CEikMenuPane Class Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

Link against: eikcoctl.lib eikcore.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Inherits CEikBorderedControl.

Detailed Description

Menu panes are opened by activating the menu title (
CEikMenuPaneTitle / MENU_TITLE) which is displayed in the menu bar (CEikMenuBar / MENU_BAR).

They can also be cascaded from a menu item (CEikMenuPaneItem / MENU_ITEM) or launched by a menu button (CEikMenuButton).

Menu panes may be defined using a MENU_PANE resource.

Public Types

typedef TBuf< 20 > THotKeyDisplayText
 The text to be displayed for a hotkey.

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C ~CEikMenuPane ()
IMPORT_C CEikMenuPane (MEikMenuObserver *aMenuObserver)
 C++ default constructor.
IMPORT_C void ConstructL (CEikMenuPane *aOwner, MEikMenuObserver *aEditMenuObserver=NULL)
 Handles 2nd base construction.
IMPORT_C void Reset ()
 Destroys the menu pane's item array.
IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL (const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
 From CcoeControl.
IMPORT_C void HandlePointerEventL (const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
 From CcoeControl.
virtual IMPORT_C void GetColorUseListL (CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &aColorUseList) const
 From CcoeControl.
virtual IMPORT_C void HandleResourceChange (TInt aType)
 From CcoeControl.
IMPORT_C TCoeInputCapabilities InputCapabilities () const
 From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C void AddMenuItemL (const CEikMenuPaneItem::SData &aMenuItem)
 Adds a menu item dynamically by creating a new menu item, setting its data to aMenuItem and appending it to the pane's menu item array.
IMPORT_C void AddMenuItemL (const CEikMenuPaneItem::SData &aMenuItem, TInt aPreviousId)
 Adds a menu item dynamically by creating a new menu item, setting its data to aMenuItem and inserting it into the pane's menu item array.
IMPORT_C void AddMenuItemsL (TInt aResourceId, TInt aPreviousId=0, TBool aAddSeperator=EFalse)
 Adds menu items dynamically by creating new menu items from resource and inserts them into the pane's menu item array.
IMPORT_C void DeleteMenuItem (TInt aCommandId)
 Deletes the specified item in the menu pane.
IMPORT_C void DeleteBetweenMenuItems (TInt aStartIndex, TInt aEndIndex)
 Deletes the items between specified items.
IMPORT_C CEikMenuPaneItem::SDataItemData (TInt aCommandId)
 Gets a reference to the data in the specified menu item.
IMPORT_C CEikMenuPaneItemItemAndPos (TInt aCommandId, TInt &aPos)
 Gets a pointer to the specified menu item.
IMPORT_C void StartDisplayingMenuPane (const CEikHotKeyTable *aHotKeyTable, const TPoint &aTargetPos, const CEikMenuPaneTitle *aMenuPaneTitle, TInt aMinWidth, TPopupTargetPosType aTargetType=EPopupTargetTopLeft)
 Displays the menu pane with the corner identified by aTargetType in the position specified by aTargetPos.
IMPORT_C void SetItemTextL (TInt aCommandId, const TDesC &aDes)
 Sets the text in a menu item.
IMPORT_C void SetItemTextL (TInt aCommandId, TInt aRid)
 Sets the text in a menu item from resource.
IMPORT_C void SetItemDimmed (TInt aCommandId, TBool aDimmed)
 Dims (greys out) or undims a menu item.
IMPORT_C void SetItemButtonState (TInt aCommandId, TInt aButtonState)
 Sets the item to be indicated or not.
IMPORT_C void SetSelectedItem (TInt aSelectedItem)
