ConnMonIdsArrayPckg Class Reference

API published in: S60 2nd Ed FP 2

Link against: connmon.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



ReadDeviceData to call

IMPORT_C void GetIntAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TInt& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus );

IMPORT_C TInt SetIntAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TInt aValue ) const;

with aAttribute set to KProtocolType.

NetworkServices and NetworkControl to call

IMPORT_C void GetBoolAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TBool& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus );

IMPORT_C TInt SetBoolAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TBool aValue ) const;

with aAttribute KConnectionStop or KConnectionStopAll.

ReadDeviceData to call

IMPORT_C void GetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;

IMPORT_C TInt SetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TDes& aValue ) const;

with aAttribute set to KAccessPointName or KNetworkName.

ReadUserData to call

IMPORT_C void GetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;

IMPORT_C TInt SetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TDes& aValue ) const;

with aAttribute set to KTelNumber.

NetworkControl to call

IMPORT_C void GetPckgAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes8& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;

IMPORT_C TInt SetPckgAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TDes8& aValue ) const;

with aAttribute set to KClientInfo.

#include <

Detailed Description

Package of array of items of class

Public Member Functions

 ConnMonIdsArrayPckg (const RArray< TConnMonId > &aRef, TUint aBufSize)
 Constructs the package of array.
IMPORT_C ConnMonIdsArrayPckg (TUint aBufSize)
 Constructs an empty package.
virtual IMPORT_C ~ConnMonIdsArrayPckg ()
IMPORT_C void UnpackToL (RArray< TConnMonId > &aRef) const
 Unpacks package to the array.
IMPORT_C HBufC * Buf () const
 Gets iBuf gettet returns not const.

Protected Attributes

HBufC * iBuf
 Buffer, containing the package.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ConnMonIdsArrayPckg::ConnMonIdsArrayPckg const RArray< TConnMonId > &  aRef,
TUint  aBufSize

Constructs the package of array.

aRef Array to be packed
aBufSize Length of the buffer, intended to contain the package
IMPORT_C ConnMonIdsArrayPckg::ConnMonIdsArrayPckg TUint  aBufSize  ) 

Constructs an empty package.

aBufSize Length of the buffer, intended to contain the package
virtual IMPORT_C ConnMonIdsArrayPckg::~ConnMonIdsArrayPckg  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C HBufC* ConnMonIdsArrayPckg::Buf  )  const

Gets iBuf gettet returns not const.

IMPORT_C void ConnMonIdsArrayPckg::UnpackToL RArray< TConnMonId > &  aRef  )  const

Unpacks package to the array.

aRef Array, intended to containing the unpacked objects

Field Documentation

HBufC* ConnMonIdsArrayPckg::iBuf [protected]

Buffer, containing the package.

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