MProEngTones Class Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed FP 1

Link against: profileengine.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



No capabilities needed for reading profiles.

#include <

Detailed Description

Profile tones interface.

This interface offers methods to get line 1 and 2 ringing tone, message alert tone, e-mail alert tone and video call alert tone.

Public Member Functions

virtual const TDesC & RingingTone1 () const =0
 Returns line 1 ringing tone file name.
virtual const TDesC & RingingTone2 () const =0
 Returns line 2 ringing tone file name.
virtual const TDesC & MessageAlertTone () const =0
 Returns message alert tone file name.
virtual const TDesC & EmailAlertTone () const =0
 Returns Email alert tone file name.
virtual const TDesC & VideoCallRingingTone () const =0
 Returns Video call ringing tone file name.
virtual TInt SetRingingTone1L (const TDesC &aRingingTone)=0
 Set line 1 ringing tone.
virtual TInt SetRingingTone2L (const TDesC &aRingingTone)=0
 Set line 2 ringing tone.
virtual TInt SetMessageAlertToneL (const TDesC &aMessageAlertTone)=0
 Set message alert tone.
virtual TInt SetEmailAlertToneL (const TDesC &aEmailAlertTone)=0
 Set Email alert tone file name.
virtual TInt SetVideoCallRingingToneL (const TDesC &aRingingTone)=0
 Set Video call ringing tone file name.

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~MProEngTones ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual MProEngTones::~MProEngTones  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual const TDesC& MProEngTones::EmailAlertTone  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns Email alert tone file name.

Returns Email alert tone file name.
virtual const TDesC& MProEngTones::MessageAlertTone  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns message alert tone file name.

Returns message alert tone file name.
virtual const TDesC& MProEngTones::RingingTone1  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns line 1 ringing tone file name.

Returns line 1 ringing tone file name.
virtual const TDesC& MProEngTones::RingingTone2  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns line 2 ringing tone file name.

If alternate line service isn't supported by the network, this isn't used for anything.

Returns line 2 ringing tone file name.
virtual TInt MProEngTones::SetEmailAlertToneL const TDesC &  aEmailAlertTone  )  [pure virtual]

Set Email alert tone file name.

aEmailAlertTone Email alert tone. If the alert tone should be be left empty, this should be KNullDesC.
KErrNone if succesful, KErrAccessDenied if e-mail alert tone setting of this profile is read-only.
virtual TInt MProEngTones::SetMessageAlertToneL const TDesC &  aMessageAlertTone  )  [pure virtual]

Set message alert tone.

aMessageAlertTone File name of the message alert tone. If the alert tone should be left empty, this should be KNullDesC.
KErrNone if succesful, KErrAccessDenied if message alert tone setting of this profile is read-only.
virtual TInt MProEngTones::SetRingingTone1L const TDesC &  aRingingTone  )  [pure virtual]

Set line 1 ringing tone.

aRingingTone File name of the ringing tone. If the ringing tone should be left empty, this should be KNullDesC.
KErrNone if succesful, KErrAccessDenied if line 1 ringing tone setting of this profile is read-only.
virtual TInt MProEngTones::SetRingingTone2L const TDesC &  aRingingTone  )  [pure virtual]

Set line 2 ringing tone.

Note, that this tone can be set even if the network does not support the alternate line service. In this case, the value of line 2 ringing tone is still saved in Profiles data but it isn't used for anything.

aRingingTone File name of the ringing tone. If the line 2 ringing tone should be left empty, this should be KNullDesC.
KErrNone if succesful, KErrAccessDenied if line 2 ringing tone setting of this profile is read-only.
virtual TInt MProEngTones::SetVideoCallRingingToneL const TDesC &  aRingingTone  )  [pure virtual]

Set Video call ringing tone file name.

aRingingTone Video call ringing tone file name. If the alert tone should be left empty, this should be KNullDesC.
KErrNone if succesful, KErrAccessDenied if video call ringing tone setting of this profile is read-only.
virtual const TDesC& MProEngTones::VideoCallRingingTone  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns Video call ringing tone file name.

Returns Video call ringing tone file name.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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