An instance of this class can be instantiated in one of two ways: by providing valid Exif data or by providing valid Jpeg image.
Public Types |
enum | TOperationMode { EModify = 0,
} |
| The operation mode enumeration specifying the create or modify modes. More...
enum | TExifModifyOption { ENoOptions = 0x0000,
ENoJpegParsing = 0x0001
} |
Public Member Functions |
virtual | ~CExifModify () |
| Destructor.
virtual const CExifRead * | Reader () const =0 |
| Returns a constant pointer to a CExifRead instance that can be used to parse the associated Exif image.
virtual void | SetTagL (TExifIfdType aIfdType, TExifTagInfo aExifTagInfo, const TDesC8 &aTagData)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates the given tag in the specified IFD structure of the Exif data.
virtual TInt | DeleteTag (TExifIfdType aIfdType, TUint16 aTagId)=0 |
| Removes the tag with the given tag ID from the specified IFD structure in the Exif data.
virtual TInt | DeleteIfd (TExifIfdType aIfdType)=0 |
| Removes the specified IFD structure and all its tags from the Exif data.
virtual void | SetThumbnailL (const TDesC8 &aThumbnailData)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates the given thumbnail Jpeg image data into the 1st IFD structure in the Exif data.
virtual TInt | RemoveThumbnail ()=0 |
| Removes the thumbnail Jpeg image data from the 1st IFD structure in the Exif data.
virtual HBufC8 * | WriteDataL (const TDesC8 &aInData)=0 |
| Flushes the Exif data into the given data buffer, and releases the internal structures.
virtual void | SetImageDescriptionL (const TDesC8 &aImageDescription)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Image Description in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetMakeL (const TDesC8 &aMake)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Make in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetModelL (const TDesC8 &aModel)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Model in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetOrientationL (TUint16 aOrientation)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Orientation in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetXResolutionL (TUint32 aXResolution1, TUint32 aXResolution2)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given X Resolution in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetYResolutionL (TUint32 aYResolution1, TUint32 aYResolution2)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Y Resolution in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetResolutionUnitL (TUint16 aResolutionUnit)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Resolution Unit in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetTransferFunctionL (const TDesC8 &aTransferFunction)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Transfer Function in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetDateTimeL (const TDesC8 &aDateTime)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Date Time in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetYCbCrPositioningL (TUint16 aYCbCrPositioning)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given YCbCr Positioning in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetSoftwareL (const TDesC8 &aSoftware)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Software in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetCopyrightL (const TDesC8 &aCopyright)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Copyright in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetExposureTimeL (TUint32 aExposureTime1, TUint32 aExposureTime2)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Exposure Time in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetComponentsConfigurationL (TUint8 aFirstComponent, TUint8 aSecondComponent, TUint8 aThirdComponent, TUint8 aFourthComponent)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Components Configuration in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetFlashL (TUint16 aFlash)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Flash in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetColorSpaceL (TUint16 aColorSpace)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Color Space in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetPixelXDimensionL (TUint32 aPixelXDimension)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Pixel X Dimension in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetPixelYDimensionL (TUint32 aPixelYDimension)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Pixel Y Dimension in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetExposureModeL (TUint16 aExposureMode)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Exposure Mode in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetWhiteBalanceL (TUint16 aWhiteBalance)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given White Balance in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetSceneCaptureTypeL (TUint16 aSceneCaptureType)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Scene Capture Type in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetExposureProgramL (TUint16 aExposureProgram)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Exposure Program in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetIsoSpeedRatingsL (const TDesC8 &aIsoSpeedRatings)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Iso Speed Ratings in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetDateTimeOriginalL (const TDesC8 &aDateTimeOriginal)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Date Time Original in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetDateTimeDigitizedL (const TDesC8 &aDateTimeDigitized)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Date Time Digitized in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetApertureValueL (TUint32 aApertureValue1, TUint32 aApertureValue2)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Aperture Value in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetExposureBiasValueL (TInt32 aExposureBiasValue1, TInt32 aExposureBiasValue2)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Exposure Bias Value in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetMeteringModeL (TUint16 aMeteringMode)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Metering Mode in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetLightSourceL (TUint16 aLightSource)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Light Source in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetMakerNoteL (const TDesC8 &aMakerNote)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Maker Note in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetUserCommentL (const TDesC8 &aUserComment)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given User Comment in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetRelatedSoundFileL (const TDesC8 &aRelatedSoundFile)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Related Sound File in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetFileSourceL (TInt8 aFileSource)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given File Source in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetDigitalZoomRatioL (TUint32 aDigitalZoomRatio1, TUint32 aDigitalZoomRatio2)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Digital Zoom Ratio in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetContrastL (TUint16 aContrast)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Contrast in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetSaturationL (TUint16 aSaturation)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Saturation in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetSharpnessL (TUint16 aSharpness)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Sharpness in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetThumbnailXResolutionL (TUint32 aXResolution1, TUint32 aXResolution2)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given thumbnail X Resolution in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetThumbnailYResolutionL (TUint32 aYResolution1, TUint32 aYResolution2)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given thumbnail Y Resolution in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetThumbnailResolutionUnitL (TUint16 aResolutionUnit)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given thumbnail Resolution Unit in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetShutterSpeedValueL (TInt32 aShutterSpeedValue1, TInt32 aShutterSpeedValue2)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Shutter Speed Value in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetBrightnessValueL (TInt32 aBrightnessValue1, TInt32 aBrightnessValue2)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Brightness Value in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetCustomRenderedL (TUint16 aCustomRendered)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Custom Rendered in the Exif data.
virtual void | SetGainControlL (TUint16 aGainControl)=0 |
| Inserts/Updates given Gain Control in the Exif data.
Static Public Member Functions |
static IMPORT_C CExifModify * | NewL (const TDesC8 &aInData, CExifModify::TOperationMode aOperationMode=EModify) |
| Two-phased constructor.
static IMPORT_C CExifModify * | NewL (const TDesC8 &aInData, CExifModify::TOperationMode aOperationMode, TUint aExifModifyOption) |
static IMPORT_C CExifModify * | NewL () |
| Two-phased constructor.