This class is not intended for user derivation.
Public Member Functions |
IMPORT_C | ~CColumnListBoxData () |
| Destructor.
IMPORT_C TInt | LastColumn () const |
| Gets the index of the last defined column.
IMPORT_C TInt | ColumnWidthPixel (TInt aColumn) const |
| Gets the specified column’s width in pixels.
IMPORT_C void | SetColumnWidthPixelL (TInt aColumn, TInt aWidth) |
| Sets the specified column’s width in pixels.
IMPORT_C TInt | ColumnHorizontalGap (TInt aColumn) const |
| Not used in S60.
IMPORT_C void | SetColumnHorizontalGapL (TInt aColumn, TInt aGap) |
| Not used in S60.
IMPORT_C TInt | ColumnBaselinePos (TInt aColumn) const |
| Gets column's baseline.
IMPORT_C void | SetColumnBaselinePosL (TInt aColumn, TInt aPos) |
| Sets columns baseline position.
IMPORT_C TMargins | ColumnMargins (TInt aColumn) const |
| Gets column's margins.
IMPORT_C void | SetColumnMarginsL (TInt aColumn, TMargins aMargins) |
| Sets column's margins.
IMPORT_C const CFont * | ColumnFont (TInt aColumn) const |
| Gets font used by the column.
IMPORT_C void | SetColumnFontL (TInt aColumn, const CFont *aFont) |
| Sets column's font.
IMPORT_C CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign | ColumnAlignment (TInt aColumn) const |
| Gets the text alignment for the specified column.
IMPORT_C void | SetColumnAlignmentL (TInt aColumn, CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlign) |
| Sets the text alignment for the specified column.
IMPORT_C CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle | ColumnSeparatorStyle (TInt aColumn) const |
| Not used in S60.
IMPORT_C void | SetColumnSeparatorStyleL (TInt aColumn, CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle aStyle) |
| Not used in S60.
IMPORT_C TBool | ColumnIsOptional (TInt aColumn) const |
| Checks whether the column is optional.
IMPORT_C void | SetOptionalColumnL (TInt aColumn, TBool aIsOptional) |
| Sets whether the column is optional.
IMPORT_C TBool | ColumnIsGraphics (TInt aColumn) const |
| Checks whether the column contains graphics.
IMPORT_C void | SetGraphicsColumnL (TInt aColumn, TBool aIsGraphics) |
| Sets whether the column shows graphics.
IMPORT_C TBool | ColumnIsNumber (TInt aColumn) const |
| Checks if the column is a number.
IMPORT_C void | SetNumberColumnL (TInt aColumn, TBool aIsNumber) |
| Sets whether the column is a number.
IMPORT_C CArrayPtr< CGulIcon > * | IconArray () const |
| Gets the icon array.
IMPORT_C void | SetIconArray (CArrayPtr< CGulIcon > *aArray) |
| Sets icon array.
IMPORT_C TInt | ColumnTextClipGap (TInt aSubCellIndex) const |
| Gets TextClipGap, the gap between words in a text clip, for the given column.
IMPORT_C void | SetColumnTextClipGapL (TInt aSubCellIndex, TInt aSize) |
| Sets columns TextClipGap, the gap between words in a text clip.
IMPORT_C CFont * | Font (const TListItemProperties &aItemProperties, TInt aColumn) const |
| Gets the specified font for the specified column.
IMPORT_C TBool | MakeColumnRect (TInt aColumn, TRect &aRect) |
| Gets the specified column’s surrounding rectangle.
virtual IMPORT_C void | Draw (const TListItemProperties &aItemProperties, CWindowGc &aGc, const TDesC *aText, const TRect &aRect, TBool aHighlight, const TColors &aColors) const |
| Draws a single row.
void | DrawSimple (const TListItemProperties &aItemProperties, CWindowGc &aGc, const TDesC *aText, const TRect &aRect, TBool aHighlight, const TColors &aColors) const |
| internal
IMPORT_C void | SetSeparatorLinePosition (TAknSeparatorLinePosition aPosition) |
| Sets position of listbox line.
IMPORT_C TAknSeparatorLinePosition | SeparatorLinePosition () const |
| Gives out separator line position.
IMPORT_C CAknLayoutData * | LayoutData () const |
IMPORT_C TBool | LayoutInit () const |
IMPORT_C void | SetLayoutInit (TBool aValue) const |
IMPORT_C void | SetColumnUnderlined (TBitFlags32 aUnderlinedColumns) |
| Enables / disables underlining per text column, if and only if TListItemProperties also has underlining enabled.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl * | Control () const |
| Gets CCoeControl for component.
IMPORT_C void | SetControl (CCoeControl *aControl) |
| Sets CCoeControl for current component.
IMPORT_C MAknsControlContext * | SkinBackgroundContext () const |
| Gets background skin context.
void | SetSkinBackgroundContext (CAknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext *aContext) |
| Sets background skin context.
IMPORT_C void | SetSkinStyle (const TAknsItemID *aId, const TRect &aTileRect) |
| Sets style for the skin fot list tiles.
IMPORT_C void | SetListEndSkinStyle (const TAknsItemID *aId, const TRect &aRect) |
| Sets skin style for the end of the list.
IMPORT_C void | SetSkinHighlightFrame (const TAknsItemID *aFrameId, const TAknsItemID *aFrameCenterId) |
| Sets skin for the highlighted frame.
