ESettingsUnknown |
Not used. |
ESettingsSmallScreen |
If set to On, large pages are optimized for display on a small screen.
If set to Off, all pages display in their original format. |
ESettingsAutoLoadImages |
If set to On, images automatically load when a page is downloaded.
If set to Off, images are not loaded. Default: On |
ESettingsFontSize |
If set to All.Large, all text is shown 40% larger than its declared size.
If set to Larger, all text is shown 20% larger than its declared size. If set to Normal, all text is shown as its declared size. If set to Smaller, all text is shown 20% smaller than its declared size. If set to All.Small, all text is shown 40% smaller than its declared size. |
ESettingsEmbedded |
If set to On, the host application is embedded within another application.
If set to Off, the host application is not embedded within another application. |
ESettingsTextWrapEnabled |
If set to On, paragraphs are automatically wrapped to fit into the display width.
If set to Off, paragraphs are not automatically wrapped. - Attention:
- This parameter is not shown if ESettingsSmallScreen is set to On.
ESettingsCookiesEnabled |
If set to Allow, the user can send and receive cookie information.
If set to Reject, the user cannot send or receive cookie information. |
ESettingsCSSFetchEnabled |
If set to Finest, external style sheets are downloaded when Small Screen Layout is used.
If set to Fastest, external style sheets are not downloaded when Small Screen Layout is used. Default value: Fastest |
ESettingsECMAScriptEnabled |
If set to Enable, ECMA Script is enabled.
If set to Disable, ECMA Script is disabled. Default value: Enable |
ESettingsIMEINotifyEnabled |
Device unique identification number sent to a server for billing purposes in e-commerce.
If set to Enable, the Browser Control sends the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) to the server. If set to Disable, the Browser Control does not send the IMEI to the server. Default value: Disable |
ESettingsCharacterset |
Character coding.
If set to Automatic, the character set is automatically selected according to the following criteria, in order or priority: 1. Detected from the Byte Order Mark (BOM) 2. Detected from XML Document Type Definition (DTD) 3. Declared in <meta> element 4. Detected from HTTP headers 5. Variant-specific default character set for automatic detection. Possible character codings are: Latin Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Unicode (UTF-8) Unicode (ucs-2) ISO 8859 - 2,4,5,7,or 9 Hebrew (ISO-Logical) Hebrew (ISO-Visual) Hebrew (Windows) Arabic (ISO) Arabic (Windows) Windows - 1250, 1251, 1253, 1254, or 1257 Thai Thai (Windows 874) Shift_jis Euc-jp ISO-2022-jp The default value is variant-specific. |
ESettingsSendRefererHeader |
URL of the initial page.
Tells the Browser Control to send the referrer header in the request. |
ESettingsSecurityWarnings |
One of the following: Certificate not valid yet Server certificate expired Server certificate not received Invalid server certificate Authority certificate not valid yet Authority certificate expired Authority certificate not found Authority certificate corrupted. |
ESettingsApId |
Default access point for the Browser Control to use when connecting to the network. |
ESettingsCurrentZoomLevelIndex |
Reserved for future use. |
ESettingsPageOverview |
Reserved for future use. |
ESettingsNumOfDownloads |
Number of downloads in progress. |
ESettingsLaunchAppUid |
UID of the application to restart after a reboot in order to continue an interrupted download. |
ESettingsLaunchViewId |
View ID of the application to restart after a reboot in order to continue an interrupted download. |
ESettingsLaunchCustomMessageId |
Message that asks the user whether to resume the download. Reserved for future use. |
ESettingsBackList |
Reserved for future use. |
ESettingsAutoRefresh |
Reserved for future use. |
ESettingsBrowserUtf8Encoding |
If set, the browser encodes URLs using UTF-8 instead of the original content encoding.
- Attention:
- This is recommended only for the APAC region.
ESettingsAutoFormFillEnabled |
For enabling the auto fill. |
ESettingsSavedPage |
Save the page. |
ESettingsSmartLink |
ESettingsAutoOpenDownloads |
ESettingsDisableFlash |
Enable/Disable the flash. |
ESettingsMaxEnum |
Must be last one. |