CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext Class Reference

API published in: S60 2nd Ed

Link against: aknskins.lib aknskinsrv.lib aknswallpaperutils.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Inherits CAknsLayeredBackgroundControlContext.

Detailed Description

Implementation of a control context that provides a layout background generated from a frame item.

This is a public class with exported functions. The class is not intended for derivation outside the library.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext ()
IMPORT_C void SetFrame (const TAknsItemID &aFrameID)
 Reconstructs the entire frame from the given item ID.
IMPORT_C void SetFrameRects (const TRect &aOuterRect, const TRect &aInnerRect)
 Sets the outer and the inner rectangles of the frame.
IMPORT_C void SetCenter (const TAknsItemID &aID)
 Overrides the center part of the frame.
IMPORT_C void SetFramePartRect (const TRect &aRect, const TAknsFrameElementIndex aFrameElement)
 Sets the rectangle of a single part of the frame.
TBool IsCompatibleWithType (const TAknsControlContextType aType) const
 Determines whether this control context is compatible with the given derived type.

aType Type of the derived control context class (one of the values in TAknsControlContextType).
ETrue if this control context instance is compatible with the given type (i.e. can be casted to the corresponding concrete class). EFalse otherwise.

TInt UpdateContext ()
 Updates the control context, if necessary.

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContextNewL (const TAknsItemID &aFrameID, const TRect &aOuterRect, const TRect &aInnerRect, const TBool aParentAbsolute)
 Two-phased constructor.

Protected Member Functions

void UpdateFrame ()
 Updates the type-dependant parameters of the frame.
 CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext ()
 C++ constructor.
void ConstructL (const TAknsItemID &aFrameID, const TRect &aOuterRect, const TRect &aInnerRect, const TBool aParentAbsolute)
 Symbian 2nd phase constructor.

Protected Attributes

TAknsItemID iFrameID
TAknsItemID iCenterID
TRect iInnerRect
TRect iOuterRect
TBool iSingleElementFrame

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::~CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext  )  [virtual]


CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext  )  [protected]

C++ constructor.

Member Function Documentation

void CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::ConstructL const TAknsItemID aFrameID,
const TRect &  aOuterRect,
const TRect &  aInnerRect,
const TBool  aParentAbsolute

Symbian 2nd phase constructor.

TBool CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::IsCompatibleWithType const TAknsControlContextType  aType  )  const [virtual]

Determines whether this control context is compatible with the given derived type.

aType Type of the derived control context class (one of the values in TAknsControlContextType).
ETrue if this control context instance is compatible with the given type (i.e. can be casted to the corresponding concrete class). EFalse otherwise.

Reimplemented from CAknsLayeredBackgroundControlContext.

static IMPORT_C CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext* CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::NewL const TAknsItemID aFrameID,
const TRect &  aOuterRect,
const TRect &  aInnerRect,
const TBool  aParentAbsolute

Two-phased constructor.

aFrameID Item ID of the entire frame.
aOuterRect Outer rectangle of the frame.
aInnerRect Inner rectangle of the frame.
aParentAbsolute ETrue if parent absolute layout should be used, EFalse otherwise. If a parent absolute layout is used, the parent position must be set and updated using SetParentPos.
Newly constructed object.
IMPORT_C void CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::SetCenter const TAknsItemID aID  ) 

Overrides the center part of the frame.

aID Item ID of the center part to be used.
IMPORT_C void CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::SetFrame const TAknsItemID aFrameID  ) 

Reconstructs the entire frame from the given item ID.

aID Item ID of the entire frame.
IMPORT_C void CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::SetFramePartRect const TRect &  aRect,
const TAknsFrameElementIndex  aFrameElement

Sets the rectangle of a single part of the frame.

aRect Rectangle of the specific part of the frame.
aFrameElement Element (index) of the frame element to which the rectangle is applied.
IMPORT_C void CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::SetFrameRects const TRect &  aOuterRect,
const TRect &  aInnerRect

Sets the outer and the inner rectangles of the frame.

aOuterRect The outer rectangle of the frame.
aInnerRect The inner rectangle of the frame.
TInt CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::UpdateContext  )  [virtual]

Updates the control context, if necessary.

This method is called by the framework before drawing with the context.

Implementation in CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext updates the items to ensure that transition between single-bitmap and multi-bitmap frames work as expected.

Return value reserved for future use. Currently returns 0.

Reimplemented from MAknsControlContext.

void CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::UpdateFrame  )  [protected]

Updates the type-dependant parameters of the frame.

Field Documentation

TAknsItemID CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::iCenterID [protected]
TAknsItemID CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::iFrameID [protected]
TRect CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::iInnerRect [protected]
TRect CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::iOuterRect [protected]
TBool CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::iSingleElementFrame [protected]

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