CColumnListBoxData Class Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

Link against: avkon.lib eikctl.lib eikcoctl.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Inherits CListBoxData.

Detailed Description

The CColumnListBoxData class handles the data required to draw a column list box.

The class performs drawing for CColumnListBoxItemDrawer. Columns are numbered from 0 from left to right, and extra column data can be set for each.

N.B.: The standard width of a column drawn by CColumnListListBoxData is 0 pixels, so at the very least a column width should be set for each column in a column list box.

This class is not intended for user derivation.

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C ~CColumnListBoxData ()
IMPORT_C TInt LastColumn () const
 Gets the index of the last defined column.
IMPORT_C TInt ColumnWidthPixel (TInt aColumn) const
 Gets the specified column’s width in pixels.
IMPORT_C void SetColumnWidthPixelL (TInt aColumn, TInt aWidth)
 Sets the specified column’s width in pixels.
IMPORT_C TInt ColumnHorizontalGap (TInt aColumn) const
 Not used in S60.
IMPORT_C void SetColumnHorizontalGapL (TInt aColumn, TInt aGap)
 Not used in S60.
IMPORT_C TInt ColumnBaselinePos (TInt aColumn) const
 Gets column's baseline.
IMPORT_C void SetColumnBaselinePosL (TInt aColumn, TInt aPos)
 Sets columns baseline position.
IMPORT_C TMargins ColumnMargins (TInt aColumn) const
 Gets column's margins.
IMPORT_C void SetColumnMarginsL (TInt aColumn, TMargins aMargins)
 Sets column's margins.
IMPORT_C const CFont * ColumnFont (TInt aColumn) const
 Gets font used by the column.
IMPORT_C void SetColumnFontL (TInt aColumn, const CFont *aFont)
 Sets column's font.
IMPORT_C CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign ColumnAlignment (TInt aColumn) const
 Gets the text alignment for the specified column.
IMPORT_C void SetColumnAlignmentL (TInt aColumn, CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlign)
 Sets the text alignment for the specified column.
IMPORT_C CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle ColumnSeparatorStyle (TInt aColumn) const
 Not used in S60.
IMPORT_C void SetColumnSeparatorStyleL (TInt aColumn, CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle aStyle)
 Not used in S60.
IMPORT_C TBool ColumnIsOptional (TInt aColumn) const
 Checks whether the column is optional.
IMPORT_C void SetOptionalColumnL (TInt aColumn, TBool aIsOptional)
 Sets whether the column is optional.
IMPORT_C TBool ColumnIsGraphics (TInt aColumn) const
 Checks whether the column contains graphics.
IMPORT_C void SetGraphicsColumnL (TInt aColumn, TBool aIsGraphics)
 Sets whether the column shows graphics.
IMPORT_C TBool ColumnIsNumber (TInt aColumn) const
 Checks if the column is a number.
IMPORT_C void SetNumberColumnL (TInt aColumn, TBool aIsNumber)
 Sets whether the column is a number.
IMPORT_C CArrayPtr< CGulIcon > * IconArray () const
 Gets the icon array.
IMPORT_C void SetIconArray (CArrayPtr< CGulIcon > *aArray)
 Sets icon array.
IMPORT_C TInt ColumnTextClipGap (TInt aSubCellIndex) const
 Gets TextClipGap, the gap between words in a text clip, for the given column.
IMPORT_C void SetColumnTextClipGapL (TInt aSubCellIndex, TInt aSize)
 Sets columns TextClipGap, the gap between words in a text clip.
IMPORT_C CFont * Font (const TListItemProperties &aItemProperties, TInt aColumn) const
 Gets the specified font for the specified column.
IMPORT_C TBool MakeColumnRect (TInt aColumn, TRect &aRect)
 Gets the specified column’s surrounding rectangle.
virtual IMPORT_C void Draw (const TListItemProperties &aItemProperties, CWindowGc &aGc, const TDesC *aText, const TRect &aRect, TBool aHighlight, const TColors &aColors) const
 Draws a single row.
void DrawSimple (const TListItemProperties &aItemProperties, CWindowGc &aGc, const TDesC *aText, const TRect &aRect, TBool aHighlight, const TColors &aColors) const
IMPORT_C void SetSeparatorLinePosition (TAknSeparatorLinePosition aPosition)
 Sets position of listbox line.
IMPORT_C TAknSeparatorLinePosition SeparatorLinePosition () const
 Gives out separator line position.
IMPORT_C CAknLayoutData * LayoutData () const
IMPORT_C TBool LayoutInit () const
IMPORT_C void SetLayoutInit (TBool aValue) const
IMPORT_C void SetColumnUnderlined (TBitFlags32 aUnderlinedColumns)
 Enables / disables underlining per text column, if and only if TListItemProperties also has underlining enabled.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl * Control () const
