MAudioEffectObserver Class Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed

Link against: effectbase.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Inherited by MAudioEqualizerObserver, MBassBoostObserver, MDistanceAttenuationObserver, MDopplerObserver, MEnvironmentalReverbObserver, MLocationObserver, MLoudnessObserver, MOrientationObserver, MRoomLevelObserver, and MStereoWideningObserver.

Detailed Description

Interface class to be implemented by objects that are interested in receiving events from audio effect.

Public Member Functions

virtual void EffectChanged (const CAudioEffect *aObservedEffect, TUint8 aEvent)=0
 Invoked by the audio effect object when the status of the audio effect has changed.

Static Public Attributes

static const TUint KEnabled = 1
static const TUint KDisabled = 2
static const TUint KEnforced = 3
static const TUint KNotEnforced = 4
static const TUint KLostUpdateRights = 5
static const TUint KGainedUpdateRights = 6
static const TUint KSpecificEffectBase = 20

Member Function Documentation

virtual void MAudioEffectObserver::EffectChanged const CAudioEffect aObservedEffect,
TUint8  aEvent
[pure virtual]

Invoked by the audio effect object when the status of the audio effect has changed.

aObservedEffect The effect that changed
aEvent The specific event Id of the effect that changed.

Field Documentation

const TUint MAudioEffectObserver::KDisabled = 2 [static]
const TUint MAudioEffectObserver::KEnabled = 1 [static]
const TUint MAudioEffectObserver::KEnforced = 3 [static]
const TUint MAudioEffectObserver::KGainedUpdateRights = 6 [static]
const TUint MAudioEffectObserver::KLostUpdateRights = 5 [static]
const TUint MAudioEffectObserver::KNotEnforced = 4 [static]
const TUint MAudioEffectObserver::KSpecificEffectBase = 20 [static]

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