apengineconsts.h File Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed
API deprecated in: S60 3rd Ed FP 2

Link against: apengine.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



Functions modifying database (Create, Update, Delete) need WriteDeviceData. (CApDataHandler, CApUtils Setxxx functions)

#include <ApEngineVer.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define KApMaxConnNameLength   30
#define KApMaxGprsApNameLength   100
#define KApMaxLoginNameLength   32
#define KApMaxStartPageLength   1000
#define KApMaxAccessNumLength   21
#define KApCBInfoLength   21
#define KApMaxServiceCentreAddrLength   21
#define KApMaxIpAddressLength   100
#define KApMaxLoginScriptLength   1000
#define KApMaxLoginPasswordLength   20
#define KRetryWait   100000
 Time to wait before retry database operation.


enum  TApBearerType {
  EApBearerTypeCSD = 0x00000001, EApBearerTypeGPRS = 0x00000002, EApBearerTypeHSCSD = 0x00000004, EApBearerTypeAll = 0x00000008,
  EApBearerTypeCDMA = 0x00000010, EApBearerTypeWLAN = 0x00000020, EApBearerTypeLAN = 0x00000040, EApBearerTypeLANModem = 0x00000080,
  EApBearerTypeAllBearers = 0xffffffff
 These enums are used to represent the possible bearer types and the filtering criteria in CApSelect. More...
enum  TApCallSpeed {
  KSpeedAutobaud = 0x00000000, KSpeed9600 = 0x00000001, KSpeed14400 = 0x00000002, KSpeed19200 = 0x00000003,
  KSpeed28800 = 0x00000004, KSpeed38400 = 0x00000005, KSpeed43200 = 0x00000006, KSpeed56000 = 0x00000007
 These enums are used to represent the connection speed. More...
enum  TApCallType { ECallTypeAnalogue, ECallTypeISDNv110, ECallTypeISDNv120 }
 These enums are used to represent the conn. More...
enum  TIPvType { EIPv4 = 1, EIPv6 = 2 }
enum  TWlanNetMode { EAdhoc = 0, EInfra = 1 }
enum  TWlanSecMode {
  EOpen = 1, EWep = 2, E802_1x = 4, EWpa = 8,
  EWpa2 = 16


 _LIT (KSqlSelectNum,"SELECT %s from %s WHERE %s=%d")
 _LIT (KSqlSelectBaseNum,"SELECT * from %s WHERE %s=%d")
 _LIT (KDynIpAddress,"")
 'Dynamic' IP address to use in comparisons
 _LIT (KInvStartPage,"http://")
 A start page, which have to be considered as invalid.
 _LIT (KLocation,"Mobile")
 A name for the 'location' to use.
 _LIT (KModemBearerCSD,"CSD Modem")
 Modem bearer names for (HS)CSD Access Points.
 _LIT (KModemBearerGPRS,"GPRS Modem")
 Modem bearer names for GPRS/WCDMA Access Points.
 _LIT (KModemBearerCDMA,"CDMA Modem")
 Modem bearer names for CDMA Access Points.
 _LIT (KModemBearerWLAN,"WLANBearer")
 Modem bearer names for WLAN Access Points.
 _LIT (KModemBearerLAN,"LANBearer")
 Modem bearer names for LAN Access Points.
 _LIT (KModemBearerLANModem,"LANModem")
 Modem bearer names for LAN Modem Access Points.
 _LIT (KDynIpv6Address,"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0")
 _LIT (KDaemonManagerName,"NetCfgExtnDhcp")
 _LIT (KConfigDaemonName,"!DhcpServ")