 Gets CCoeControl for component.
IMPORT_C void SetControl (CCoeControl *aControl)
 Sets CCoeControl for current component.
IMPORT_C MAknsControlContextSkinBackgroundContext () const
 Gets background skin context.
void SetSkinBackgroundContext (CAknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext *aContext)
 Sets background skin context.
IMPORT_C void SetSkinStyle (const TAknsItemID *aId, const TRect &aTileRect)
 Sets style for the skin fot list tiles.
IMPORT_C void SetListEndSkinStyle (const TAknsItemID *aId, const TRect &aRect)
 Sets skin style for the end of the list.
IMPORT_C void SetSkinHighlightFrame (const TAknsItemID *aFrameId, const TAknsItemID *aFrameCenterId)
 Sets skin for the highlighted frame.
IMPORT_C void SetSkinEnabledL (TBool aEnabled)
 Enables/Disables skin.
void CreatePictographInterfaceL ()
 Creates a pictograph interface for the CColumnListBoxData.
void CreateMarqueeControlL ()
 Creates a marquee control for the CColumnListBoxData and redraw.
void ResetMarquee ()
 Resets marquee control.
TInt CurrentMarqueeItemIndex ()
 Gets current marquee item index.
void SetCurrentMarqueeItemIndex (TInt aIndex)
 Sets the index for current marquee item.
IMPORT_C void EnableMarqueeL (TBool aEnable)
 Enables or disables the marquee.
IMPORT_C void SetColumnFontForRowL (TInt aRow, TInt aColumn, const CFont *aFont)
 Sets the font attached to the cell for each row separately.
IMPORT_C const CFont * RowAndColumnFont (TInt aRow, TInt aColumn) const
 Gets the font attached to the row and cell.
void SetCurrentItemIndex (TInt aIndex)
 Sets the current list item index.
IMPORT_C void SetSubCellIconSize (TInt aIndex, TSize aSize)
 Sets the subcell icon size.
TSize GetSubCellIconSize (TInt aIndex)
 Gets subcell icon size.
IMPORT_C const CAknsEffectAnim * HighlightAnim () const
 Gets the highlight animation .
IMPORT_C void AboutToDrawHighlightAnim () const
 This method should be called before drawing animated highlight.
IMPORT_C void SetHighlightAnimBackgroundDrawer (MColumnListBoxAnimBackgroundDrawer *aDrawer)
 Sets the observer for overriding default highlight input layer drawing functionality.
IMPORT_C void SetItemCellSize (const TSize &aSizeInPixels)
 Changes item cell size & resizes highlight animation.
IMPORT_C TBool HasHighlightAnim () const
IMPORT_C TBool DrawHighlightAnim (CBitmapContext &aGc, const TRect &aRect) const
 The preferred method for drawing highlight animation in derived classes.
void FocusGained ()
void FocusLost ()
 Called when the CColumnListBoxData is unselected.
void HandleResourceChange (TInt aType)
 Handles changing of an resource.
void SetupSkinContextL ()
 Setup skin control context for handling background skins.
void SetESSTextColor (TRgb aTextColor)
 Sets text colour.
void SetESSHighlightedTextColor (TRgb aHighlightedTextColor)
 Sets text colour for highlighted text.
IMPORT_C void SetGraphicSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknWindowLineLayout &aGraphicLayout)
IMPORT_C void SetTextSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknTextLineLayout &aTextLayout)
IMPORT_C void SetConditionalSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknTextLineLayout &aTextLayout, TInt aAffectedSubCell)
IMPORT_C void SubCellsMightIntersect (const TBool aMightIntersect)
IMPORT_C void SetStretchableGraphicSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknWindowComponentLayout &aNormalLayout, const TAknWindowComponentLayout &aStretchedLayout)
IMPORT_C void SetStretchableTextSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknTextComponentLayout &aNormalLayout, const TAknTextComponentLayout &aStretchedLayout)
IMPORT_C void SetStretchableConditionalSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknTextComponentLayout &aNormalLayout, const TAknTextComponentLayout &aStretchedLayout, TInt aNormalSubCell, TInt aStretchedSubCell)
IMPORT_C void ResetSLSubCellArray ()
TBool UsesScalableLayoutData () const
void EnableStretching (const TBool aEnabled)
IMPORT_C TBool StretchingEnabled () const
IMPORT_C void SetMarqueeParams (const TInt aLoops, const TInt aScrollAmount, const TInt aScrollDelay)
 Customizes marquee default behaviour.
IMPORT_C void SetMarqueeParams (const TInt aLoops, const TInt aScrollAmount, const TInt aScrollDelay, const TInt aInterval)
 Customizes marquee default behaviour.
IMPORT_C TUint32 CurrentItemTextWasClipped () const
 Tells whether current item has clipped text cells.

