Public Types |
enum | TOrientation { EVertical = SLafButtonGroupContainer::EVertical,
EHorizontal = SLafButtonGroupContainer::EHorizontal
} |
| Describes the orientation of the container. More...
enum | TLocation { EInternal = SLafButtonGroupContainer::EInternal,
EExternal = SLafButtonGroupContainer::EExternal
} |
| Relative positions of the container and the control which uses it. More...
enum | THotKeyFlags { EShowHotKey = 0x01,
EPlainHotKey = 0x02
} |
| Flags for the display of hotkeys. More...
enum | TFlags { EAddToStack = 0x01,
EDelayActivation = 0x02,
EUseMaxSize = 0x04
} |
| Additional flags. More...
enum | TCommandPosition { ELeftSoftkeyPosition = 0,
ERightSoftkeyPosition = 2,
EMiddleSoftkeyPosition = 3
} |
| Defines the positions for each command. More...
Public Member Functions |
| DECLARE_TYPE_ID (0x101F4107) enum TUse |
| Describes how the container is being used.
IMPORT_C | ~CEikButtonGroupContainer () |
| Destructor.
void | SetCommandL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText) |
| Sets a command button's text label and command ID.
void | SetCommandL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap &aMask) |
| Sets a command button's bitmap and command ID.
void | SetCommandL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText, const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap &aMask) |
| Sets a command button's bitmap, text and command ID.
void | SetCommandL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aFile, TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId) |
| Sets a command button's bitmap and command ID.
void | SetCommandL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText, const TDesC &aFile, TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId) |
| Sets a command button's bitmap, text label and command ID.
void | SetCommandL (TInt aPosition, TInt aResourceId) |
| Sets a command button's bitmap, text label and command ID.
void | SetCommandL (TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText) |
| Sets a command button's text.
void | SetCommandL (TInt aCommandId, const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap &aMask) |
| Sets a command button's bitmap and mask.
void | SetCommandL (TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText, const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap &aMask) |
| Sets a command button's bitmap, mask and text.
void | SetCommandL (TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aFile, TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId) |
| Sets a command button's bitmap and mask.
void | SetCommandL (TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText, const TDesC &aFile, TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId) |
| Sets a command button's bitmap, mask and text.
IMPORT_C void | SetCommandSetL (TInt aResourceId) |
| Initialises the group of command buttons from a resource.
void | AddCommandL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText) |
| Adds a command button with a text label and command ID.
void | AddCommandL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap &aMask) |
| Adds a command button with a bitmap label and command ID.
void | AddCommandL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText, const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap &aMask) |
| Adds a command button with a command ID and a label containing both a bitmap and text.
void | AddCommandL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aFile, TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId) |
| Adds a command button with a command ID and a bitmap which is read from a file.
void | AddCommandL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText, const TDesC &aFile, TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId) |
| Adds a command button with a command ID and a label containing both a bitmap and text.
void | AddCommandToStackL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText) |
| Pushes a command button with a text label and command ID onto a position's button stack.
void | AddCommandToStackL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap &aMask) |
| Pushes a command button with a bitmap, mask and command ID onto a position's button stack.
void | AddCommandToStackL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText, const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap &aMask) |
| Pushes a command button with text, bitmap, mask and a command ID onto a position's button stack.
void | AddCommandToStackL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aFile, TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId) |
| Pushes a command button with a bitmap, mask and command ID onto a position's button stack.
void | AddCommandToStackL (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aText, const TDesC &aFile, TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId) |
| Pushes a command button with text, bitmap, mask and command button onto a position's button stack.
void | AddCommandToStackL (TInt aPosition, TInt aResourceId) |
| Pushes a command button onto a position's button stack.
IMPORT_C void | AddCommandSetToStackL (TInt aResourceId) |
| As with SetCommandL() but for a set of buttons, also allows the previous command button to be retrieved by calling RemoveCommand().
IMPORT_C void | RemoveCommandFromStack (TInt aPosition, TInt aCommandId) |
| Removes the command identified by aCommandId, in position aPosition in the group, from the command stack.
IMPORT_C void | SetDefaultCommand (TInt aCommandId) |
| Sets the default command ID for buttons in this container.
IMPORT_C TSize | CalcMinimumSizeL (TInt aResourceId) const |
| Calculates minimum size required to display the buttons defined in the specified resource structure.
IMPORT_C void | CleanupCommandPushL (TInt aPosition) |
| Places the command in position aPosition in the group on the cleanup stack.
void | CleanupCommandPop () |
| Removes a command from the cleanup stack without destroying it.
IMPORT_C void | CleanupCommandPop (TInt aCount) |
| Removes one or more commands from the cleanup stack without destroying them.
void | CleanupCommandPopAndDestroy () |
| Removes a single command which was pushed onto the cleanup stack.
void | CleanupCommandPopAndDestroy (TInt aCount) |
| Removes one or more commands which were pushed onto the cleanup stack.
IMPORT_C TInt | MaxCommands () const |
| Gets the maximum number of buttons that can be supported by the device.
IMPORT_C TInt | ButtonCount () const |
| Gets the total number of buttons currently present in the group.
IMPORT_C void | DimCommand (TInt aCommandId, TBool aDimmed) |
| Dims (but doesn't draw) the button with id aCommandId if aDimmed is ETrue.
IMPORT_C TBool | IsCommandDimmed (TInt aCommandId) const |
| Returns ETrue if the button with id aCommandId is dimmed.
