CAknPopupHeadingPane Class Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

Link against: avkon.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Inherits CAknControl.

Detailed Description

Header control for queries.

Defines properties of the header of the pop-up menu.

Public Types

enum  THeadingPaneLayout { EQueryHeadingPane, EListHeadingPane, EColourSelectionGridHeadingPane, EMessageQueryHeadingPane }
 Enumeration for different layouts. More...

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C CAknPopupHeadingPane ()
IMPORT_C ~CAknPopupHeadingPane ()
IMPORT_C void SizeChanged ()
 From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize ()
 From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C void ConstructL (TPtrC aText)
 Completes the construction of the CAknPopupHeadingPane object.
IMPORT_C void ConstructFromResourceL (TResourceReader &aReader)
 From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C CEikLabelPrompt () const
 Get pointer to the prompt control.
IMPORT_C TPtr PromptText () const
 Get prompt text.
IMPORT_C void SetTextL (TPtrC aText)
 Set header text.
IMPORT_C void SetHeaderImageOwnedL (CEikImage *aImage)
 Set header image.
IMPORT_C void SetHeaderImageL (CEikImage *aImage)
 Set header image.
IMPORT_C void SetHeaderAnimationL (TInt aResourceId)
 Set header animation by reading BMPANIM_DATA resource.
IMPORT_C void SetLayout (THeadingPaneLayout aLayout)
 Set layout of the heading pane.
IMPORT_C void StartAnimationL ()
 Start the animation.
IMPORT_C TInt CancelAnimation ()
 Cancel the animation.
virtual void ActivateL ()
 From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL (const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
IMPORT_C void HandleResourceChange (TInt aType)
 Handles a change to the control's resources of type aType which are shared across the environment, e.g.
void SetPageL (TInt aCurrent, TInt aMax=0)
IMPORT_C void SetSkinFrameId (const TAknsItemID &aFrameId)
 Set heading frame ids.
IMPORT_C void SetSkinFrameCenterId (const TAknsItemID &aFrameCenterId)

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum CAknPopupHeadingPane::THeadingPaneLayout

Enumeration for different layouts.

EQueryHeadingPane  Query mode layout for heading pane.
EListHeadingPane  List mode layout for heading pane.
EColourSelectionGridHeadingPane  Heading pane for colour selection list.
EMessageQueryHeadingPane  Heading pane for message query.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C CAknPopupHeadingPane::CAknPopupHeadingPane  ) 


IMPORT_C CAknPopupHeadingPane::~CAknPopupHeadingPane  ) 


Member Function Documentation

virtual void CAknPopupHeadingPane::ActivateL  )  [virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Activates popup heading. Calls CCoeControl::ActivateL().

IMPORT_C TInt CAknPopupHeadingPane::CancelAnimation  ) 

Cancel the animation.

Calls RBitmapAnim::CommandReply(EBitmapAnimCommandStopAnimation).

A value defined by the animation writer. The value may, in some cases, be defined to be an error code.
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::ConstructFromResourceL TResourceReader &  aReader  ) 

From CCoeControl.

Constructs heading pane from a resource file. Current resource reader position must point to AVKON_HEADING resource.

aReader The resource reader with which to access the header resource values.
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::ConstructL TPtrC  aText  ) 

Completes the construction of the CAknPopupHeadingPane object.

Layout is set to EQueryHeadingPane by default.

aText Header text.
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::HandlePointerEventL const TPointerEvent &  aPointerEvent  ) 
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::HandleResourceChange TInt  aType  ) 

Handles a change to the control's resources of type aType which are shared across the environment, e.g.

colors or fonts.

IMPORT_C TSize CAknPopupHeadingPane::MinimumSize  ) 

From CCoeControl.

Get the minimum required size of heading pane.

The minimum required size of heading pane.
IMPORT_C CEikLabel* CAknPopupHeadingPane::Prompt  )  const

Get pointer to the prompt control.

A pointer to the prompt control.
IMPORT_C TPtr CAknPopupHeadingPane::PromptText  )  const

Get prompt text.

A prompt text.
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::SetHeaderAnimationL TInt  aResourceId  ) 

Set header animation by reading BMPANIM_DATA resource.

aResourceId A resource identifier for the header animation.
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::SetHeaderImageL CEikImage aImage  ) 

Set header image.

aImage A header image.
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::SetHeaderImageOwnedL CEikImage aImage  ) 

Set header image.

Gets the ownership of the image.

aImage A header image.
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::SetLayout THeadingPaneLayout  aLayout  ) 

Set layout of the heading pane.

aLayout A layout of the heading pane.
void CAknPopupHeadingPane::SetPageL TInt  aCurrent,
TInt  aMax = 0
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::SetSkinFrameCenterId const TAknsItemID aFrameCenterId  ) 
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::SetSkinFrameId const TAknsItemID aFrameId  ) 

Set heading frame ids.

These can be used to override default ids.

aFrameId / aFrameCenterId Ids of heading's frame..
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::SetTextL TPtrC  aText  ) 

Set header text.

aText A header text.
IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::SizeChanged  ) 

From CCoeControl.

Responds to size changes to sets the size and position of the contents of the heading pane.

IMPORT_C void CAknPopupHeadingPane::StartAnimationL  ) 

Start the animation.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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