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CColumnListBoxDataNewL ()
 Two-phased constructor.

Protected Member Functions

IMPORT_C CColumnListBoxData ()
 C++ default constructor.
IMPORT_C void ConstructLD ()
 A second phase constructor.
IMPORT_C void ConstructLD (const TAknsItemID &aAnimationIID)
 Second phase constructor for subclasses that want to override highlight animation creation.
IMPORT_C void DrawText (CWindowGc &aGc, const TRect &aTextRect, const TDesC &aText, const TDesC &aClippedText, const TInt aBaselineOffset, const CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlign, const CFont &aFont, const TBool aHighlight, const TBool aIsTextClipped) const
 Wraps the text drawing functinality with & without marquee into one function, so that inherited classes can modify their own drawing behaviour more easily.


class CColumnListBoxDataExtension

Data Structures

struct  SColumn
class  TColors
 Represents the colours used within the border and for the optional single pixel border outlines. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C CColumnListBoxData::~CColumnListBoxData  ) 


IMPORT_C CColumnListBoxData::CColumnListBoxData  )  [protected]

C++ default constructor.

Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::AboutToDrawHighlightAnim  )  const

This method should be called before drawing animated highlight.

It will sync the animation with the background under the current highlight (only when current item index has changed).

IMPORT_C CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign CColumnListBoxData::ColumnAlignment TInt  aColumn  )  const

Gets the text alignment for the specified column.

aColumn The index of the column for which the alignment is obtained.
The text alignment for the specified column. The default is ELeft.
IMPORT_C TInt CColumnListBoxData::ColumnBaselinePos TInt  aColumn  )  const

Gets column's baseline.

aColumn target column.
Vertical position.
IMPORT_C const CFont* CColumnListBoxData::ColumnFont TInt  aColumn  )  const

Gets font used by the column.

aColumn Target column.
Used font.
IMPORT_C TInt CColumnListBoxData::ColumnHorizontalGap TInt  aColumn  )  const

Not used in S60.