IMPORT_C void | MakeCommandVisible (TInt aCommandId, TBool aVisible) |
| Sets the the button with id aCommandId to be visible if aVisible is ETrue.
IMPORT_C TBool | IsCommandVisible (TInt aCommandId) const |
| Returns ETrue if the button with id aCommandId is visible.
IMPORT_C void | AnimateCommand (TInt aCommandId) |
| Animates the button with id aCommandId.
IMPORT_C void | DimCommandByPosition (TCommandPosition aPosition, TBool aDimmed) |
| Dims (but doesn't draw) the button with position aPosition.
IMPORT_C TBool | IsCommandDimmedByPosition (TCommandPosition aPosition) const |
| Returns ETrue if the button with position aPosition is dimmed.
IMPORT_C void | MakeCommandVisibleByPosition (TCommandPosition aPosition, TBool aVisible) |
| Sets the the button with position aPosition to be visible if aVisible is ETrue.
IMPORT_C TBool | IsCommandVisibleByPosition (TCommandPosition aPosition) const |
| Returns ETrue if the button with position aPosition is visible.
IMPORT_C void | AnimateCommandByPosition (TCommandPosition aPosition) |
| Animates the button with position aPosition.
IMPORT_C TLocation | Location () const |
| Gets the button group's location.
IMPORT_C CEikCommandButton * | CommandButtonOrNull (TInt aCommandId) const |
| Gets a pointer to the command button with the specified command Id.
IMPORT_C void | SetBoundingRect (const TRect &aRect) |
| Sets the boundary rectangle for externally-positioned button groups.
IMPORT_C void | ReduceRect (TRect &aBoundingRect) const |
| Subtracts the area occupied by the button group from the specified bounding rectangle.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl * | ControlOrNull (TInt aCommandId) const |
| Gets a pointer to the control (button) with the specified command ID.
IMPORT_C CEikCommandButton * | ButtonById (TInt aCommandId) const |
| Gets a pointer to the the button with the specified command Id.
IMPORT_C TInt | PositionById (TInt aCommandId) const |
| Gets the position in the group of the button with the specified command Id.
IMPORT_C void | UpdateHotKey (TInt aCommandId, THotKeyFlags aFlags, TInt aKeyId) |
| Updates a command's hotkey and whether the key is displayed.
IMPORT_C void | UpdateCommandObserverL (TInt aPos, MEikCommandObserver &aCommandObserver) |
| Changes the command observer for the button at aPos to aCommandObserver.
IMPORT_C void | RemoveCommandObserver (TInt aPos) |
| Removes the temporary observer for the button at aPos, replacing it with the observer that was present when UpdateCommandObserverL() was called.
IMPORT_C TBool | UpdatedCommandObserverExists (TCommandPosition aPosition) const |
| Checks for existence of updated command observer for the button at aPosition.
IMPORT_C TBool | DelayActivation () const |
| Tests whether the button group has explicitly been instructed to suppress redraws.
MEikButtonGroup * | ButtonGroup () |
| Returns the container's button group.
TUse | ButtonGroupType () |
| Returns the button group type.
void | UpdateMSKCommandObserver (CEikListBox *aMSKObserverOwner, MEikCommandObserver *aCommandObserver) |
| Internal method for setting markable list's MSK observer.
IMPORT_C TSize | MinimumSize () |
| From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C TKeyResponse | OfferKeyEventL (const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType) |
| From CCoeControl.
void | MakeVisible (TBool aVisible) |
| From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C void | WriteInternalStateL (RWriteStream &aWriteStream) const |
| From CCoeControl.
virtual IMPORT_C void | Reserved_MtsmPosition () |
| Formerly from MTopSetMember<CEikButtonGroupContainer>, now reserved.
virtual IMPORT_C void | Reserved_MtsmObject () |
| Formerly from MTopSetMember<CEikButtonGroupContainer>, now reserved.
IMPORT_C void | OfferCommandListL (const RArray< TInt > &aCommandList) |
| Used to offer list of commands for softkeys.
IMPORT_C void | OfferCommandListL (const TInt aResourceId) |
| Used to offer list of commands for softkeys.
IMPORT_C TBool | IsCommandInGroup (const TInt aCommandId) const |
| Used to check if a certain command have been approved to the current command set.
IMPORT_C void | ReplaceCommand (const TInt aCommandId, const TInt aResourceId) |
| Replaces command with another.
Static Public Member Functions |
static IMPORT_C CEikButtonGroupContainer * | NewL (TUse aUse, TOrientation aOrientation, MEikCommandObserver *aCommandObserver, TInt aResourceId, TUint aFlags=EAddToStack) |
| Creates a button group container in its own window.
static IMPORT_C CEikButtonGroupContainer * | NewL (TUse aUse, TOrientation aOrientation, MEikCommandObserver *aCommandObserver, TInt aResourceId, const CCoeControl &aParent, TUint aFlags=EAddToStack) |
| Creates a button group container in its parent control's window.
static IMPORT_C CEikButtonGroupContainer * | NewL (TUse aUse, TOrientation aOrientation, MEikCommandObserver *aCommandObserver, TInt aResourceId, RWindowGroup &aParentWg, TUint aFlags=EAddToStack) |
| Creates a button group container in given window group.
static IMPORT_C CEikButtonGroupContainer * | Current () |
| Gets a pointer to an application's currently active CEikButtonGroupContainer (if any).
Friends |
class | CCmdObserverArray |
class | CEikButtonGroupStack |
Data Structures |
class | CCmdObserverArray |
class | TCmdObserver |
class | TCmdPos |