MProEngToneSettings Class Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed FP 1

Link against: profileengine.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



No capabilities needed for reading profiles.

#include <

Detailed Description

Profile tone settings interface.

This interface offers methods to set and get the following settings: ringing type, keypad volume, ringing volume, vibrating alert, warning and game tones and text-to-speech.

Public Member Functions

virtual TProfileRingingType RingingType () const =0
 Returns the ringing type.
virtual TProfileKeypadVolume KeypadVolume () const =0
 Returns the keypad volume.
virtual TProfileRingingVolume RingingVolume () const =0
 Returns the ringing volume.
virtual TBool VibratingAlert () const =0
 Returns the state of vibrating alert setting.
virtual TBool WarningAndGameTones () const =0
 Returns the state of warning and game tones setting.
virtual TBool TextToSpeech () const =0
 Returns the state of text-to-speech setting.
virtual TInt SetRingingType (TProfileRingingType aRingingType)=0
 Sets the ringing type.
virtual TInt SetKeypadVolume (TProfileKeypadVolume aKeypadVolume)=0
 Sets the keypad volume.
virtual TInt SetRingingVolume (TProfileRingingVolume aRingingVolume)=0
 Sets the ringing volume.
virtual TInt SetVibratingAlert (TBool aVibratingAlert)=0
 Sets the state of vibrating alert setting.
virtual TInt SetWarningAndGameTones (TBool aWarningAndGameTones)=0
 Sets the state of warning and game tones setting.
virtual TInt SetTextToSpeech (TBool aTextToSpeech)=0
 Sets the state of text-to-speech setting.

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~MProEngToneSettings ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual MProEngToneSettings::~MProEngToneSettings  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual TProfileKeypadVolume MProEngToneSettings::KeypadVolume  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the keypad volume.

Returns the keypad volume.
virtual TProfileRingingType MProEngToneSettings::RingingType  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the ringing type.

Returns the ringing type.
virtual TProfileRingingVolume MProEngToneSettings::RingingVolume  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the ringing volume.

Returns the ringing volume.
virtual TInt MProEngToneSettings::SetKeypadVolume TProfileKeypadVolume  aKeypadVolume  )  [pure virtual]

Sets the keypad volume.

aKeypadVolume The new value for keypad tones volume.
KErrNone if succesful, KErrAccessDenied if keypad tones setting of this profile is read-only.
virtual TInt MProEngToneSettings::SetRingingType TProfileRingingType  aRingingType  )  [pure virtual]

Sets the ringing type.

aRingingType The new value for ringing type.
KErrNone if succesful, KErrAccessDenied if ringing type setting of this profile is read-only.
virtual TInt MProEngToneSettings::SetRingingVolume TProfileRingingVolume  aRingingVolume  )  [pure virtual]

Sets the ringing volume.

aRingingVolume The new value for ringing volume.
KErrNone if succesful, KErrAccessDenied if ringing volume setting of this profile is read-only.
virtual TInt MProEngToneSettings::SetTextToSpeech TBool  aTextToSpeech  )  [pure virtual]

Sets the state of text-to-speech setting.

aTextToSpeech The new state for text-to-speech setting.
KErrNone if succesful, KErrAccessDenied if text-to-speech setting of this profile is read-only.
virtual TInt MProEngToneSettings::SetVibratingAlert TBool  aVibratingAlert  )  [pure virtual]

Sets the state of vibrating alert setting.

aVibratingAlert The new state for the vibrating alert setting.
KErrNone if succesful, KErrAccessDenied if vibrating alert setting of this profile is read-only.
virtual TInt MProEngToneSettings::SetWarningAndGameTones TBool  aWarningAndGameTones  )  [pure virtual]

Sets the state of warning and game tones setting.

aWarningAndGameTones The new state for Warning and Game tones setting.
KErrNone if succesful, KErrAccessDenied if warning and game tones setting of this profile is read-only.
virtual TBool MProEngToneSettings::TextToSpeech  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the state of text-to-speech setting.

Returns the state of text-to-speech setting.
virtual TBool MProEngToneSettings::VibratingAlert  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the state of vibrating alert setting.

Returns the state of vibrating alert setting.
virtual TBool MProEngToneSettings::WarningAndGameTones  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the state of warning and game tones setting.

Returns the state of warning and game tones setting.

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