TPosLmSortPref Class Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed

Link against: eposlandmarks.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



The capability ReadUserData is required in:


CPosLandmarkDatabase::OpenL( const TDesC & aDatabaseUri );


CPosLandmarkDatabase::ReadLandmarkLC( TPosLmItemId aLandmarkId );


CPosLandmarkDatabase::LandmarkIteratorL( const TPosLmSortPref & aSortPref );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::AddLandmarkL( CPosLandmark & aLandmark );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::UpdateLandmarkL( const CPosLandmark & aLandmark );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::RemoveLandmarkL( TPosLmItemId aLandmarkId );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::RemoveLandmarksL( const RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );


CPosLandmarkDatabase::ReadPartialLandmarkLC( TPosLmItemId aLandmarkId );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::PreparePartialLandmarksL( const RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );



CPosLandmarkDatabase::NotifyDatabaseEvent( TPosLmEvent & aEvent, TRequestStatus & aStatus );


CPosLandmarkDatabase::ImportLandmarksL( CPosLandmarkParser& aLandmarkParser, TTransferOptions aTransferOptions );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::ImportLandmarksL( CPosLandmarkParser& aLandmarkParser, const RArray<TUint>& aLandmarkSelection, TTransferOptions aTransferOptions );

CPosLmCategoryManager::ReadCategoryLC( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId );

CPosLmCategoryManager::CategoryIteratorL( TCategorySortPref aSortPref );

CPosLmCategoryManager::ReferencedCategoryIteratorL( TCategorySortPref aSortPref )

CPosLmCategoryManager::AddCategoryL( CPosLandmarkCategory & aCategory );

CPosLmCategoryManager::UpdateCategoryL( const CPosLandmarkCategory & aCategory );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoryL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoriesL( const RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aCategoryIdArray );

CPosLmCategoryManager::AddCategoryToLandmarksL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId, RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoryFromLandmarksL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId, RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );

CPosLmCategoryManager::GetCategoryL( const TDesC & aCategoryName );

CPosLmCategoryManager::GetGlobalCategoryL( TPosLmGlobalCategory aGlobalCategory );


The capability WriteUserData is required in:

CPosLandmarkDatabase::AddLandmarkL( CPosLandmark& aLandmark );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::UpdateLandmarkL( const CPosLandmark& aLandmark );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::RemoveLandmarkL( TPosLmItemId aLandmarkId );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::RemoveLandmarksL( const RArray<TPosLmItemId>& aLandmarkIdArray );



CPosLandmarkDatabase::ImportLandmarksL( CPosLandmarkParser& aLandmarkParser, TTransferOptions aTransferOptions );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::ImportLandmarksL( CPosLandmarkParser& aLandmarkParser, const RArray<TUint>& aLandmarkSelection, TTransferOptions aTransferOptions );

CPosLmCategoryManager::AddCategoryL( CPosLandmarkCategory & aCategory );

CPosLmCategoryManager::UpdateCategoryL( const CPosLandmarkCategory & aCategory );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoryL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoriesL( const RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aCategoryIdArray );

CPosLmCategoryManager::AddCategoryToLandmarksL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId, RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoryFromLandmarksL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId, RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );


Other Information

The capability NetworkServices is required to work with remote databases.

#include <

Detailed Description

Class for specifying sort preference.

A sort pref object can be passed to some listing and searching functions in the API, to specify a sorting order for the returned landmark list.

Landmark sorting is not case sensitive.

Public Types

enum  TSortOrder { EAscending = 0, EDescending }
 Specifies the sort order. More...

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C TPosLmSortPref (CPosLandmark::TAttributes aLandmarkAttribute, TSortOrder aSortOrder=EAscending)
 C++ constructor.
IMPORT_C TSortOrder SortOrder () const
 Gets the preferred sort order.
IMPORT_C CPosLandmark::TAttributes LandmarkAttributeToSortBy () const
 Gets the landmark attribute to sort by.
IMPORT_C void SetSortByLandmarkAttribute (CPosLandmark::TAttributes aLandmarkAttribute, TSortOrder aSortOrder=EAscending)
 Sets the landmark attribute to sort by.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum TPosLmSortPref::TSortOrder

Specifies the sort order.

EAscending  Ascending sort order.
EDescending  Descending sort order.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C TPosLmSortPref::TPosLmSortPref CPosLandmark::TAttributes  aLandmarkAttribute,
TSortOrder  aSortOrder = EAscending

C++ constructor.

Only one landmark attribute can be specified here, not a bitmap of landmark attributes.

Landmark sorting is not case sensitive.

[in] aLandmarkAttribute The landmark attribute to sort by.
[in] aSortOrder Ascending or descending sort order.
"Landmarks Client"-EPosNoneOrMultipleLandmarkAttributeSet More than one attribute is specified or no attributes at all.

Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C CPosLandmark::TAttributes TPosLmSortPref::LandmarkAttributeToSortBy  )  const

Gets the landmark attribute to sort by.

The landmark attribute to sort by, or CPosLandmark::ENoAttribute, if sort is not done by landmark attribute.
IMPORT_C void TPosLmSortPref::SetSortByLandmarkAttribute CPosLandmark::TAttributes  aLandmarkAttribute,
TSortOrder  aSortOrder = EAscending

Sets the landmark attribute to sort by.

Landmark sorting is not case sensitive.

[in] aLandmarkAttribute The landmark attribute to sort by.
[in] aSortOrder The preferred sort order.
"Landmarks Client"-EPosNoneOrMultipleLandmarkAttributeSet More than one attribute is specified or no attributes at all.
IMPORT_C TSortOrder TPosLmSortPref::SortOrder  )  const

Gets the preferred sort order.

The preferred sort order.

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