brctlspecialloadobserver.h File Reference

API published in: S60 2nd Ed FP 3

Link against: browserengine.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



NetworkServices capability is required for any operation that results in loading content from the network. For example, calling LoadUrlL() with a url parameter that refers to a network location requires NetworkServices capability if the content is not available from the cache or if the specified cache mode prevents loading the cached version.

#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <apmstd.h>
#include <ApEngineConsts.h>
#include <badesca.h>

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Data Structures

class  MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver
 The MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver class handles special load events, such as network connection, non-HTTP(S) load requests, and non-HTML responses. More...


enum  TBrCtlDownloadParam {
  EParamRequestUrl, EParamRealm, EParamUsername, EParamPassword,
  EParamProxyRealm, EParamProxyUsername, EParamProxyPassword, EParamRawRequestHeader,
  EParamReceivedContentType, EParamExpectedContentType, EParamTotalContentLength, EParamReceivedContentLength,
  EParamReceivedContent, EParamRawResponseHeader, EParamLocalFileName, EParamCharset,
  EParamRefererHeader, EParamTransactionId

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum TBrCtlDownloadParam
EParamRequestUrl  URL requested.
EParamRealm  Realm (if www).
EParamUsername  User name (if www authentication).
EParamPassword  Password (if www authentication).
EParamProxyRealm  Realm in the case of proxy authentication.
EParamProxyUsername  User name (if proxy authentication).
EParamProxyPassword  Password (if proxy authentication).
EParamRawRequestHeader  Request header in the form: Header:Value.
EParamReceivedContentType  Type of content received.
EParamExpectedContentType  Type of content expected to appear in the markup <object> tag.
EParamTotalContentLength  Expected length of the content.
EParamReceivedContentLength  Length of the content already received.
EParamReceivedContent  Body of the content received.
EParamRawResponseHeader  Response header in the form: Header: Value.
EParamLocalFileName  Name of the file containing the content to be downloaded.
EParamCharset  Character set of the content to be downloaded.
EParamRefererHeader  Referrer header used in the download request, if applicable.
EParamTransactionId  Transaction ID.

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