IMPORT_C TBool CColumnListBoxData::ColumnIsGraphics TInt  aColumn  )  const

Checks whether the column contains graphics.

aColumn Target column.
ETrue if column contains graphics.
IMPORT_C TBool CColumnListBoxData::ColumnIsNumber TInt  aColumn  )  const

Checks if the column is a number.

aColumn Target column.
ETrue if it is a number.
IMPORT_C TBool CColumnListBoxData::ColumnIsOptional TInt  aColumn  )  const

Checks whether the column is optional.

aColumn Target column.
ETrue if the column is optional.
IMPORT_C TMargins CColumnListBoxData::ColumnMargins TInt  aColumn  )  const

Gets column's margins.

aColumn Target column.
The columns margins.
IMPORT_C CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle CColumnListBoxData::ColumnSeparatorStyle TInt  aColumn  )  const

Not used in S60.

IMPORT_C TInt CColumnListBoxData::ColumnTextClipGap TInt  aSubCellIndex  )  const

Gets TextClipGap, the gap between words in a text clip, for the given column.

aSubCellIndex Index to target column.
IMPORT_C TInt CColumnListBoxData::ColumnWidthPixel TInt  aColumn  )  const

Gets the specified column’s width in pixels.

aColumn The index of the column for which the width is obtained.
The specified column’s width in pixels. Zero is returned if no column exists at the specified index.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::ConstructLD const TAknsItemID aAnimationIID  )  [protected]

Second phase constructor for subclasses that want to override highlight animation creation.

aAnimationIID Skin item identifier of the constructed animation. Passing KAknsIIDNone will disable highlight animation.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::ConstructLD  )  [protected]

A second phase constructor.

Highlight animation will be created by default (if it is provided by the skin).

IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CColumnListBoxData::Control  )  const

Gets CCoeControl for component.

Pointer to the used CCoeControl.
void CColumnListBoxData::CreateMarqueeControlL  ) 

Creates a marquee control for the CColumnListBoxData and redraw.

void CColumnListBoxData::CreatePictographInterfaceL  ) 

Creates a pictograph interface for the CColumnListBoxData.

IMPORT_C TUint32 CColumnListBoxData::CurrentItemTextWasClipped  )  const

Tells whether current item has clipped text cells.

bitfield of clipped columns
TInt CColumnListBoxData::CurrentMarqueeItemIndex  ) 

Gets current marquee item index.

Current marquee item index.
virtual IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::Draw const TListItemProperties aItemProperties,
CWindowGc &  aGc,
const TDesC *  aText,
const TRect &  aRect,
TBool  aHighlight,
const TColors aColors
const [virtual]

Draws a single row.

The text aText is parsed into columns and is split using KColumnListSeparator. Text or bitmaps are drawn according to whether the column has been set as a graphical column (see SetGraphicsColumnL()). Column cells within the row are drawn from left to right.

aItemProperties The properties of each column in the row.
aGc The graphics context to draw into.
aText The text to parse and draw.
aRect Bounding rectangle for the entire row.
aHighlight ETrue to draw the item highlighted. EFalse otherwise.
aColors The colours to use if the item is highlighted.
IMPORT_C TBool CColumnListBoxData::DrawHighlightAnim CBitmapContext &  aGc,
const TRect &  aRect

The preferred method for drawing highlight animation in derived classes.

Before calling this method you should check that highlight animation exists by calling HasHighlightAnim. In case of draw failure you should default to normal skinned highlight drawing. For example:

TBool drawOk = EFalse;

if( HasHighlightAnim() ) { drawOk = DrawHighlightAnim( gc, rect ); }

if( !drawOk ) { normal skinned draw }

aGc Graphics context for blitting animation frame
aRect Target rect for blitting animation frame
The draw status, ETrue if drawing was ok, EFalse otherwise.
void CColumnListBoxData::DrawSimple const TListItemProperties aItemProperties,
CWindowGc &  aGc,
const TDesC *  aText,
const TRect &  aRect,
TBool  aHighlight,
const TColors aColors


IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::DrawText CWindowGc &  aGc,
const TRect &  aTextRect,
const TDesC &  aText,
const TDesC &  aClippedText,
const TInt  aBaselineOffset,
const CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign  aAlign,
const CFont &  aFont,
const TBool  aHighlight,
const TBool  aIsTextClipped
const [protected]