 Sets the selected menu item.
IMPORT_C TInt SelectedItem () const
 Gets the position of the selected menu item.
IMPORT_C void CloseCascadeMenu ()
 Closes and destroys any current cascade menu and takes focus back.
IMPORT_C void SetItemArray (CItemArray *aItemArray)
 Sets the array containing the list of menu items for the current menu pane.
IMPORT_C void SetItemArrayOwnedExternally (TBool aOwnedExternally)
 Set menu item array ownership.
IMPORT_C void SetLaunchingButton (CEikButtonBase *aButton)
 Sets the specified button to launch the menu pane.
IMPORT_C void MoveHighlightTo (TInt aNewSelectedItem)
 Moves the menu pane highlight to a newly selected menu item identified by aNewSelectedItem.
IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfItemsInPane () const
 Gets the number of menu items within the menu pane.
IMPORT_C void Close ()
 Closes the menu pane.
IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL (const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType, TBool aConsumeAllKeys)
 From @ CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C void SetScrollBarOnLeft (TBool aOnLeft)
 Sets whether the scroll bar occupies the left side of the menu pane.
IMPORT_C void SetArrowHeadScrollBar (TBool aArrowHead)
 Sets whether the menu pane uses an arrow head scroll bar.
IMPORT_C void NavigateToNextItem ()
 Moves highlight to the next item or to the first one if last item is selected.
IMPORT_C void InsertMenuItemL (const CEikMenuPaneItem::SData &aMenuItem, TInt aPosition)
 Inserts the menu item to the specified position.
IMPORT_C TBool MenuItemExists (TInt aCommandId, TInt &aPosition)
 Checks whether menu pane contains the menu item and returns position of it if the item is found.
IMPORT_C TBool IsCascadeMenuPane () const
 Checks whether the menu pane is a cascade menu or a main menu.
IMPORT_C void EnableMarqueeL (const TBool aEnable)
 Enables or disables text scrolling functionality.
void ActivateCurrentItemL ()
 Report that selection was done for the currently highlighted item.
TBool CancelActiveMenuPane ()
 Closes cascade menu if there is one and it is active.
void FilterDimmedItems ()
 Deletes dimmed items from the menu item array.
void ClipMenuItems (TInt aWidth)
 Not implemented.
IMPORT_C CEikMenuPaneCascadeMenuPane ()
 Gets the menu pane for the cascade menu.
IMPORT_C CEikMenuPaneItem::SDataItemDataByIndexL (TInt aItemIndex)
 Gets a reference to the data in the specified menu item.
TBool IsPositionToBeForced () const
 Checks if the position of the menu was set from outside.
IMPORT_C void ConstructMenuSctRowL (TDes &aSpecialChars)
 Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit menu.
IMPORT_C TInt MenuItemCommandId (TInt aIndex) const
 Returns the command id of the specified menu item.
IMPORT_C void ConstructMenuSctRowL (TDes &aSpecialChars, TInt aResourceId)
 Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit menu.
IMPORT_C void ConstructMenuSctRowFromDialogL (TDes &aSpecialChars, TInt aResourceId)
 Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit menu.
IMPORT_C void ConstructMenuSctRowFromDialogL (TInt aCharCase, TDes &aSpecialChars, TInt aResourceId)
 Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit menu.
IMPORT_C TInt CountComponentControls () const
 From CoeControl.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl * ComponentControl (TInt aIndex) const
 From CoeControl.

