses from server? |
EApCdmaIPNameServer1 |
IP address of primary name server. |
EApCdmaIPNameServer2 |
IP address of secondary name server. |
EApCdmaEnableLCPExtensions |
Enable LCP extension? |
EApCdmaDisablePlainTextAuth |
Disable plain text authentication? |
EApCdmaApType |
Internet / WAP or both? TUint32. |
EApCdmaQosWarningTimeout |
Notify user if the requested QOS cannot be satisfied for this time in microseconds, TUint32. |
EApCdmaRlpMode |
Transparent or non-transparent radio link protocol, TUint32. |
EApCdmaMip |
Attempt to use mobile IP, TBool. |
EApCdmaHomeAgentAddress |
Home Agent address, Text. |
EApCdmaMipTimeout |
A normal reconnect (informing the user) takes place if both the PPP link drops and a change in SID or NID is received within this time in milliseconds, TUint32. |
EApCdmaNaiType |
Type of NAI, TUint32. |
EApCdmaSimpleIpAuthAlgorithm |
SimpleIP auth.algorithm, TUint32. |
EApCdmaSimpleIpPapSsHandle |
SimpleIP PAP shared secret handle, TUint32. |
EApCdmaSimpleIpChapSsHandle |
SimpleIP CHAP shared secret handle, TUint32. |
EApCdmaMipTBit |
Reverse-tunneling reqd flag, TUint32. |
EApCdmaMipHomeAddress |
Home address, Text. |
EApCdmaMipPrimaryHomeAgent |
IP address of mobile node's primary home agent, Text. |
EApCdmaMipSecondaryHomeAgent |
IP address of mobile node's secondary home agent, Text. |
EApCdmaMipMnAaaAuthAlgorithm |
MN-AAA auth algorithm, TUint32. |
EApCdmaMipMnAaaSpi |
MN-AAA security param index, TUint32. |
EApCdmaMipMnAaaSsHandle |
MN-AAA shared secret handle, TUint32. |
EApCdmaMipMnHaAuthAlgorithm |
MN-HA auth algorithm, TUint32. |
EApCdmaMipMnHaSpi |
MN-HA security param index, TUint32. |
EApCdmaMipMnHaSsHandle |
MN-HA shared secret handle, TUint32. |
EApWlanNetworkName |
The network name, Text. |
EApWlanNetworkMode |
Gives network mode, TUint32. |
EApWlanSecurityMode |
The security mode, TUint32. |
EApWlanIfNetworks |
Comma separated list of network protocols. |
EApWlanIfPromptForAuth |
Prompt user for authentication username and password? |
EApWlanIfAuthName |
Authentication username used by PPP. |
EApWlanIfAuthPassword |
Authentication password used by PPP. |
EApWlanIfAuthRetries |
Number of times to retry authentication if it fails. |
EApWlanIpNetMask |
IP net mask of interface. |
EApWlanIpGateway |
IP address of gateway. |
EApWlanIpAddrFromServer |
Get IP adresses (for Symbian OS) from server? |
EApWlanIpAddr |
IP address of Symbian OS. |
EApWlanIpDnsAddrFromServer |
Get DNS addresses from server? |
EApWlanIPNameServer1 |
IP address of primary name server. |
EApWlanIPNameServer2 |
IP address of secondary name server. |
EApWlanSettingsId |
COMMDB_ID of the WLAN settings, TUint32. |
EApWlanScanSSID |
TBool, whether need to scan the SSID. |
EApWlanChannelId |
In ad-hoc network mode, the channel ID, TUint32. |
EApLanBearerName |
The name of the LAN bearer. |
EApIapBearerID |
UID of the bearer record (LAN/Modem). |
EApIapBearerType |
The name of the iap bearer table (LAN/Modem). |
EApIpv4Settings |
EApIpv6Settings |
EApWlanSecuritySettings |
The security settings launcher. |