Wraps the text drawing functinality with & without marquee into one function, so that inherited classes can modify their own drawing behaviour more easily.

aGc Window graphics context controller.
aTextRect The area where the text is drawn.
aText The whole text. Not clipped.
aClippedText Clipped / truncated text.
aBaselineOffset An offset from the top of the box to the text baseline.
aAlign The text alignment mode (default is left, rather than centre or right).
aFont Wanted font.
aHighlight Does the current item have highlight.
aIsTextClipped Is the current item clipped.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::EnableMarqueeL TBool  aEnable  ) 

Enables or disables the marquee.

aEnable ETrue = On. EFalse = Off.
void CColumnListBoxData::EnableStretching const TBool  aEnabled  ) 
void CColumnListBoxData::FocusGained  ) 
void CColumnListBoxData::FocusLost  ) 

Called when the CColumnListBoxData is unselected.

Informs the CColumnListBoxData extension that the focus has been lost.

IMPORT_C CFont* CColumnListBoxData::Font const TListItemProperties aItemProperties,
TInt  aColumn

Gets the specified font for the specified column.

aItemProperties Whether the required font is: bold, italic, bold and italic or normal.
aColumn The index of the column for which the font is obtained.
The specified column’s, specified font. Null, the default, if no font is set for the column.
TSize CColumnListBoxData::GetSubCellIconSize TInt  aIndex  ) 

Gets subcell icon size.

aIndex Index of the wanted subcell.
Size of the subcell.
void CColumnListBoxData::HandleResourceChange TInt  aType  ) 

Handles changing of an resource.

Only supports skin change.

aType Defines the resource that has changed.
IMPORT_C TBool CColumnListBoxData::HasHighlightAnim  )  const
ETrue if highlight animation exists, EFalse otherwise.
IMPORT_C const CAknsEffectAnim* CColumnListBoxData::HighlightAnim  )  const

Gets the highlight animation .

CAknsEffectAnim that is used for when the highlighted list is drawn. May return NULL, in this case the normal skinned highlight should be drawn. This pointer is valid only during the draw -> you should not store it locally outside draw scope.
IMPORT_C CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* CColumnListBoxData::IconArray  )  const

Gets the icon array.

These icons contain the bitmaps that are displayed in graphical columns.

Pointer to the icon array.
IMPORT_C TInt CColumnListBoxData::LastColumn  )  const

Gets the index of the last defined column.

The index of the last defined column or KErrNotFound if no column has been defined.
IMPORT_C CAknLayoutData* CColumnListBoxData::LayoutData  )  const
Gives out layout data for separator line drawing.
Requested layout data.
IMPORT_C TBool CColumnListBoxData::LayoutInit  )  const
Checks if the layout has been initialized.
ETrue if initialized.
IMPORT_C TBool CColumnListBoxData::MakeColumnRect TInt  aColumn,
TRect &  aRect

Gets the specified column’s surrounding rectangle.

aColumn The index of the column for which the rectangle is obtained.
aRect On return contains the specified column’s rectangle.
ETrue if successful. EFalse if a non-existent column was specified.
static IMPORT_C CColumnListBoxData* CColumnListBoxData::NewL  )  [static]

Two-phased constructor.

Allocates and constructs a column list box data object.

Constructs an array in which the column data is held.

New CColumnListBoxData.
void CColumnListBoxData::ResetMarquee  ) 

Resets marquee control.

IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::ResetSLSubCellArray  ) 
IMPORT_C const CFont* CColumnListBoxData::RowAndColumnFont TInt  aRow,
TInt  aColumn

Gets the font attached to the row and cell.

aRow Index number of the row.
aColumn Index number of the column.
Font handle.
IMPORT_C TAknSeparatorLinePosition CColumnListBoxData::SeparatorLinePosition  )  const

Gives out separator line position.

