CPosLmNearestCriteria Class Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed

Link against: eposlmsearchlib.lib eposlmmultidbsearch.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



The capability ReadUserData is required in:

CPosLandmarkSearch::StartLandmarkSearchL( const CPosLmSearchCriteria & aCriteria, TBool aSearchOnlyPreviousMatches = EFalse );

CPosLandmarkSearch::StartLandmarkSearchL( const CPosLmSearchCriteria & aCriteria, const TPosLmSortPref & aSortPref, TBool aSearchOnlyPreviousMatches = EFalse );

CPosLandmarkSearch::StartCategorySearchL( const CPosLmSearchCriteria & aCriteria, CPosLmCategoryManager::TCategorySortPref aSortPref, TBool aSearchOnlyPreviousMatches = EFalse );

CPosLmMultiDbSearch::StartLandmarkSearchL( const CPosLmSearchCriteria & aCriteria, TBool aSearchOnlyPreviousMatches = EFalse );

CPosLmMultiDbSearch::StartLandmarkSearchL( const CPosLmSearchCriteria & aCriteria, const TPosLmSortPref & aSortPref, TBool aSearchOnlyPreviousMatches = EFalse );

CPosLmMultiDbSearch::StartCategorySearchL( const CPosLmSearchCriteria & aCriteria, CPosLmCategoryManager::TCategorySortPref aSortPref, TBool aSearchOnlyPreviousMatches = EFalse );

Other Information

The capability NetworkServices is required to work with remote databases.

#include <

Inherits CPosLmSearchCriteria.

Detailed Description

Criterion for finding the landmarks which are closest to a certain coordinate, called "center coordinate".

When using CPosLmNearestCriteria, the matches returned in the search are sorted in ascending distance order if the client does not specify other sort preferences.

By default, this search returns all landmarks in the database, except those which have no coordinates. It is recommended to specify a maximum distance to narrow down the search. This is done by SetMaxDistance.

The client can specify if the coverage radius should be used. If coverage radius is used, the distance to the landmark coverage area border is used instead of the distance to the landmark coverage area center. If the source coordinate is inside the landmark coverage area, the distance is considered zero. By default, the coverage radius is not used.

This criterion is only valid when searching for landmarks, i.e. if it is passed to CPosLandmarkSearch::StartCategorySearchL, the function will fail with error code KErrArgument.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~CPosLmNearestCriteria ()
IMPORT_C void GetCoordinate (TCoordinate &aCoordinate) const
 Returns the center coordinate of the search.
IMPORT_C void SetCoordinate (const TCoordinate &aCoordinate)
 Set the center coordinate of the search.
IMPORT_C TBool UseCoverageRadius () const
 Returns if coverage radius is considered in the search.
IMPORT_C void SetUseCoverageRadius (TBool aUseCoverageRadius)
 Set if coverage radius should be considered in the search.
IMPORT_C TReal32 MaxDistance () const
 Returns whether the search should be limited to landmarks which are closer than a maximum distance.
IMPORT_C void SetMaxDistance (TReal32 aMaxDistance)
 Set a maximum distance for the search.

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CPosLmNearestCriteriaNewLC (const TCoordinate &aCoordinate, TBool aUseCoverageRadius=EFalse)
 Two-phased constructor.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual CPosLmNearestCriteria::~CPosLmNearestCriteria  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C void CPosLmNearestCriteria::GetCoordinate TCoordinate aCoordinate  )  const

Returns the center coordinate of the search.

[out] aCoordinate On return, contains the center coordinate.
IMPORT_C TReal32 CPosLmNearestCriteria::MaxDistance  )  const

Returns whether the search should be limited to landmarks which are closer than a maximum distance.

By default the maximum distance is set to NaN which means that the distance is unlimited.

The maximum distance or NaN if the distance is unlimited.
static IMPORT_C CPosLmNearestCriteria* CPosLmNearestCriteria::NewLC const TCoordinate aCoordinate,
TBool  aUseCoverageRadius = EFalse

Two-phased constructor.

Latitude and longitude must be set in the coordinate (not NaN). Altitude is ignored.

[in] aCoordinate The center coordinate of the landmark search.
[in] aUseCoverageRadius ETrue if coverage radius should be considered in the search.
"Landmarks Client"-EPosNaNCoordinate Latitude and/or longitude is NaN.
IMPORT_C void CPosLmNearestCriteria::SetCoordinate const TCoordinate aCoordinate  ) 

Set the center coordinate of the search.

Latitude and longitude must be set in the coordinate (not NaN). Altitude is ignored.

[in] aCoordinate The center coordinate of the landmarks search.
"Landmarks Client"-EPosNaNCoordinate Latitude and/or longitude is NaN.
IMPORT_C void CPosLmNearestCriteria::SetMaxDistance TReal32  aMaxDistance  ) 

Set a maximum distance for the search.

Only landmarks, which are closer to the center coordinate than the maximum distance are considered matches.

aMaxDistance The maximum distance or NaN if the distance should be unlimited.
IMPORT_C void CPosLmNearestCriteria::SetUseCoverageRadius TBool  aUseCoverageRadius  ) 

Set if coverage radius should be considered in the search.

aUseCoverageRadius ETrue if coverage radius should be considered in the search. EFalse otherwise.
IMPORT_C TBool CPosLmNearestCriteria::UseCoverageRadius  )  const

Returns if coverage radius is considered in the search.

ETrue if coverage radius is considered in the search. EFalse otherwise.

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