MPtiCoreInfo Class Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed

Link against: ptiengine.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <

Inherited by TPtiCoreInfo.

Public Member Functions

virtual TBool WordCompletion () const =0
 Returns a boolean value indicating whether the word completion feature is supported by the core object in question.
virtual TBool Reordering () const =0
 Returns a boolean value indicating whether the user dictionary re-ordering feature is supported by the core object in question.
virtual TInt MaximumWordLength () const =0
 Returns maximum length of single word this core object is able to produce.
virtual TInt MaximumNumberOfCandidates () const =0
 Returns the maximum number of prediction candidates the core object is able to produce for any input sequence.
virtual TBool NextWordPrediction () const =0
 Returns a boolean value indicating whether the next word prediction feature supported by the core object in question.
virtual TPtrC VendorString () const =0
 Returns core object vendor specific id string.
virtual TUint32 CapsBits () const =0
 Returns a bit vector containing flags for various core object features.
virtual TInt32 Uid () const =0
 Returns uid value for core object.
virtual TUint32 CharConversions () const =0
 Returns a bitvector containing flags for available character conversion methods.
virtual TUint32 Spellings () const =0
 Returns a bitvector containing flags for available spelling conversion methods.

Member Function Documentation

virtual TUint32 MPtiCoreInfo::CapsBits  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a bit vector containing flags for various core object features.

See TPtiEngineCapsBits for list of specified bits.

A bit vector containing flags for various core object features.

Implemented in TPtiCoreInfo.

virtual TUint32 MPtiCoreInfo::CharConversions  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a bitvector containing flags for available character conversion methods.

See TPtiCharConversion for list of specified bits.

A bit vector containing flags for available character conversions.

Implemented in TPtiCoreInfo.

virtual TInt MPtiCoreInfo::MaximumNumberOfCandidates  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the maximum number of prediction candidates the core object is able to produce for any input sequence.

Doesn't apply for Chinese and Japanese modes.

The maximum number of candidates.

Implemented in TPtiCoreInfo.

virtual TInt MPtiCoreInfo::MaximumWordLength  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns maximum length of single word this core object is able to produce.

The maximum word length.

Implemented in TPtiCoreInfo.

virtual TBool MPtiCoreInfo::NextWordPrediction  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the next word prediction feature supported by the core object in question.

ETrue if next wrod prediction is supported. EFalse otherwise.

Implemented in TPtiCoreInfo.

virtual TBool MPtiCoreInfo::Reordering  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the user dictionary re-ordering feature is supported by the core object in question.

ETrue if core object supports re-ordering feature. EFalse otherwise.

Implemented in TPtiCoreInfo.

virtual TUint32 MPtiCoreInfo::Spellings  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a bitvector containing flags for available spelling conversion methods.

See TPtiSpelling for list of specified bits.

A bit vector containing flags for available spelling conversions.

Implemented in TPtiCoreInfo.

virtual TInt32 MPtiCoreInfo::Uid  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns uid value for core object.

Core object uid as an integer value.

Implemented in TPtiCoreInfo.

virtual TPtrC MPtiCoreInfo::VendorString  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns core object vendor specific id string.

Vendor specific id string.

Implemented in TPtiCoreInfo.

virtual TBool MPtiCoreInfo::WordCompletion  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the word completion feature is supported by the core object in question.

ETrue if core object supports word completion feature. EFalse otherwise.

Implemented in TPtiCoreInfo.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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