Separator position.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetColumnAlignmentL TInt  aColumn,
CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign  aAlign

Sets the text alignment for the specified column.

If the column does not exist, it is added with the specified index to the array.

aColumn The index of the column for which alignment is set.
aAlign The text alignment to use. The default is ELeft.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetColumnBaselinePosL TInt  aColumn,
TInt  aPos

Sets columns baseline position.

aColumn Target column.
aPos Wanted position.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetColumnFontForRowL TInt  aRow,
TInt  aColumn,
const CFont *  aFont

Sets the font attached to the cell for each row separately.

aRow Index number of the row.
aColumn Index number of the column.
aFont Font to be used.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetColumnFontL TInt  aColumn,
const CFont *  aFont

Sets column's font.

aColumn Target column.
aFont Wanted font.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetColumnHorizontalGapL TInt  aColumn,
TInt  aGap

Not used in S60.

IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetColumnMarginsL TInt  aColumn,
TMargins  aMargins

Sets column's margins.

aColumn Target column.
aMargins Wanted margins.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetColumnSeparatorStyleL TInt  aColumn,
CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle  aStyle

Not used in S60.

IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetColumnTextClipGapL TInt  aSubCellIndex,
TInt  aSize

Sets columns TextClipGap, the gap between words in a text clip.

aSubCellIndex Index of the target column.
aSize Wanted TextClipGap size.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetColumnUnderlined TBitFlags32  aUnderlinedColumns  ) 

Enables / disables underlining per text column, if and only if TListItemProperties also has underlining enabled.

If this method is not called and TListItemProperties has underlining enabled, drawing will revert to old style where only first text column will be underlined.

aUnderlinedColumns Bitmask of columns to be underlined.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetColumnWidthPixelL TInt  aColumn,
TInt  aWidth

Sets the specified column’s width in pixels.

If the column does not exist, one is added at the specified index, with the specifed width.

aColumn The index of the column for which the width is to be set.
aWidth The width in pixels.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetConditionalSubCellL TInt  aSubCell,
const TAknTextLineLayout &  aTextLayout,
TInt  aAffectedSubCell
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetControl CCoeControl *  aControl  ) 

Sets CCoeControl for current component.

aControl Current listbox control instance, cannot be any other control.
void CColumnListBoxData::SetCurrentItemIndex TInt  aIndex  ) 

Sets the current list item index.

Since S60 2.6 causes highlight animation tochange its background (only if the current item index changes). Do not call this method if the index is not the current item index.

aIndex The new index for the current item.
void CColumnListBoxData::SetCurrentMarqueeItemIndex TInt  aIndex  ) 

Sets the index for current marquee item.

aIndex Item index.
void CColumnListBoxData::SetESSHighlightedTextColor TRgb  aHighlightedTextColor  ) 

Sets text colour for highlighted text.

aHighlightedTextColor Wanted colour.
void CColumnListBoxData::SetESSTextColor TRgb  aTextColor  ) 

Sets text colour.

aTextColor Wanted colour.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetGraphicsColumnL TInt  aColumn,
TBool  aIsGraphics

Sets whether the column shows graphics.

aColumn Target column.
aIsGraphics Wanted setting.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetGraphicSubCellL TInt  aSubCell,
const TAknWindowLineLayout &  aGraphicLayout
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetHighlightAnimBackgroundDrawer MColumnListBoxAnimBackgroundDrawer aDrawer  ) 

Sets the observer for overriding default highlight input layer drawing functionality.

Note that you should still call AboutToDrawHighlightAnim (it will call the observer if it is set).

aDrawer New background drawer.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetIconArray CArrayPtr< CGulIcon > *  aArray  ) 

Sets icon array.

aArray Wanted icon collection .
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetItemCellSize const TSize &  aSizeInPixels  ) 

Changes item cell size & resizes highlight animation.