Protected Member Functions

IMPORT_C void Draw (const TRect &aRect) const
 From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C void FocusChanged (TDrawNow aDrawNow)
 From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C void ConstructFromResourceL (TResourceReader &aReader)
 From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject (TTypeUid aId)
 From CCoeControl.
void DisableAnimation ()
 Disables sliding effect By default is enabled if there is enough memory.
void SetPositionToBeForced (TBool aForced)
 The position of the menu will be changed according to the one which is specified by arguments in StartDisplayingMenuPane() By default those arguments are not used.
TInt NumberOfItemsThatFitInView () const
 Gets the maximum number of items which can be seen simultaneously.


class CMenuScroller
class CEikMenuPaneExtension
class CAknMarqueeControl
class CEikMenuButton

Data Structures

class  CItemArray
 This class provides a constructor to create an array of menu pane items and a destructor to destroy an array of menu pane items. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef TBuf<20> CEikMenuPane::THotKeyDisplayText

The text to be displayed for a hotkey.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C CEikMenuPane::~CEikMenuPane  ) 


IMPORT_C CEikMenuPane::CEikMenuPane MEikMenuObserver *  aMenuObserver  ) 

C++ default constructor.

Constructs a menu pane object with the specified observer.

aMenuObserver Menu observer.

Member Function Documentation

void CEikMenuPane::ActivateCurrentItemL  ) 

Report that selection was done for the currently highlighted item.

IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::AddMenuItemL const CEikMenuPaneItem::SData aMenuItem,
TInt  aPreviousId

Adds a menu item dynamically by creating a new menu item, setting its data to aMenuItem and inserting it into the pane's menu item array.

Updates the menu's scroll bar to take account of the new item.

aMenuItem The menu item to add. NOTICE that SData is a structure so all fields in it should be set to avoid any unexpected behaviour.
aPreviousId The id of the item after which the new item should be added.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::AddMenuItemL const CEikMenuPaneItem::SData aMenuItem  ) 

Adds a menu item dynamically by creating a new menu item, setting its data to aMenuItem and appending it to the pane's menu item array.

Updates the menu's scroll bar to take account of the new item.

aMenuItem The menu item to add. NOTICE that SData is a structure so all fields in it should be set to avoid any unexpected behaviour.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::AddMenuItemsL TInt  aResourceId,
TInt  aPreviousId = 0,
TBool  aAddSeperator = EFalse

Adds menu items dynamically by creating new menu items from resource and inserts them into the pane's menu item array.

aResourceId The ID of the resource for the menu item.
aPreviousId The ID of the previous menu item, after which this newly created item should be added.
aAddSeperator Shouldn't be used as separator is not not supported anymore.
TBool CEikMenuPane::CancelActiveMenuPane  ) 

Closes cascade menu if there is one and it is active.

IMPORT_C CEikMenuPane* CEikMenuPane::CascadeMenuPane  ) 

Gets the menu pane for the cascade menu.

The menu pane for the cascade menu.
void CEikMenuPane::ClipMenuItems TInt  aWidth  ) 

Not implemented.

aWidth Not used.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::Close  ) 

Closes the menu pane.

IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::CloseCascadeMenu  ) 

Closes and destroys any current cascade menu and takes focus back.

Does nothing if no cascade menu exists.

IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CEikMenuPane::ComponentControl TInt  aIndex  )  const

From CoeControl.

Gets the specified component of a compound control. This function should´ be implemented by all compound controls.

Note: Within a compound control, each component control is identified by an index, where the index depends on the order the controls were added: the first is given an index of 0, the next an index of 1, and so on.

[in,out] aIndex The index of the control to get.
The component control with an index of aIndex.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::ConstructFromResourceL TResourceReader &  aReader  )  [protected]

From CCoeControl.

Constructs the menu pane using the specified resource reader. Fills the menu item array with the list of menu items provided by the resource file.

aReader The resource reader to use.
KErrNoMemory Memory allocation failure earlier construction.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::ConstructL CEikMenuPane aOwner,
MEikMenuObserver *  aEditMenuObserver = NULL

Handles 2nd base construction.

Completes construction of a menu pane object.

aOwner Menu pane owner ( for cascade menu ).
aEditMenuObserver Observer for the edit menu. In default this is NULL.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::ConstructMenuSctRowFromDialogL TInt  aCharCase,
TDes &  aSpecialChars,
TInt  aResourceId

Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit menu.

The special character row is constructed from the given special character dialog.

aCharCase the charcase used by menu sct
aSpecialChars Buffer that holds the selected characters after user has selected them.
aResourceId The special character dialog resource id that contains a special character table
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::ConstructMenuSctRowFromDialogL TDes &  aSpecialChars,
TInt  aResourceId

Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit menu.

The special character row is constructed from the given special character dialog.

aSpecialChars Buffer that holds the selected characters after user has selected them.
aResourceId The special character dialog resource id that contains a special character table
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::ConstructMenuSctRowL TDes &  aSpecialChars,
TInt  aResourceId

Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit menu.

