CEnvironmentalReverbUtility Class Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed

Link against: environmentalreverbutility.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Detailed Description

This is the EnvironmentalReverb Utility class for managing audio EnvironmentalReverb presets.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~CEnvironmentalReverbUtility ()
IMPORT_C void ApplyPresetL (TInt aPreset)
 Apply the Preset Index value.
IMPORT_C void DisableEnvironmentalReverbL ()
 Disable the EnvironmentalReverb.
IMPORT_C void CreatePresetL (TDesC &aName, CEnvironmentalReverb &aEnvironmentalReverbUI)
 Create a Preset with the given Name and EnvironmentalReverb Settings.
IMPORT_C void DeletePresetL (TInt aPresetIndex)
 Delete a Preset with the given index in the Central Repository.
IMPORT_C const TDesC & GetPresetL (TInt aPresetIndex)
 Retrieves a Preset with the given index from the Central Repository.
IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbEnvironmentalReverb ()
 Get the reference to the EnvironmentalReverb Object.
IMPORT_C void ModifyPresetL (TInt aPresetIndex, TDesC &aName, CEnvironmentalReverb &aEnvironmentalReverbUI)
 Modify a Preset with the given Name and EnvironmentalReverb Settings.
IMPORT_C TUint32 NumberOfPreDefinedPresets () const
 Get the number of Pre Defined Presets.
IMPORT_C TArray< TEfEnvironmentalReverbUtilityPresetPresets ()
 Get all the Presets defined in the Central Repository.
IMPORT_C void ResetPresetL (TInt aPresetIndex)
 Reset a System Defined Preset with the given index in the Array returned from Presets().

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (CMMFDevSound &aDevSound)
 Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (CMdaAudioConvertUtility &aUtility)
 Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (CMdaAudioInputStream &aUtility)
 Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (CMdaAudioOutputStream &aUtility)
 Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (CMdaAudioPlayerUtility &aUtility)
 Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (CMdaAudioRecorderUtility &aUtility)
 Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (CMdaAudioToneUtility &aUtility)
 Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (CCustomCommandUtility *aUtility)
 Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (MCustomInterface &aCustomInterface)
 Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (CMidiClientUtility &aUtility)
 Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (CDrmPlayerUtility &aUtility)
 Factory function for creating the audio equalizer object.
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtilityNewL (CVideoPlayerUtility &aUtility)
 Factory function for creating the audio equalizer object.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::~CEnvironmentalReverbUtility  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C void CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::ApplyPresetL TInt  aPreset  ) 

Apply the Preset Index value.

aPreset Preset Value
IMPORT_C void CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::CreatePresetL TDesC &  aName,
CEnvironmentalReverb aEnvironmentalReverbUI

Create a Preset with the given Name and EnvironmentalReverb Settings.

aName Name of the Preset
aEnvironmentalReverb EnvironmentalReverb Settings for the Preset
IMPORT_C void CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::DeletePresetL TInt  aPresetIndex  ) 

Delete a Preset with the given index in the Central Repository.

aPresetIndex Index of the Preset in the Array
IMPORT_C void CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::DisableEnvironmentalReverbL  ) 

Disable the EnvironmentalReverb.

IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverb& CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::EnvironmentalReverb  ) 

Get the reference to the EnvironmentalReverb Object.

Reference to the EnvironmentalReverb Object.
IMPORT_C const TDesC& CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::GetPresetL TInt  aPresetIndex  ) 

Retrieves a Preset with the given index from the Central Repository.

aPresetIndex Index of the Preset in the Array
IMPORT_C void CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::ModifyPresetL TInt  aPresetIndex,
TDesC &  aName,
CEnvironmentalReverb aEnvironmentalReverbUI

Modify a Preset with the given Name and EnvironmentalReverb Settings.

aPresetIndex Array Index of the Preset
aName Name of the Preset
aEnvironmentalReverb EnvironmentalReverb Settings for the Preset
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL CVideoPlayerUtility &  aUtility  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio equalizer object.

CVideoPlayerUtility A reference to a CVideoPlayerUtility object
pointer to CAudioEqualizer object
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL CDrmPlayerUtility aUtility  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio equalizer object.

CDrmPlayerUtility A reference to a CDrmPlayerUtility object
pointer to CAudioEqualizer object
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL CMidiClientUtility &  aUtility  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.

aUtility A reference to CMidiClientUtility
pointer to CEnvironmentalReverbUtility object
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL MCustomInterface aCustomInterface  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.

aUtility A reference to custom interface utility
pointer to CEnvironmentalReverbUtility object
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL CCustomCommandUtility *  aUtility  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.

aUtility A reference to custom command utility
pointer to CEnvironmentalReverbUtility object
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL CMdaAudioToneUtility &  aUtility  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.

aUtility A reference to a audio tone utility
pointer to CEnvironmentalReverbUtility object
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL CMdaAudioRecorderUtility &  aUtility  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.

aUtility A reference to a audio recorder utility
pointer to CEnvironmentalReverbUtility object
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL CMdaAudioPlayerUtility &  aUtility  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.

aUtility A reference to a audio player utility
pointer to CEnvironmentalReverbUtility object
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL CMdaAudioOutputStream &  aUtility  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.

aUtility A reference to a audio output stream utility
pointer to CEnvironmentalReverbUtility object
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL CMdaAudioInputStream &  aUtility  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.

aUtility A reference to a audio input stream utility
pointer to CEnvironmentalReverbUtility object
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL CMdaAudioConvertUtility &  aUtility  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.

aUtility A reference to a convert utility
pointer to CEnvironmentalReverbUtility object
static IMPORT_C CEnvironmentalReverbUtility* CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NewL CMMFDevSound &  aDevSound  )  [static]

Factory function for creating the audio EnvironmentalReverb utility object.

aUtility A reference to a Devsound Instance
pointer to CEnvironmentalReverbUtility object
IMPORT_C TUint32 CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::NumberOfPreDefinedPresets  )  const

Get the number of Pre Defined Presets.

Number of Pre Defined Presets
IMPORT_C TArray<TEfEnvironmentalReverbUtilityPreset> CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::Presets  ) 

Get all the Presets defined in the Central Repository.

Array of all Presets.
IMPORT_C void CEnvironmentalReverbUtility::ResetPresetL TInt  aPresetIndex  ) 

Reset a System Defined Preset with the given index in the Array returned from Presets().

aPresetIndex Index of the Preset in the Array

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