RConnectionMonitor Class Reference

API published in: S60 2nd Ed FP 2

Link against: connmon.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



ReadDeviceData to call

IMPORT_C void GetIntAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TInt& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus );

IMPORT_C TInt SetIntAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TInt aValue ) const;

with aAttribute set to KProtocolType.

NetworkServices and NetworkControl to call

IMPORT_C void GetBoolAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TBool& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus );

IMPORT_C TInt SetBoolAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TBool aValue ) const;

with aAttribute KConnectionStop or KConnectionStopAll.

ReadDeviceData to call

IMPORT_C void GetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;

IMPORT_C TInt SetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TDes& aValue ) const;

with aAttribute set to KAccessPointName or KNetworkName.

ReadUserData to call

IMPORT_C void GetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;

IMPORT_C TInt SetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TDes& aValue ) const;

with aAttribute set to KTelNumber.

NetworkControl to call

IMPORT_C void GetPckgAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes8& aValue, TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;

IMPORT_C TInt SetPckgAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TDes8& aValue ) const;

with aAttribute set to KClientInfo.

#include <

Detailed Description


Public Member Functions

 RConnectionMonitor ()
IMPORT_C TInt ConnectL ()
 Connects the client to the Connection Monitor Server.
IMPORT_C void Close ()
 Closes the Connection Monitor session.
IMPORT_C void GetConnectionCount (TUint &aConnectionCount, TRequestStatus &aStatus)
 Gathers information on currently active connections.
IMPORT_C TInt GetConnectionInfo (const TUint aIndex, TUint &aConnectionId, TUint &aSubConnectionCount) const
 Gets the connection id and the count of the subconnections for the given index.
IMPORT_C TInt GetSubConnectionInfo (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aIndex, TUint &aSubConnectionId) const
 Gets the subconnection id for the given index.
IMPORT_C void GetIntAttribute (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TInt &aValue, TRequestStatus &aStatus)
 Gets the value for a TInt attribute.
IMPORT_C void GetUintAttribute (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TUint &aValue, TRequestStatus &aStatus)
 Gets the value for a TUint attribute.
IMPORT_C void GetBoolAttribute (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TBool &aValue, TRequestStatus &aStatus)
 Gets the value for a TBool attribute.
IMPORT_C void GetStringAttribute (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes &aValue, TRequestStatus &aStatus) const
 Gets the value for a string attribute.
IMPORT_C void GetPckgAttribute (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes8 &aValue, TRequestStatus &aStatus) const
 Gets the value for a packaged attribute (TConnMonTimeBuf, TConnMonClientEnumBuf).
IMPORT_C void GetPckgAttribute (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, TDes16 &aValue, TRequestStatus &aStatus) const
 Gets the value for a packaged attribute (TConnMonTimeBuf, TConnMonClientEnumBuf).
IMPORT_C TInt SetIntAttribute (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TInt aValue) const
 Sets the value for a TInt attribute.
IMPORT_C TInt SetUintAttribute (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TUint aValue) const
 Sets the value for a TUint attribute.
IMPORT_C TInt SetBoolAttribute (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TBool aValue) const
 Sets the value for a TBool attribute.
IMPORT_C TInt SetStringAttribute (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TDes &aValue) const
 Sets the value for a string attribute.
IMPORT_C TInt SetPckgAttribute (const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aSubConnectionId, const TUint aAttribute, const TDes8 &aValue) const
 Sets the value for a packaged attribute.
IMPORT_C void CancelAsyncRequest (TInt aReqToCancel)
 Cancels an asyncronous request.
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyEventL (MConnectionMonitorObserver &aObserver)
 Registers an event observer to catch connection monitor events.
IMPORT_C void CancelNotifications ()
 Cancels the notifications.


class CConnMonEventHandler

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RConnectionMonitor::RConnectionMonitor  )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C void RConnectionMonitor::CancelAsyncRequest TInt  aReqToCancel  ) 

Cancels an asyncronous request.

aReqToCancel Identifies the request to be cancelled. Values are defined in TConnMonAsyncRequest.
IMPORT_C void RConnectionMonitor::CancelNotifications  ) 

Cancels the notifications.

IMPORT_C void RConnectionMonitor::Close  ) 

Closes the Connection Monitor session.

An opened RConnectionMonitor must be closed explicitily to prevent a resource (memory) leak.

IMPORT_C TInt RConnectionMonitor::ConnectL  ) 

Connects the client to the Connection Monitor Server.

It must be called before any of other methods during the Connection Monitor session.

KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C void RConnectionMonitor::GetBoolAttribute const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aSubConnectionId,
const TUint  aAttribute,
TBool &  aValue,
TRequestStatus &  aStatus

Gets the value for a TBool attribute.

aConnectionId Connection id.
aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
aValue On completion, contains the requested TBool attribute.
aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C void RConnectionMonitor::GetConnectionCount TUint &  aConnectionCount,
TRequestStatus &  aStatus

Gathers information on currently active connections.

aConnectionCount On completion, contains the number of active connections.
aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C TInt RConnectionMonitor::GetConnectionInfo const TUint  aIndex,
TUint &  aConnectionId,
TUint &  aSubConnectionCount

Gets the connection id and the count of the subconnections for the given index.

GetConnectionCount() must be called to gather the information on active connections before calling this method.

aIndex Must be between 1 and the count returned by GetConnectionCount().
aConnectionId On return, contains the connection id.
aSubConnectionCount On return, contains the number of subconnections.
IMPORT_C void RConnectionMonitor::GetIntAttribute const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aSubConnectionId,
const TUint  aAttribute,
TInt &  aValue,
TRequestStatus &  aStatus

Gets the value for a TInt attribute.

aConnectionId Connection id.
aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
aValue On completion, contains the requested TInt attribute.
aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C void RConnectionMonitor::GetPckgAttribute const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aSubConnectionId,
const TUint  aAttribute,
TDes16 &  aValue,
TRequestStatus &  aStatus

Gets the value for a packaged attribute (TConnMonTimeBuf, TConnMonClientEnumBuf).

aConnectionId Connection id.
aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
aValue On completion, contains the requested packaged attribute.
aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C void RConnectionMonitor::GetPckgAttribute const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aSubConnectionId,
const TUint  aAttribute,
TDes8 &  aValue,
TRequestStatus &  aStatus

Gets the value for a packaged attribute (TConnMonTimeBuf, TConnMonClientEnumBuf).

aConnectionId Connection id.
aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
aValue On completion, contains the requested packaged attribute.
aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C void RConnectionMonitor::GetStringAttribute const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aSubConnectionId,
const TUint  aAttribute,
TDes &  aValue,
TRequestStatus &  aStatus

Gets the value for a string attribute.

aConnectionId Connection id.
aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
aValue On completion, contains the requested string. Use a 16-bit descriptor!
aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C TInt RConnectionMonitor::GetSubConnectionInfo const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aIndex,
TUint &  aSubConnectionId

Gets the subconnection id for the given index.

aConnectionId Connection id.
aIndex Must be between 1 and the count returned by GetConnectionInfo().
aSubConnectionId On return, contains the subconnection id.
KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C void RConnectionMonitor::GetUintAttribute const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aSubConnectionId,
const TUint  aAttribute,
TUint &  aValue,
TRequestStatus &  aStatus

Gets the value for a TUint attribute.

aConnectionId Connection id.
aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
aValue On completion, contains the requested TUint attribute.
aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C TInt RConnectionMonitor::NotifyEventL MConnectionMonitorObserver aObserver  ) 

Registers an event observer to catch connection monitor events.

aObserver The event observer.
KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C TInt RConnectionMonitor::SetBoolAttribute const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aSubConnectionId,
const TUint  aAttribute,
const TBool  aValue

Sets the value for a TBool attribute.

This method can be used to stop a connection (KConnectionStop).

aConnectionId Connection id.
aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be set.
aValue The value to be set.
KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C TInt RConnectionMonitor::SetIntAttribute const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aSubConnectionId,
const TUint  aAttribute,
const TInt  aValue

Sets the value for a TInt attribute.

aConnectionId Connection id.
aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be set.
aValue The value to be set.
KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C TInt RConnectionMonitor::SetPckgAttribute const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aSubConnectionId,
const TUint  aAttribute,
const TDes8 &  aValue

Sets the value for a packaged attribute.

aConnectionId Connection id.
aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be set.
aValue The value to be set.
KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C TInt RConnectionMonitor::SetStringAttribute const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aSubConnectionId,
const TUint  aAttribute,
const TDes &  aValue

Sets the value for a string attribute.

aConnectionId Connection id.
aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be set.
aValue The string value to be set. Must be a 16-bit descriptor!.
KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
IMPORT_C TInt RConnectionMonitor::SetUintAttribute const TUint  aConnectionId,
const TUint  aSubConnectionId,
const TUint  aAttribute,
const TUint  aValue

Sets the value for a TUint attribute.

aConnectionId Connection id.
aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be set.
aValue The value to be set.
KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class CConnMonEventHandler [friend]

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