The special character row is constructed from the given special character table.

aSpecialChars Buffer that holds the selected characters after user has selected them.
aResourceId The special character table resource id to define the characters in the row.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::ConstructMenuSctRowL TDes &  aSpecialChars  ) 

Creates and enables a special characters row to be used in the edit menu.

aSpecialChars Buffer that holds the selected characters after user has selected them.
IMPORT_C TInt CEikMenuPane::CountComponentControls  )  const

From CoeControl.

Gets the number of controls contained in a compound control. This function should be implemented by all compound controls.

Note: In SDK 6.1 this was changed from protected to public.

The number of component controls contained by this control.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::DeleteBetweenMenuItems TInt  aStartIndex,
TInt  aEndIndex

Deletes the items between specified items.

aStartIndex The index of the item after which items should be deleted.
aEndIndex The index of the item up to which items should be deleted.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::DeleteMenuItem TInt  aCommandId  ) 

Deletes the specified item in the menu pane.

aCommandId The ID for the item to be deleted.
void CEikMenuPane::DisableAnimation  )  [protected]

Disables sliding effect By default is enabled if there is enough memory.

IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::Draw const TRect &  aRect  )  const [protected]

From CCoeControl.

Draw a control called by window server.

All controls, except blank controls, should implement this function. The default implementation draws a blank control. This function is used for window server-initiated redrawing of controls, and for some application-initiated drawing. It should be implemented by each control, but is only called from within CCoeControl's member functions, and not from the derived class. For this reason it is a private member function of CCoeControl.

The rectangle aRect indicates the region of the control that needs to be redrawn. The implementation of Draw() must always draw to every pixel within this rectangle.

aRect The region of the control to be redrawn. Co-ordinates are relative to the control's origin (top left corner). Optional, not used currently.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::EnableMarqueeL const TBool  aEnable  ) 

Enables or disables text scrolling functionality.

It is disabled by default.

aEnable ETrue to enable text scrolling functionality.
void CEikMenuPane::FilterDimmedItems  ) 

Deletes dimmed items from the menu item array.

IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::FocusChanged TDrawNow  aDrawNow  )  [protected]

From CCoeControl.

Takes any action required when the menu pane gains or loses focus, to change its appearance for example.

aDrawNow If EDrawNow the menu pane is redrawn. If ENoDrawNow the menu pane is not redrawn.
virtual IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::GetColorUseListL CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &  aColorUseList  )  const [virtual]

From CcoeControl.

Gets the list of logical colours employed in the drawing of the control, paired with an explanation of how they are used. Appends the list into aColorUseList.

aColorUseList The list of colours paired with explanations.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::HandlePointerEventL const TPointerEvent &  aPointerEvent  ) 

From CcoeControl.

Handles a pointer event on the menu.

aPointerEvent The pointer event to handle.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::HandleResourceChange TInt  aType  )  [virtual]

From CcoeControl.

Handles a change to the menu's resources which are shared across the environment. For example, colours or fonts.

aType The type of resource that has changed.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

IMPORT_C TCoeInputCapabilities CEikMenuPane::InputCapabilities  )  const

From CCoeControl.

Gets the list box’s input capabilities as set through the list box flags.

List box input capabilities.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::InsertMenuItemL const CEikMenuPaneItem::SData aMenuItem,
TInt  aPosition

Inserts the menu item to the specified position.

aMenuItem The menu item to add. NOTICE SData is the structure and all fileds should be initialized.
aPosition The position of newly created item in the array.
IMPORT_C TBool CEikMenuPane::IsCascadeMenuPane  )  const

Checks whether the menu pane is a cascade menu or a main menu.

ETrue if the menu pane is cascade menu and EFalse if the menu pane is the main menu.
TBool CEikMenuPane::IsPositionToBeForced  )  const

Checks if the position of the menu was set from outside.