IMPORT_C void | SetSkinEnabledL (TBool aEnabled) |
| Enables/Disables skin.
void | CreatePictographInterfaceL () |
| Creates a pictograph interface for the CColumnListBoxData .
void | CreateMarqueeControlL () |
| Creates a marquee control for the CColumnListBoxData and redraw.
void | ResetMarquee () |
| Resets marquee control.
TInt | CurrentMarqueeItemIndex () |
| Gets current marquee item index.
void | SetCurrentMarqueeItemIndex (TInt aIndex) |
| Sets the index for current marquee item.
IMPORT_C void | EnableMarqueeL (TBool aEnable) |
| Enables or disables the marquee.
IMPORT_C void | SetColumnFontForRowL (TInt aRow, TInt aColumn, const CFont *aFont) |
| Sets the font attached to the cell for each row separately.
IMPORT_C const CFont * | RowAndColumnFont (TInt aRow, TInt aColumn) const |
| Gets the font attached to the row and cell.
void | SetCurrentItemIndex (TInt aIndex) |
| Sets the current list item index.
IMPORT_C void | SetSubCellIconSize (TInt aIndex, TSize aSize) |
| Sets the subcell icon size.
TSize | GetSubCellIconSize (TInt aIndex) |
| Gets subcell icon size.
IMPORT_C const CAknsEffectAnim * | HighlightAnim () const |
| Gets the highlight animation .
IMPORT_C void | AboutToDrawHighlightAnim () const |
| This method should be called before drawing animated highlight.
IMPORT_C void | SetHighlightAnimBackgroundDrawer (MColumnListBoxAnimBackgroundDrawer *aDrawer) |
| Sets the observer for overriding default highlight input layer drawing functionality.
IMPORT_C void | SetItemCellSize (const TSize &aSizeInPixels) |
| Changes item cell size & resizes highlight animation.
IMPORT_C TBool | HasHighlightAnim () const |
IMPORT_C TBool | DrawHighlightAnim (CBitmapContext &aGc, const TRect &aRect) const |
| The preferred method for drawing highlight animation in derived classes.
void | FocusGained () |
void | FocusLost () |
| Called when the CColumnListBoxData is unselected.
void | HandleResourceChange (TInt aType) |
| Handles changing of an resource.
void | SetupSkinContextL () |
| Setup skin control context for handling background skins.
void | SetESSTextColor (TRgb aTextColor) |
| Sets text colour.
void | SetESSHighlightedTextColor (TRgb aHighlightedTextColor) |
| Sets text colour for highlighted text.
IMPORT_C void | SetGraphicSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknWindowLineLayout &aGraphicLayout) |
IMPORT_C void | SetTextSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknTextLineLayout &aTextLayout) |
IMPORT_C void | SetConditionalSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknTextLineLayout &aTextLayout, TInt aAffectedSubCell) |
IMPORT_C void | SubCellsMightIntersect (const TBool aMightIntersect) |
IMPORT_C void | SetStretchableGraphicSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknWindowComponentLayout &aNormalLayout, const TAknWindowComponentLayout &aStretchedLayout) |
IMPORT_C void | SetStretchableTextSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknTextComponentLayout &aNormalLayout, const TAknTextComponentLayout &aStretchedLayout) |
IMPORT_C void | SetStretchableConditionalSubCellL (TInt aSubCell, const TAknTextComponentLayout &aNormalLayout, const TAknTextComponentLayout &aStretchedLayout, TInt aNormalSubCell, TInt aStretchedSubCell) |
IMPORT_C void | ResetSLSubCellArray () |
TBool | UsesScalableLayoutData () const |
void | EnableStretching (const TBool aEnabled) |
IMPORT_C TBool | StretchingEnabled () const |
IMPORT_C void | SetMarqueeParams (const TInt aLoops, const TInt aScrollAmount, const TInt aScrollDelay) |
| Customizes marquee default behaviour.
IMPORT_C void | SetMarqueeParams (const TInt aLoops, const TInt aScrollAmount, const TInt aScrollDelay, const TInt aInterval) |
| Customizes marquee default behaviour.
IMPORT_C TUint32 | CurrentItemTextWasClipped () const |
| Tells whether current item has clipped text cells.
Static Public Member Functions |
static IMPORT_C CColumnListBoxData * | NewL () |
| Two-phased constructor.
Protected Member Functions |
IMPORT_C | CColumnListBoxData () |
| C++ default constructor.
IMPORT_C void | ConstructLD () |
| A second phase constructor.
IMPORT_C void | ConstructLD (const TAknsItemID &aAnimationIID) |
| Second phase constructor for subclasses that want to override highlight animation creation.
IMPORT_C void | DrawText (CWindowGc &aGc, const TRect &aTextRect, const TDesC &aText, const TDesC &aClippedText, const TInt aBaselineOffset, const CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlign, const CFont &aFont, const TBool aHighlight, const TBool aIsTextClipped) const |
| Wraps the text drawing functinality with & without marquee into one function, so that inherited classes can modify their own drawing behaviour more easily.
Friends |
class | CColumnListBoxDataExtension |
Data Structures |
struct | SColumn |
class | TColors |
| Represents the colours used within the border and for the optional single pixel border outlines. More...