CRoomLevel Class Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed FP 2

Link against: roomleveleffect.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Inherits CAudioEffect.

Detailed Description

This is the Environmental RoomLevel effect class for managing RoomLevel settings.

Public Member Functions

virtual IMPORT_C ~CRoomLevel ()
IMPORT_C TInt32 Level () const
 Gets the RoomLevel current level in mB.
IMPORT_C void LevelRange (TInt32 &aMin, TInt32 &aMax)
 Gets the RoomLevel current level maximum and minimum in mB.
IMPORT_C void SetRoomLevelL (TInt32 aRoomLevel)
 Sets the RoomLevel level, it will leave if aRoomLevel is not within range of Min and Max.
IMPORT_C TUid Uid () const

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (CMdaAudioConvertUtility &aUtility, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (CMdaAudioInputStream &aUtility, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (CMdaAudioOutputStream &aUtility, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (CMdaAudioPlayerUtility &aUtility, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (CMdaAudioRecorderUtility &aUtility, TBool aRecordStream, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (CMdaAudioToneUtility &aUtility, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (CMMFDevSound &aDevSound, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (CCustomCommandUtility *aUtility, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (MCustomInterface &aCustomInterface, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (CMidiClientUtility &aUtility, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (CDrmPlayerUtility &aUtility, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the RoomLevel object.
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevelNewL (CVideoPlayerUtility &aUtility, CEnvironmentalReverb &aReverb)
 Factory function for creating the RoomLevel object.

Protected Member Functions

IMPORT_C const TDesC8 & DoEffectData ()
 From CAudioEffect Create a package of the effect data.
IMPORT_C void SetEffectData (const TDesC8 &aEffectDataBuffer)
 From CAudioEffect Internal function to unpack effect data.
IMPORT_C CRoomLevel ()
 Private C++ constructor for this class.

Protected Attributes

TEfRoomLevel iRoomLevelData
TEfRoomLevelDataPckg iDataPckgTo
TEfRoomLevelDataPckg iDataPckgFrom


class CRoomLevelMessageHandler

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual IMPORT_C CRoomLevel::~CRoomLevel  )  [virtual]


IMPORT_C CRoomLevel::CRoomLevel  )  [protected]

Private C++ constructor for this class.


Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C const TDesC8& CRoomLevel::DoEffectData  )  [protected, virtual]

From CAudioEffect Create a package of the effect data.

A descriptor containing the effect data.

Implements CAudioEffect.

IMPORT_C TInt32 CRoomLevel::Level  )  const

Gets the RoomLevel current level in mB.

RoomLevel current level
IMPORT_C void CRoomLevel::LevelRange TInt32 &  aMin,
TInt32 &  aMax

Gets the RoomLevel current level maximum and minimum in mB.

aMin Minimum current level
aMax Maximum current level
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL CVideoPlayerUtility &  aUtility,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the RoomLevel object.

CVideoPlayerUtility A reference to a CVideoPlayerUtility object
pointer to CRoomLevel object
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL CDrmPlayerUtility aUtility,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the RoomLevel object.

CDrmPlayerUtility A reference to a CDrmPlayerUtility object
pointer to CRoomLevel object
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL CMidiClientUtility &  aUtility,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.

aUtility A reference to a CMidiClientUtility object
aReverb A reference to a environmental reverb utility
pointer to CRoomLevel object
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL MCustomInterface aCustomInterface,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.

aCustomInterface A reference to a custom interface
aReverb A reference to a environmental reverb utility
pointer to CRoomLevel object
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL CCustomCommandUtility *  aUtility,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.

aUtility A reference to a custom command utility
aReverb A reference to a environmental reverb utility
pointer to CRoomLevel object
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL CMMFDevSound &  aDevSound,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.

aDevSound A reference to a DevSound instance
aReverb A reference to a environmental reverb utility
pointer to CRoomLevel object
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL CMdaAudioToneUtility &  aUtility,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.

aUtility A reference to an audio tone utility
aReverb A reference to a environmental reverb utility
pointer to CRoomLevel object
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL CMdaAudioRecorderUtility &  aUtility,
TBool  aRecordStream,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.

aUtility A reference to an audio record utility
aRecordStream ETrue if the effect is to be applied to the recording, EFalse if the effect is to be applied only to the playback
aReverb A reference to a environmental reverb utility
pointer to CRoomLevel object
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL CMdaAudioPlayerUtility &  aUtility,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.

aUtility A reference to an audio player utility
aReverb A reference to a environmental reverb utility
pointer to CRoomLevel object
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL CMdaAudioOutputStream &  aUtility,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.

aUtility A reference to an audio output stream utility
aReverb A reference to a environmental reverb utility
pointer to CRoomLevel object
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL CMdaAudioInputStream &  aUtility,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.

aUtility A reference to an audio input stream utility
aReverb A reference to a environmental reverb utility
pointer to CRoomLevel object
static IMPORT_C CRoomLevel* CRoomLevel::NewL CMdaAudioConvertUtility &  aUtility,
CEnvironmentalReverb aReverb

Factory function for creating the audio RoomLevel object.

aUtility A reference to a convert utility
aReverb A reference to a environmental reverb utility
pointer to CRoomLevel object
IMPORT_C void CRoomLevel::SetEffectData const TDesC8 &  aEffectDataBuffer  )  [protected, virtual]

From CAudioEffect Internal function to unpack effect data.

aEffectDataBuffer Descriptor containing packed effect data

Implements CAudioEffect.

IMPORT_C void CRoomLevel::SetRoomLevelL TInt32  aRoomLevel  ) 

Sets the RoomLevel level, it will leave if aRoomLevel is not within range of Min and Max.

aRoomLevelLevel The RoomLevel level in mB
IMPORT_C TUid CRoomLevel::Uid  )  const [virtual]

Implements CAudioEffect.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class CRoomLevelMessageHandler [friend]

Field Documentation

CEnvironmentalReverb* CRoomLevel::iClientReverb [protected]
TEfRoomLevelDataPckg CRoomLevel::iDataPckgFrom [protected]
TEfRoomLevelDataPckg CRoomLevel::iDataPckgTo [protected]
TEfRoomLevel CRoomLevel::iRoomLevelData [protected]

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