ETrue in case when position of the menu was set from outside.
IMPORT_C CEikMenuPaneItem* CEikMenuPane::ItemAndPos TInt  aCommandId,
TInt &  aPos

Gets a pointer to the specified menu item.

Also gets the position of the item within the menu pane. Panics if there are no menu items in the menu pane. Panics if the menu pane id does not identify any menu pane item in the array.

aCommandId The ID of the menu item for which a pointer is returned.
aPos On return, the position of the menu item with an ID of aCommandId.
A pointer to the menu item.
EEikPanicNoSuchMenuItem Panics if there are no menu items in the menu pane or if the menu pane id does not identify any menu pane item in the array.
IMPORT_C CEikMenuPaneItem::SData& CEikMenuPane::ItemData TInt  aCommandId  ) 

Gets a reference to the data in the specified menu item.

aCommandId The command ID of the menu item for which data is obtained.
Reference to struct that contains command id.
IMPORT_C CEikMenuPaneItem::SData& CEikMenuPane::ItemDataByIndexL TInt  aItemIndex  ) 

Gets a reference to the data in the specified menu item.

aItemIndex The index of the item in the items array.
The menu item's data.
KErrArgument Wrong .
IMPORT_C TInt CEikMenuPane::MenuItemCommandId TInt  aIndex  )  const

Returns the command id of the specified menu item.

The function panics if aIndex doesn't exist or is out of range.

aIndex The index of the menu item for which the command ID is returned.
IMPORT_C TBool CEikMenuPane::MenuItemExists TInt  aCommandId,
TInt &  aPosition

Checks whether menu pane contains the menu item and returns position of it if the item is found.

[in] aCommandId The command ID of the item to be searched for.
[out] aPosition On return contains position of the item.
ETrue if item was found. Otherwise EFalse.
IMPORT_C TTypeUid::Ptr CEikMenuPane::MopSupplyObject TTypeUid  aId  )  [protected]

From CCoeControl.

Retrieves an object of the same type as that encapsulated in aId. Other than in the case where NULL is returned, the object returned must be of the same object type - that is, the ETypeId member of the object pointed to by the pointer returned by this function must be equal to the iUid member of aId.

aId An encapsulated object type ID.
Encapsulates the pointer to the object provided. Note that the encapsulated pointer may be NULL.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::MoveHighlightTo TInt  aNewSelectedItem  ) 

Moves the menu pane highlight to a newly selected menu item identified by aNewSelectedItem.

Scrolls the menu to show the new selected item if necessary and redraws only the newly selected item and the currently selected item if possible.

aNewSelectedItem The newly selected menu item index.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::NavigateToNextItem  ) 

Moves highlight to the next item or to the first one if last item is selected.

IMPORT_C TInt CEikMenuPane::NumberOfItemsInPane  )  const

Gets the number of menu items within the menu pane.

Number of menu items within menu pane.
TInt CEikMenuPane::NumberOfItemsThatFitInView  )  const [protected]

Gets the maximum number of items which can be seen simultaneously.

The maximum number of items which can be seen simultaneously.
IMPORT_C TKeyResponse CEikMenuPane::OfferKeyEventL const TKeyEvent &  aKeyEvent,
TEventCode  aType,
TBool  aConsumeAllKeys

From @ CCoeControl.

Handles key events offered to the menu by the control environment.

aKeyEvent The key event.
aType The type of key event: EEventKey, EEventKeyUp or EEventKeyDown.
aConsumeAllKeys If ETrue this function returns EKeyWasConsumed regardless of whether it was used. If EFalse the key event is consumed if possible and either EKeyWasConsumed or EKeyWasNotConsumed is returned as appropriate.
IMPORT_C TKeyResponse CEikMenuPane::OfferKeyEventL const TKeyEvent &  aKeyEvent,
TEventCode  aType

From CcoeControl.

Handles key events offered to the menu by the control environment and provides an appropriate implementation of CCoeControl::OfferKeyEventL().

aKeyEvent The key event.
aType The type of key event: EEventKey, EEventKeyUp or EEventKeyDown.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::Reset  ) 

Destroys the menu pane's item array.