Called by list when item cell size changes. If you are using non-standard highlight sizes make sure to sync the list item cell size.

aSizeInPixels New size in pixels for the Item cell.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetLayoutInit TBool  aValue  )  const
Sets the initialization .
aValue Wanted value (ETrue = initialized).
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetListEndSkinStyle const TAknsItemID aId,
const TRect &  aRect

Sets skin style for the end of the list.

aId Wanted skins item ID.
aRect Skin tile size.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetMarqueeParams const TInt  aLoops,
const TInt  aScrollAmount,
const TInt  aScrollDelay,
const TInt  aInterval

Customizes marquee default behaviour.

aLoops Max number of loops to be executed.
aScrollAmount The amount of pixels scrolled per iteration.
aScrollDelay The interval between iterations.
aInterval The interval between frame updates.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetMarqueeParams const TInt  aLoops,
const TInt  aScrollAmount,
const TInt  aScrollDelay

Customizes marquee default behaviour.

Use this before enabling marquee ( EnableMarqueeL() ), otherwise marquee behaviour will change during animation.

aLoops Max number of loops to be executed.
aScrollAmount The amount of pixels scrolled per iteration.
aScrollDelay The interval between iterations.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetNumberColumnL TInt  aColumn,
TBool  aIsNumber

Sets whether the column is a number.

aColumn Target columun.
aIsNumber Wanted setting. ETrue if it is a number.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetOptionalColumnL TInt  aColumn,
TBool  aIsOptional

Sets whether the column is optional.

aColumn Target column.
aIsOptional Wanted setting, ETrue if column is optional.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetSeparatorLinePosition TAknSeparatorLinePosition  aPosition  ) 

Sets position of listbox line.

aPosition Wanted position.
void CColumnListBoxData::SetSkinBackgroundContext CAknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext aContext  ) 

Sets background skin context.

Changes ownership as well.

aContext Wanted background skin control context.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetSkinEnabledL TBool  aEnabled  ) 

Enables/Disables skin.

aEnabled Sets whether the skins are enable or disabled ETrue for enabling skins.

Reimplemented from CListBoxData.

IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetSkinHighlightFrame const TAknsItemID aFrameId,
const TAknsItemID aFrameCenterId

Sets skin for the highlighted frame.

aFrameId Wanted skin's item ID for the frame.
aFrameCenterId Wanted skin's item ID for the center of the frame.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetSkinStyle const TAknsItemID aId,
const TRect &  aTileRect

Sets style for the skin fot list tiles.

aId Wanted skins item ID.
aTileRect Skin tile size.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetStretchableConditionalSubCellL TInt  aSubCell,
const TAknTextComponentLayout &  aNormalLayout,
const TAknTextComponentLayout &  aStretchedLayout,
TInt  aNormalSubCell,
TInt  aStretchedSubCell
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetStretchableGraphicSubCellL TInt  aSubCell,
const TAknWindowComponentLayout &  aNormalLayout,
const TAknWindowComponentLayout &  aStretchedLayout
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetStretchableTextSubCellL TInt  aSubCell,
const TAknTextComponentLayout &  aNormalLayout,
const TAknTextComponentLayout &  aStretchedLayout
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetSubCellIconSize TInt  aIndex,
TSize  aSize

Sets the subcell icon size.

aIndex Index of the sub cell.
aSize Size of the sub cell icon.
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SetTextSubCellL TInt  aSubCell,
const TAknTextLineLayout &  aTextLayout
void CColumnListBoxData::SetupSkinContextL  ) 

Setup skin control context for handling background skins.

if no skin control context is found one is created.

IMPORT_C MAknsControlContext* CColumnListBoxData::SkinBackgroundContext  )  const

Gets background skin context.

Component's skin control context.
IMPORT_C TBool CColumnListBoxData::StretchingEnabled  )  const
IMPORT_C void CColumnListBoxData::SubCellsMightIntersect const TBool  aMightIntersect  ) 
TBool CColumnListBoxData::UsesScalableLayoutData  )  const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class CColumnListBoxDataExtension [friend]

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