const TInt KErrInvalidColumn = -300
 Attempting to read or write a column which does not exists.
const TInt KErrInvalidBearer = -301
 The given bearer is not valid.
const TInt KErrInvalidDatabaseType = -302
 The type of the database is not valid.
const TInt KErrInvalidName = -303
 The name of the AP is not valid (length = 0).
const TInt KErrDescOverflow = -304
const TInt KErrNullPointerPassed = -305
 The passed pointer was invalid = NULL.
const TInt KErrInvalidFilterType = -310
 The filter is not valid.
const TInt KErrInvalidBearerType = -311
 The bearer is not valid.
const TInt KErrInvalidIspRequest = -312
 The ISP type given is invalid.
const TInt KErrValueUnspecified = -323
 Used when the requested value was not specified in the database.
const TInt KApEngineMaxSql = 255
const TInt KEApSortUidAscending = 0x00000001
 These constants are used to represent the sorting order used in CApSelect. The sorting is done according to the ID of the access points in ascending order.
const TInt KEApSortUidDescending = 0x00000002
 The sorting is done according to the ID of the access points in descending order.
const TInt KEApSortNameAscending = 0x00000003
 The sorting is done according to the name of the access points in ascending order.
const TInt KEApSortNameDescending = 0x00000004
 The sorting is done according to the name of the access points in descending order.
const TInt KEApIspTypeInternetOnly = 0x00000001
 These enums are used to represent one the filtering criterias in CApSelect. Filter allows only access points that are capable of only internet access.
const TInt KEApIspTypeWAPOnly = 0x00000002
 Filter allows only access points that are capable of only WAP access.
const TInt KEApIspTypeInternetAndWAP = 0x00000004
 Filter allows only access points that are capable of internet AND WAP access.
const TInt KEApIspTypeWAPMandatory = 0x00000008
 Filter allows only access points that are capable of WAP access AND contain mandatory WAP settings.
const TInt KEApIspTypeAll = 0x00000010
 No filtering is done, all access points are shown.
const TInt KEApIspTypeMMSMandatory = 0x00000020
 Filter allows only access points that are capable of MMS and contain MMS mandatory settings Starting Page.
const TInt KModifiableTextLength = 100
const TInt KModifiableLongTextLength = 1000
const TUint32 KMaxAnalogueSpeed = KSpeed28800
const TUint32 KMaxIsdnSpeed = KSpeed43200
const TUint32 KMaxAnalogueSpeedWcdma = KSpeed28800
const TUint32 KMaxIsdnSpeedWdma = KSpeed56000
const TInt KRetryCount = 5
 Number of retries that are used in database operations.
const TUint32 KCallBackTimeOut = 60000000

Define Documentation

#define KApCBInfoLength   21
#define KApMaxAccessNumLength   21
#define KApMaxConnNameLength   30
#define KApMaxGprsApNameLength   100
#define KApMaxIpAddressLength   100
#define KApMaxLoginNameLength   32
#define KApMaxLoginPasswordLength   20
#define KApMaxLoginScriptLength   1000
#define KApMaxServiceCentreAddrLength   21
#define KApMaxStartPageLength   1000
#define KRetryWait   100000

Time to wait before retry database operation.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum TApBearerType

These enums are used to represent the possible bearer types and the filtering criteria in CApSelect.

EApBearerTypeCSD  Filter allows only access points that has CSD as bearer.
EApBearerTypeGPRS  Filter allows only access points that has GPRS as bearer.
EApBearerTypeHSCSD  Filter allows only access points that has HSCSD as bearer.
EApBearerTypeAll  No filtering is done, all access points are shown.
EApBearerTypeCDMA  Filter allows only access points that has CDMA as bearer.
EApBearerTypeWLAN  Filter allows only access points that has WLAN as bearer.
EApBearerTypeLAN  Filter allows only access points that has LAN as bearer.
EApBearerTypeLANModem  Filter allows only access points with LAN modem bearer.
EApBearerTypeAllBearers  No filtering is done, all access points are shown.
enum TApCallSpeed

These enums are used to represent the connection speed.