IMPORT_C TInt CEikMenuPane::SelectedItem  )  const

Gets the position of the selected menu item.

The position of the selected menu item.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::SetArrowHeadScrollBar TBool  aArrowHead  ) 

Sets whether the menu pane uses an arrow head scroll bar.

aArrowHead If ETrue the menu pane uses an arrow head scroll bar.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::SetItemArray CItemArray aItemArray  ) 

Sets the array containing the list of menu items for the current menu pane.

aItemArray The menu item array for the menu pane.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::SetItemArrayOwnedExternally TBool  aOwnedExternally  ) 

Set menu item array ownership.

aOwnedExternally If ETrue the menu pane's menu item array is set as externally owned. If EFalse the menu pane's menu item array is set as not externally owned.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::SetItemButtonState TInt  aCommandId,
TInt  aButtonState

Sets the item to be indicated or not.

It should be used to change the state of radio buttons or check box items. It has real effect only starting from S60 v3.0.

aCommandId The command (as defined in an .hrh file) associated with this menu item. This identifies the menu item for which the state is set or unset.
aButtonState should be EEikMenuItemSymbolOn or EEikMenuItemSymbolIndeterminate
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::SetItemDimmed TInt  aCommandId,
TBool  aDimmed

Dims (greys out) or undims a menu item.

Dimming indicates that user input is not accepted.

aCommandId The command (as defined in an .hrh file) associated with this menu item. This identifies the menu item whose text is to be dimmed or un-dimmed.
aDimmed ETrue to dim this menu item. EFalse to un-dim this menu item.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::SetItemTextL TInt  aCommandId,
TInt  aRid

Sets the text in a menu item from resource.

aCommandId The command (as defined in an .hrh file) associated with this menu item. This identifies the menu item whose text is to be set.
aRid The resource ID of the menu item text.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::SetItemTextL TInt  aCommandId,
const TDesC &  aDes

Sets the text in a menu item.

aCommandId The command (as defined in an .hrh file) associated with this menu item. This identifies the menu item whose text is to be set.
aDes New item text.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::SetLaunchingButton CEikButtonBase aButton  ) 

Sets the specified button to launch the menu pane.

Doesn't have any effect in current implementation.

aButton The button to set as launching the menu.
void CEikMenuPane::SetPositionToBeForced TBool  aForced  )  [protected]

The position of the menu will be changed according to the one which is specified by arguments in StartDisplayingMenuPane() By default those arguments are not used.

aForced Etrue if arguments are used.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::SetScrollBarOnLeft TBool  aOnLeft  ) 

Sets whether the scroll bar occupies the left side of the menu pane.

aOnLeft If ETrue the scroll bar will occupy the left side of the menu pane.
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::SetSelectedItem TInt  aSelectedItem  ) 

Sets the selected menu item.

aSelectedItem The index of the item to get selected
IMPORT_C void CEikMenuPane::StartDisplayingMenuPane const CEikHotKeyTable aHotKeyTable,
const TPoint &  aTargetPos,
const CEikMenuPaneTitle aMenuPaneTitle,
TInt  aMinWidth,
TPopupTargetPosType  aTargetType = EPopupTargetTopLeft

Displays the menu pane with the corner identified by aTargetType in the position specified by aTargetPos.

This function uses aMinTitleWidth to calculate the area required to display the menu pane, taking into account whether the menu is a cascading menu or popup menu.

aHotKeyTable Optional hotkey table.
aTargetPos Position of the corner of the menu pane identified by aTargetType.
aMenuPaneTitle The menu pane's title.
aMinWidth Minimum width of the menu's title.
aTargetType The corner of the menu pane to which aTargetPos relates. The default is the top left corner. Possible: EPopupTargetTopLeft, EPopupTargetTopRight, , EPopupTargetBottomRight.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class CAknMarqueeControl [friend]
friend class CEikMenuButton [friend]
friend class CEikMenuPaneExtension [friend]
friend class CMenuScroller [friend]

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