KSpeedAutobaud  Autodetect.
KSpeed9600  9600
KSpeed14400  14400
KSpeed19200  19200
KSpeed28800  28800
KSpeed38400  38400
KSpeed43200  43200
KSpeed56000  56000
enum TApCallType

These enums are used to represent the conn.

type Analogue/ISDNv110/ISDNv120

ECallTypeAnalogue  Analogue.
ECallTypeISDNv110  ISDN v. 110.
ECallTypeISDNv120  ISDN v. 120.
enum TIPvType
enum TWlanNetMode
enum TWlanSecMode

Function Documentation

_LIT KConfigDaemonName ,
_LIT KDaemonManagerName ,
_LIT KDynIpv6Address ,
_LIT KModemBearerLANModem ,

Modem bearer names for LAN Modem Access Points.

_LIT KModemBearerLAN ,

Modem bearer names for LAN Access Points.

_LIT KModemBearerWLAN ,

Modem bearer names for WLAN Access Points.

_LIT KModemBearerCDMA ,
"CDMA Modem" 

Modem bearer names for CDMA Access Points.

_LIT KModemBearerGPRS ,
"GPRS Modem" 

Modem bearer names for GPRS/WCDMA Access Points.

_LIT KModemBearerCSD ,
"CSD Modem" 

Modem bearer names for (HS)CSD Access Points.

_LIT KLocation ,

A name for the 'location' to use.

_LIT KInvStartPage ,

A start page, which have to be considered as invalid.

_LIT KDynIpAddress ,

'Dynamic' IP address to use in comparisons

_LIT KSqlSelectBaseNum   ) 
_LIT KSqlSelectNum   ) 

Variable Documentation

const TInt KApEngineMaxSql = 255
const TUint32 KCallBackTimeOut = 60000000
const TInt KEApIspTypeAll = 0x00000010

No filtering is done, all access points are shown.

const TInt KEApIspTypeInternetAndWAP = 0x00000004

Filter allows only access points that are capable of internet AND WAP access.

const TInt KEApIspTypeInternetOnly = 0x00000001

These enums are used to represent one the filtering criterias in CApSelect. Filter allows only access points that are capable of only internet access.

const TInt KEApIspTypeMMSMandatory = 0x00000020

Filter allows only access points that are capable of MMS and contain MMS mandatory settings Starting Page.

const TInt KEApIspTypeWAPMandatory = 0x00000008

Filter allows only access points that are capable of WAP access AND contain mandatory WAP settings.

const TInt KEApIspTypeWAPOnly = 0x00000002

Filter allows only access points that are capable of only WAP access.

const TInt KEApSortNameAscending = 0x00000003

The sorting is done according to the name of the access points in ascending order.

const TInt KEApSortNameDescending = 0x00000004

The sorting is done according to the name of the access points in descending order.

const TInt KEApSortUidAscending = 0x00000001

These constants are used to represent the sorting order used in CApSelect. The sorting is done according to the ID of the access points in ascending order.

const TInt KEApSortUidDescending = 0x00000002

The sorting is done according to the ID of the access points in descending order.

const TInt KErrDescOverflow = -304
const TInt KErrInvalidBearer = -301

The given bearer is not valid.

const TInt KErrInvalidBearerType = -311

The bearer is not valid.

const TInt KErrInvalidColumn = -300

Attempting to read or write a column which does not exists.

const TInt KErrInvalidDatabaseType = -302

The type of the database is not valid.

const TInt KErrInvalidFilterType = -310

The filter is not valid.

const TInt KErrInvalidIspRequest = -312

The ISP type given is invalid.

const TInt KErrInvalidName = -303

The name of the AP is not valid (length = 0).

const TInt KErrNullPointerPassed = -305

The passed pointer was invalid = NULL.

const TInt KErrValueUnspecified = -323

Used when the requested value was not specified in the database.

const TUint32 KMaxAnalogueSpeed = KSpeed28800
const TUint32 KMaxAnalogueSpeedWcdma = KSpeed28800
const TUint32 KMaxIsdnSpeed = KSpeed43200
const TUint32 KMaxIsdnSpeedWdma = KSpeed56000
const TInt KModifiableLongTextLength = 1000
const TInt KModifiableTextLength = 100
const TInt KRetryCount = 5

Number of retries that are used in database operations.

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